The Grand Unified Song
By Geongs Zhern(郑中)2012-12-1
Who can prove the primitive cosmos
more than 10 billion years ago,
Anyone is difficult to guess
that mystical and fuzzy state.
It like a visional bead without a start,
Even there is no inside and outside;
It has no name originally,
There is no light and sound.
It is without border and direction,
What kind of entirety is formed?
It is without time arrow and superstring,
How beautiful sky-silk is made?
Zero and point compose one name,
which is the ground state of vacuum;
Time present out from the space,
and burst forth the magical beauties.
The bead of Taiji outspreads 4D space-time
by the spinning dance of brane,
And universe is formed eternity One
by quantum entanglement.
Quantum foam be vaporized continually,
form the expanding primordial gas;
Metaforce has ruptured like lotus root,
but its silks still link the particle or wave.
Ah! Who under heaven have designed finely
such exquisite and brilliant blueprint?
Oh! Dao follow own principle,
this is the occult random of cosmos!
1/1 | 闂傚倸鍊峰ù鍥敋閺嶎厼绀堟慨姗嗗劦閿濆绠虫俊銈咃攻閺咃綁姊虹捄銊ユ珢闁瑰嚖鎷�:4 | 濠电姷顣藉Σ鍛村磻閹捐泛绶ゅΔ锝呭暞閸嬪鏌eΟ娆惧殭鏉╂繈姊虹捄銊ユ珢闁瑰嚖鎷� | 濠电姷鏁搁崑鐐哄垂閸洖绠伴柟闂寸劍閺呮繈鏌ㄥ┑鍡樺窛闁告宀搁幃妤€鈽夊▍杈ㄧ矋缁傚秴饪伴崼鐔哄弳闂佺粯娲栭崐鍦偓姘炬嫹 | 濠电姷鏁搁崑鐐哄垂閸洖绠伴柟闂寸贰閺佸嫰鏌涢弴銊ュ箻闁告宀搁幃妤€鈽夊▍杈ㄧ矋缁傚秴饪伴崼鐔哄弳闂佺粯娲栭崐鍦偓姘炬嫹 | 闂傚倸鍊风粈渚€骞栭锔藉亱婵犲﹤鐗嗙壕璇测攽閻樺弶鎼愭潻婵嬫⒑鐠恒劌娅愰柟鍑ゆ嫹 | 闂傚倷娴囧畷鍨叏閹绢喖绠规い鎰堕檮閸嬵亪鏌涢妷顔句汗鐟滅増甯楅弲鎼佹煥閻曞倹瀚� |
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