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已有 1746 次阅读 2022-7-15 06:07 |个人分类:国际交流|系统分类:科研笔记


Born from fire or ice, the vivid color of the Lan Ting Ji Xu replica, fabricated on either silicon or stainless steel by Min Qiu and his team, however, resists both hot flame and freezing cold and could be reserved for thousands of years. “It was the structural color”, said Qiu. This color, comes from the microstructure of materials rather than chemical dye, is very familiar in nature (from Blue Morpho Butterfly to “iridescent beef”). Dye-free, non-oxidative and hard, the scrolls Qiu et. al fabricated base on structural color thus are resilient to extreme conditions.



The construction of long-lasting scrolls, nevertheless, is an example of human exploiting the fascinating properties of delicate microstructures. The photon/structure interaction, is what beneath the coloration and crucial for numerous optical applications. To fabricate ordered structure in nanometer scale is no easy thing, and the method Qiu and his team applied-by using Femtosecond laser technology or ice lithography -are efficient and precise in fabricating high-quality nanostructure arrays, and makes the mass-production of fine optical devices achievable. 


Working with an attitude of ice-like sharpness, Qiu has published more than 280 research papers in SCI journals, focusing on micro-/nano-photonic theory, photonic/electric devices fabrication and instrumentation. Rich research works earned him seats in the Elsevier list of “Highly Cited Researchers in Power and Electronic Engineering 2016” and “Highly Cited Chinese Researchers” from 2015 to 2021. He is currently the editor-in-chief of PhotoniX, subeditor of Science Bulletin and features editor of Light: Science & Application. He also served as the principle investigator of several nanotechnology national Key research and development programs of China. The ice-like rationality during his work time, however, does not eliminate his flame-like passion for life, and marathon is one of the many hobbies of Qiu that exhibits his stereotype-breaking charisma.


有着冰一般锐利的工作态度,仇旻已在微纳光子理论、光子/电子器件制造和仪器仪表等SCI期刊发表论文280余篇。丰富的研究工作使他入选2016Elsevier全球电力电子工程领域高被引用学者,同时于20152021年间连续入选Elsevier中国高被引学者榜单。他目前担任国际期刊PhotoniX主编、Science Bulletin工程类副主编、Light: Science & Applications专题编辑,也曾在20172020年作为项目负责人分别牵头纳米科技国家重点研发计划项目和国家重大科研仪器研制项目(自由申请类)。


“Let the high-tech become visible” is the aim of Qiu. Thus, the 2022 freshman of Westlake University will receive a special gift together with their letter of admission-a painting of the view of Westlake University campus fabricated ink-freely on a 2-inch wide Si wafer by Qiu’s group. In the 106 Volume talk of ICanX, professor Qiu would tell us his fire-and-ice stories, both behind these man-made amaranths and his vivid life.

“让高科技可以被看见”是仇旻的目标。因此,西湖大学2022级新生将在收到录取通知书的同时获得一份特​​别的礼物-一副由仇旻课题组在直径5厘米的硅片上无墨制作的西湖大学校园景观画。在 这周五ICanX 106期节目中,仇教授将会讲述他的冰与火的故事,包括这些人造永生画和他鲜活的生活。


【人物介绍】仇旻博士现任西湖大学讲席教授,副校长。他于1995年和1999年分别获浙江大学理学学士和凝聚态物理博士学位,2001年获瑞典皇家理工学院电磁理论工学博士学位,并历任瑞典皇家理工学院助理教授(2001年)、副教授(2005年)、光子学正教授(2009年)。其于2010年回到浙江大学并担任光电科学与工程学院教授,并曾任浙江大学现代光学仪器国家重点实验室主任。现任美国光学学会理事会成员,SPIEIEEECOS Fellow 其曾获多项基金,包括瑞典战略研究基金会资助的未来科研带头人基金、瑞典国家科学研究基金会高级研究员专门基金等。

Serving currently as a professor and the vice-principal of Westlake University, Qiu obtained his B.S and PhD degrees in condensed matter physics from Zhejiang University at 1995 and 1999. In 2001, he obtained doctor of engineering in electromagnetic theory from the Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden and started his independent career there as assistant professor (2001), associate professor (2005), then full professor in photonics (2009). At 2010, he returned to Zhejiang University and started to serve as professor in College of Optical Science and Engineering. He currently also is member of council of Optical Society of America, as well as fellow of SPIE, IEEE and COS. Numerous funding was received by Qiu during his academic life, taken Swedish National Scientific Research Funding and Future Research Leader Funding given by Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research as examples



1.       https://amazoncruise.net/8-mind-blowing-facts-to-know-about-the-morpho-butterfly/

2.       https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/519239/why-some-cold-cuts-make-iridescent-meat-rainbows-and-why-theyre-still-ok-eat


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