Reaching out across the Web .. ...分享 Zuojun Yu, physical oceanographer, freelance English editor


See you in Singapore in mid August?

已有 3824 次阅读 2012-7-20 03:59 |个人分类:Tea Time/Coffee Break|系统分类:生活其它| 2012, Singapore, AOGS, WPGM

10 Things to Do in Singapore:

AOGS wants you to have a great time in SIN

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(No) Smoking in Singapore

Besides air-conditioned areas such as shopping centres, restaurants, entertainment outlets and cinemas, smoking is also an offence on the SMRT (Singapore Mass Rapid Transit system), public buses, taxis and in lifts. Recently, the smoking ban has also been imposed on public eateries and within a five-metre radius from most building entrances, except for allocated smoking areas that are clearly marked with bright yellow paint. A maximum fine of S$1,000 may be imposed on first-time offenders.


Singlish Guide:

Don’t pray pray ah!: “Don’t mess around!” 

Oh, izzit?: “That’s interesting.” / “Oh, is that true?” 

Dohwan: “No, thanks.” / “I don’t want it.” 

Kiasu: A general term used to describe the highly competitive nature of many Singaporeans. It is originally a Chinese dialect expression that literally means “fear of losing”. 

So how?: “So what do we do now?”

Alamak!: A general expression of dismay or incredulity. 

Can can!: “Yes, definitely.”

Auntie / Uncle: A respectful form of an address for an older man / woman, respectively. 

Lai dat also can?: “Is that acceptable?”

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