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已有 1459 次阅读 2023-2-25 02:44 |个人分类:Health & Health-Care System|系统分类:科普集锦


Rachel Zoffness

I do not think in any way that chronic pain is a stress disease. And I want to be very clear. We know that stress is an amplifier, but it’s one of 642 amplifiers. It’s not the only one. Chronic pain is not a stress disease. And that is not what I’m saying, so if I’m giving that impression, I want to make sure to undo that damage because not true.

Pain is not purely emotional. Pain is never purely physical. It’s always both. Pain lives at the intersection of neuroscience, and biology, and mental health, and social health, and environmental health always. It is never, ever, ever purely emotional or purely to do with stress.

I do think that we live in a culture that is incredibly stressful. Chronic pain during the pandemic was a crisis. Chronic pain exploded during the pandemic. And people who had chronic pain were suffering more, and people who didn’t have chronic pain started developing chronic pain.

And it turns out that opioid related overdoses during the pandemic exploded as well, which is not a coincidence. They went up by something like 30 percent. So part of the reason the pandemic was a perfect pain recipe is because we were all isolated at home, mood crashed, people were depressed, suicidality went through the roof.

Ask any doctor who works in an inpatient unit, any psychiatrist, does demand for medications and inpatient hospitalizations — in some parts of the country, calls to suicide hotlines went up 8,000 percent during the pandemic. People were really suffering.

And stress and anxiety also went through the roof. Obviously, we didn’t want to die. We didn’t want our loved ones to die. And we were being told that our groceries were potentially contaminated. And watching the news was like this environmental trigger and stressor for everybody.

So there was sort of this recipe of things that made the pandemic really challenging for people. So your question about stress is an important one. And I think we have a lot of comforts in life right now, but I don’t think that means that life is less stressful.

Sometimes my patients will come to my office and say, when I explain this concept of a pain recipe or the pain dial, and they’ll say, I’m not stressed out at all. So I want to back up and say there are many stressors on the human body. Moving cross country is one of them, and divisive politics is another one, and death of a loved one is another one.

But living with pain day in and day out is a major stressor on the human body. So it’s sort of this thing that we can’t escape. We can’t avoid. And there’s a million things that trigger stress. [MUSIC]


我不认为慢性疼痛是一种应激性疾病。我想说得很清楚。我们知道压力是一个放大器,但它是 642 个放大器之一。它不是唯一的。慢性疼痛不是压力性疾病。这不是我要说的,所以如果我给人这样的印象,我想确保消除这种印象,因为这不是真的。




询问任何在住院病房工作的医生,任何精神科医生,是否需要药物治疗和住院治疗——在该国的一些地区,在大流行期间拨打自杀热线的电话增加了 8,000%。老百姓真的很痛苦。




但是日复一日地忍受疼痛是人体的主要压力源。所以这是我们无法逃避的事情。我们无法避免。有一百万种事情会引发压力(stress)。 [音乐]


Ezra Klein

We’ve been talking here a lot about the ways in which the brain constructs pain, the ways in which pain can be affected by prediction or by mood or by sleep. How do you think about how you know when it actually is harm?

Because it’s very alluring if you’re often in pain to come up with this theory that oh, my brain has just become too sensitive. I’ve just overlearned it. I just need to meditate more. But maybe there really is something there.

You have this great metaphor in the book about, sometimes a car alarm goes off and nobody’s trying to break into the car. But of course, sometimes somebody is trying to break into the car. How do you distinguish?






Rachel Zoffness

So what we know about chronic pain — this is not a theory of mine — what we know about chronic pain is that the brain does become more sensitive over time, and it does misinterpret these danger messages as amplified when they don’t need to be.

So if someone’s experiencing chronic pain and they haven’t had the tests and the pokes and the scans, I will send them out to have them, obviously, because again, I do not want to miss that there’s a broken bone or some chronic illness. There’s some biological biomechanical contributor to the pain recipe that I am not paying attention to.

Again, I am not saying that medications don’t treat pain. I am not saying that biomechanical and biological processes aren’t involved here. Of course they are. So what we know is there’s this difference between acute pain and that process and chronic pain and that process.

So I think what you’re asking about, if someone comes to me and they’ve had chronic pain for 10 years, and we’ve not investigated all the biomechanical drivers, or the bio part of their pain recipe, then I haven’t done my job.



因此,如果有人正在经历慢性疼痛,并且他们没有接受过检查、戳一戳和扫描,我会让他们去接受检查;显然,因为我不想错过骨折或某些慢性病。有一些我没有关注的关于疼痛治疗方法的生物力学因素。(There’s some biological biomechanical contributor to the pain recipe that I am not paying attention to.)


所以我想你问的是什么,如果有人来找我,他们有 10 年的慢性疼痛,而我们没有调查所有的生物力学驱动因素,或者他们的疼痛治疗方法的生物部分,那么我就没有做好我的工作。


Ezra Klein

When somebody has chronic pain, and they walk in to get care, after I mean the initial doctor looks at them and nothing is broken, how should the medical system be structured for them? What kinds of care teams, or resources, or sort of new specialties — I get the sense — I have never in my years of reporting on healthcare policy I’ve never found a doctor who thinks a medical system is correctly structured.

Rachel Zoffness







Ezra Klein

And I’m curious in this respect, we have this huge pain problem for awhile. We tried to treat it through opioids. We’ve realized that’s a disaster. But how should teams be set up? What should we have? What should a person have access to they don’t now?




Rachel Zoffness

So when I think about the answer to that problem, I think about — and again, like I am just a nerd and I want to synthesize all the research. And what the research says is that the treatment of pain has to be multidisciplinary.

This is not my opinion. None of this, by the way, is my opinion. It’s just a synthesis of what I’m reading, that treatment has to be multidisciplinary. And what that means is, again, treatment for chronic pain — and I am talking about chronic pain, not a broken leg — needs to involve everybody on the team.

We want physicians. We want pain psychologists. We want PTs. We want OTs. We want to consider things like biofeedback and mindfulness-based stress reduction, which I rolled my eyes at my entire life until it helped my pain volume go down.




我们需要医生。我们需要疼痛心理学家。我们想要PT(physical therapy)。我们想要OT(occupational therapy)。我们想考虑诸如生物反馈和基于正念的减压之类的事情,我一生都在翻白眼(即表示无奈),直到它帮助我减轻了疼痛。


The most basic difference between physical therapy and occupational therapy is that a PT focuses on improving the patient's ability to move their body whereas an OT focuses on improving the patient's ability to perform activities of daily living. Additionally, PT’s foundation was in physical rehabilitation whereas OT was founded in mental healthcare and physical rehabilitation.

物理疗法(PT)和职业疗法(OT)之间最基本的区别在于,PT 侧重于提高患者移动身体的能力,而 OT 侧重于提高患者进行日常生活活动的能力。 此外,PT 的基础是身体康复,而 OT 的基础是心理保健和身体康复。】

But we want the multidisciplinary picture. We want to look at your whole pain recipe and the full biopsychosocial recipe of all the ingredients that are in there that are contributing to your pain, including sleep, and diet, and movement, and of course biomechanics. We want everything in there.

And if you think about, again, what’s going to make a low pain recipe or what’s going to lower pain volume, most of the time, I’m not saying always for everyone, it’s not just going to be a pill or a procedure. And we know this. Again, this has been said in the literature for many decades that pills and procedures alone for pain are not enough.

And all the major governmental institutions and medical institutions are calling for a multidisciplinary approach to pain, and we’re just not seeing it happening. So what we want is for, more in my mind, what we want is for more healthcare providers across disciplines to be trained in pain because what’s happening now in medical education is that almost nobody is getting trained in pain.

There’s this paper that came out in 2018 that showed that 96 percent of medical schools in the United States and Canada are lacking pain education. And that the four percent medical schools that are teaching pain are focusing on the erroneous and outdated biomedical model, again, where we’re just looking at the body part that hurts. We’re just looking at the back. We’re talking about mechanistic.




2018 年发表的这篇论文表明,美国和加拿大 96% 的医学院缺乏疼痛教育。而 4% 教授疼痛的医学院,关注的是错误和过时的生物医学模型,即只关注受伤的身体部位。我们只看背部。我们只是“背痛医背”。


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