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小宇宙爆发:本小组获得三星GRO项目奖! 精选

已有 10002 次阅读 2012-8-27 18:56 |个人分类:科研心得|系统分类:科研笔记| 奖励, 三星, GRO, 小宇宙




Enhancing Bandwidth of PEH via a Flexible Structure Coupled with Magnetic Field

Auburn University

Low-frequency Ultra-wide Bandwidth Piezoelectric Energy Harvester

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Design, Simulation and Fabrication of A Spiral-Shaped Multi-mass PVDF Cantilever

Peking University

Heterogeneous Layered Structured Materials for High Energy and Power Density of Lithium Battery

University of Michigan



很好,我们第一次正式独立申请国际项目之旅就这样顺利起航了!这次申请,我是抱着锻炼队伍的心态,给自己一次机会去的,所以也无所谓抱多大希望。就接着忙活别的去了。7月下旬的时候接到三星中国的一个来信:“项目初评结果出来了,总部对您的GRO的项目的疑惑在您提的energy harvester的材料和结构与目前我们总部的研究兴趣不是特别吻合,所以希望您能写一段文字来说明一下您的proposal进行的必要性和创新性,也算是写一个简短的defense吧,希望能够改变总部的想法。”真的,看来我们的项目方案还有有一定的吸引力的,defense怕什么?正好是我们证明自己的机会,于是就和学生商量了下,写了简明扼要的一个defense发了过去,不免暗自有些激动,心中开始有所期待!

没想到,今天再看网站,哈哈,原来我们的defense真的打动了评委!我们获得了资助,这可是我们小组获得的第一笔从国外研究机构来的经费呀!格外兴奋,也要格外珍惜这个机会,因为,看看那个获奖名单上列的高校吧:哈佛、斯坦福、牛津、MITUCBerkeleyU. Michigan……都是顶尖的团队呀,现在是方案PK,我们靠着团队的智慧和头脑风暴赢下了这一阵,可是明年就是结果PK啦,那时候,如果做得不够好,会死的很难看的!所以,亲爱的同学们,从今天起,我们必须开足马力、全力以赴,告诉自己:必须做出个样子来,让我们的小宇宙在这个项目的激励下开始爆发,向世界展现我们的才华!


三星GRO项目简介:从2009 起,为鼓励在通讯、能源、生物等热点领域的探索与创新,三星公司设立了Global Research OutreachGRO)项目,每年会向世界各顶尖学府征集创新性的研究方案,三星公司会选择最具创新性的方案对当前热点问题进行研究,并与相关学院或大学建立合作机制。在严格评审申请项目的创新性、科学性以及社会影响力之后,三星公司会对接收其中较为突出的研究方案并给予资助,资助金额从5万美金到10万美金不等。2012GRO项目包括生物医疗、计算科学、通信、能源、图像传感、新型材料、存储技术、片上系统、电力电子等15个领域,共有71个研究主题。在经过提交申请、项目初审、终审等环节后,在国际范围内共有来自MITUCBerkeley、哈佛大学、牛津大学、斯坦福大学等世界各地研究院所的82个项目得到奖励资助,中国大陆地区共有3项入围,分别来自北京大学、中科院青岛研究所和上海交通大学。


2012 GRO Winners 获奖名单





Biomedical Science & Engineering (BSE)

Real-time THz Imaging for Identification of Malignant vs.
Benign Tissue Characteristics and Tumor and Nerve Margins

Ohio State University

Electromagnetic Detection and Imaging of Liver Metastases from Colorectal Cancer

Ohio State University

MicroRNAs in Mechanotransduction and Its Utilization in Vascular Stents

UC San Diego

Exploring Mechanotransductive Signaling as a Therapeutic Target in Brain Cancer

UC Berkeley

Inducing Functional Changes in Proteins Using THZ Radiation: First Steps Towards Protein Electrodynamics

University of Southampton

Novel MEMS Drug Delivery Devices

University of Texas at Dallas


Bispecific Antibody Capture of Tumor-Secreted Chemokines


De Novo Design of Repeat Proteins as Non-antibody Protein Scaffolds

UNC Chapel Hill

Chemoenzymatic Site-Selective Attachment to Antibodies: Using Glycosylation Sites to Position Drugs

University of Oxford

Computational Science

(R)Evolutionary High-Throughput Discovery and Optimization of Materials Enhanced Technologies

Central Michigan University

Atomic-Scale Modeling of Defect-Mediated Device Degradation

Vanderbilt University

SmartApps: Smart Applications for Multicores

Texas A&M University

Generation of Parallel Patterns based programs for hybrid CPU-GPU architectures

University of Bordeaux

Network Inference and Optimization with Statistical Physics methods (NETSTAT)

University of Thessaly

Leveraging Bipartite Networks to Investigate the Dynamical Properties of Socio-technical Systems

IIT Kharagpur

Modeling of nanoelectronic and nanoelectromechanical systems based on graphene

Institute of Spectroscopy Russian Academy of Sciences

Fast Low Cost Methods to Learn Structure of Large Networks

King’s College London


An Optimized Solution Toward Green Mobile Cloud Computing


Practical Concatenated Polar Coding

UC San Diego

FTN Signaling Combined with Concatenated LDPC Coding for Bandwidth-efficient Data Transmission

Lund University

Performance Limits of Cloud based Wireless Networks

IIT Hyderabad

Generalized Concatenated Polar Codes

Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnical University

Enabling AGN Near-Capacity Polar Codes with Good Error Performance through Lattices and Concatenated Nested Coding

UT Austin

Ultra-high Data Rate Pptical Wireless: towards the All-optical Network

University of Oxford


Enhancing Bandwidth of PEH via a Flexible Structure Coupled with Magnetic Field

Auburn University

Low-frequency Ultra-wide Bandwidth Piezoelectric Energy Harvester

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Design, Simulation and Fabrication of A Spiral-Shaped Multi-mass PVDF Cantilever

Peking University

Heterogeneous Layered Structured Materials for High Energy and Power Density of Lithium Battery

University of Michigan

Image Sensor

Polarization Enhanced Image Sensor for Endoscopy

Washington University in St. Louis

Medical Technology, Imaging, 3D Modeling, Device, Graphic, etc.

Fractal RF Coils for MRI

UC Irvine

Patient-Specific Simulations of Cardiovascular Remodeling and Adaptation: New Approaches to Predict Therapeutic Responses

UC San Diego

Development of Tunable Terahertz Source for Nonlinear 2D THZ Spectroscopy of Biomedical Samples


A novel shear wave approach to non-invasively assess mechanical properties of liver for early diagnosis and 3D organ modeling

University of Pittsburgh

MRI-Safe Robot for Direct Image-Guided Percutaneous Interventions

Johns Hopkins University

All-optical High-resolution Photoacoustic Endoscopy

University of Michigan

Volumetric Rendering and 3D UI for Medical Applications to Achieve mHealth

SUNY Stony Brook

MobileX: Imaging Skin, Blood and Retina via Computational Photography on a Smartphone

Rice University

Tissue Characterizing Female Breast Tomography using Ultrasound

Friedrich Alexander University

Silica Nanoshells for Tumor Localization and HIFU

UC San Diego

Non-Invasive High Resolution Near-Infrared Imaging for Hemodynamics Monitoring and Tumor Detection

Delft University of Technology

Combined Laser Ultrasonic and Optoacoustic Imaging System for Biological Tissue

Institute on Laser and Information Technologies RAS

Metabolic Engineering

High-Accuracy Integration of Transcriptomics and Metabolic Modeling with Application to the Metabolic Engineering of Escherichia coli

Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

A Synthetic, Combinatorial Approach to Identify Yeast Gene Knockdown Targets for Metabolic Engineering Applications

UT Austin

Novel Screening Method for Finding Aerobic Aldehyde and Alcohol Dehydrogenases

Tampere University of Technology

Molecular Mechanisms of Substrate Inhibition of Dehydrogenases

University of Toronto

Genome-Scale Metabolic Modeling and Integrative Analysis of Omics Data: Lessons from S. cerevisiae

Chalmers U of Technology

New Materials

Computational Material Design: Evolutionary Algorithm for Predicting New High Dielectric Materials

SUNY Stony Brook

Holographic Photopolymerizable Prganic/inorganic Hybrids

Cornell University

Multifunctional Composites based on Biopolymers and Biobased Additives for Food Packaging Applications

University of Perugia

Characterising QD (Quantum Dot) Emitters and Lasers

Cardiff University

Quantum Dot Lasers: Materials Physics to Printable Devices

University of Oxford

Supermacroporous Hybrid Polymerics for Efficient Removal of Endocrine Disruptors and Other Water Pollutants

IIT Kanpur

Holographic Photopolymers with High Performances for Display Applications

Institute of Organic Chemistry SB RAS

Novel Indiumfree TCO with Low-Temperature Preparation by Ultraviolet Photo-Annealing

University of Michigan

Hybrid Ferroelectric-Charge Nonvolatile Memory

Cornell University

New Memory

Redefining DRAM Interface for Future Platforms

University of Pittsburgh

System-Wide Adaptive Techniques for Robust STT MRAM Integration

UT Austin

Novel Electronic Devices Based on Coupled Phase Transitions

University of Texas at Dallas

Next Generation Ics & Interconnections

Novel Inkjet Printed Ultra broadband Wireless Interconnects between Chips, Modules and Boards operating up to 110GHz

Georgia Tech

Non-Volatile Magnonic Logic


Precision Lateral Heterojunctions for Atomically Thin Circuitry

Cornell University

Wireless Chip-to-Chip Interconnects: From Circuits To Systems

Purdue University

Graphene-enabled Wireless Communications

Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya

Silicon Origami for 3D Interconnect Technology

Cornell University

III-V-based Nanowire MOSFET and NanoPillar Tunnel FET For Ultra Low-Power Nanoelectronics

Penn State University

III-V 4D Transistors

Purdue University

Multiscale Simulation of Charge Transport Properties in Polycrystalline Graphene

Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona

Physarum chips: A feasibility study on interfacing nano- and macro-worlds via amorphous biological computing substrate

University of West of England

Radio-Frequency Graphene Integrated Circuits

Harvard University

Design and Fabrication of Nanosized Logic Gates with the Fluorene Derivative (FD)/DNA Probes and their Application for Detection of ATP and Cocaine

Qingdao Institute, CAS

High Temperature Processed Thin Film Transistors On Low Temperature Substrates

Stanford University

Power Electronics

Modular Multilevel Motor Drive for Electrical Vehicles Incorporating Battery Charger and Providing Battery Charge Management

University of Birmingham

Advanced Electric Vehicle Battery Management Systems for Safety and Performance

University of Oxford

Process & Design for Product Development

Plasmonic Nanolithography using Hyperbolic Medium for Large Area Nanopatterning

University of Michigan

A Debugger for Mobile-Cloud Applications


A Critical Evaluation of System-Efficient ESD Design (SEED)


Hygro-thermal Induced Failure Prediction by Using Peridynamics

University of Arizona

Atomistic Modeling of Strained Group IV Alloys

University of Washington


Next Generation User Interfaces Incorporating Eye Tracking for Smart Portable Electronics

University of Pennsylvania

Context-Aware Spoken Dialogue Agents for Immersive Interaction in the Real World

Carnegie Mellon University

Human-Centric User Research to Identify Disruptive Opportunities in Convergent Paper and Digital Use

UC Berkeley

Users’ Experience and Design Value Research on Paper Use

Shanghai Jiao Tong University



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2 李伟钢 李贺军

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