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已有 6929 次阅读 2015-11-24 06:19 |个人分类:科研文章|系统分类:科研笔记| 预测, 过敏, 宏基因组

文章:Can we predict future allergies from our infant gut microbiota?

   Sensitization to food allergens is common during early life, affecting up to 28% of preschool children(学龄前的儿童多会发生食物过敏的情况). While 6690% of infants outgrow their sensitization to egg and milk, respectively, and prevalence rates drop to around 2% by age 5(随着年龄的增长,这种情况有所减轻)。 文章“The psychosocial impact of food allergy and food hypersensitivity in children, adolescents and their families: areview”总结了小孩和青少年的食物过敏对于家庭的影响。为了提前进行预测以更早进行干预,文章Skin prick test responses and allergen-specific IgE levels as predictors of peanut, egg,and sesame allergy in infants. 总结了利用皮试检测IgE的水平以判断infants对于penaut、egg和sesame的过敏情况。随着新一代测序技术的发展,目前的趋势呈现为:more complete assessment of gut microbial communities during infancy enhances our ability to identify gut microbiome biomarkers which can predict future allergic disease.


   1)在European cohort的研究中,1个月大的infants,肠道菌群多样性的减少、Bacteroides含量的减少是atopic dermatitis的标志现象。如果母亲患有哮喘,infants的菌群多样性较少,在6岁时,具有较高风险的allergic sensitization。

   2)在KOALA birth cohort study of 1000 infants中,1个月时肠道内繁殖有Clostridium difficile,则在2岁时会出现 atopic sensitization.

   3)在18个月大时,诊断有atopic dermatitis的小孩体内会聚集Clostridium,而Bacteroides spp. 的含量则会下降。

   4)在肠道生态出现紊乱的infants中,确定有food allergy.

   5)在5个月大具有food allergy的infants中, Firmicutes含量较高、Bacteroidetes含量较低,菌群多样性未见到呈现变化。

   6)在具有cow’s milk allergy的infants中,多发现有Clostridium coccoideslactobacilli和其他的厌氧菌,同时具有较少量的bifidobacteriaenterobacteria.

   7)food-sensitized infants are twice as likely to experience the atopic marchto conditions such as atopic dermatitis, allergicrhinitis and asthma. 3个月时体内Bacteroidaceae含量的减少会在9个月时出现food sensitization.




   2)结果是不能通用的,每个国家的情况可能还不一致。A taxonomic marker that works well in Canada and Finland may not work well in Germanyor the USA. 为此有必要中国人群自己的数据集。



上一篇:文章:Primer and platform effects on 16S rRNA tag sequencing
下一篇:文章:An improved dual-indexing approach for multiplexed 16S
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