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恶性竞争的作者服务机构正为害亚洲科研界 -- 科研作者应谨慎选择

已有 3391 次阅读 2015-8-13 10:38 |系统分类:论文交流| 亚洲, 论文发表, 科研论文



最近,BioMed Central因“同行评审涉嫌造假” 退稿了43篇来自亚洲的论文。BioMedCentral资深编辑Elizabeth Moylan表示,“很有可能部分科研人员在一些声名狼藉的中介机构蛊惑下,试图不当操纵审稿过程。



这种现象由来已久。《科学》《自然》杂志以前就警告过存在同行评审造假的现象。此次作为主流媒体的《华盛顿邮报》报道的BioMed Central撤销论文一事以及之前的Journal of Vibration and Control撤稿事件则使这一现象为社会公众所周知。

BioMed Central和其他利益相关方为纠正此类现象所作出的努力令人击节叫好;不过,科研人员需要警醒的是,一旦卷入此类事件,将对其研究声誉产生长期的不良影响。


理文编辑(Edanz)是COPE的准会员,同时也是施普林格(Springer)、BioMed Central和美国物理联合会(AIP)出版社所信赖的语言润色合作方。20年来,理文编辑致力于在亚洲国家提供文字润色服务,为帮助作者成功发表其论文提供了方方面面的周到服务。


BioMed Central总编 Caroline Black 提出:“研究表明来自中国及亚洲其他地区的科研产出持续的增长,并融合成为全球科研全体中的重要一环,对于出版道德的重视是至关重要的。了解并遵守这些出版伦理道德将有利于研究人员,并促进他们研究成果的推广。因此,科研人员选择一个有信誉的论文服务公司来帮助他们顺利的走上成功发表之路,例如理文编辑,就显得尤为必要了”


As Asia becomes a larger player in publishing research, the threat of unscrupulous companies looking to profit from this growth also increases.
In recent months BioMed Central retracted 43 articles that all had roots in Asia, following “inappropriate manipulation of peer review.” Elizabeth Moylan, Senior Editor, (Research Integrity) at BioMed Central stated, “It is possible that some researchers may have innocently become implicated in attempts to manipulate the peer review process by disreputable services.
In tackling the subject of peer review manipulation in general, a statement from COPE read, “We are unclear how far authors of the submitted manuscripts are aware that the reviewer names and email addresses provided by these agencies are fraudulent.

In seeking help along the path to publication, authors may unwittingly be placing their hard-earned research in the hands of companies who don’t have the author’s publication interests at heart.

This isn’t a new problem, with the likes of Science and Nature having previously raised awareness of peer review manipulation by individual authors. The issue has been further highlighted in mainstream media with The Washington Post reporting on the BioMed Central retractions and earlier retractions from the Journal of Vibration and Control.

The efforts of BioMed Central and other stakeholders to confront these problems are to be applauded but awareness amongst the authoring community needs to be increased, given the potential long-term implications on researcher reputation if involved in these practises.

For authors, choosing a trusted and established company to help themselves along the path to publication seems even more important than ever.

Edanz, an associate member of COPE and a trusted Language Editing partner for Springer, BioMed Central and AIP Publishing, has been providing editing services within Asia for 20 years and offers services to authors at each stage of the path to publication and beyond.  

Edanz supports industry standards in publication and research ethics, practicing this commitment through transparent and ethical services as well as offering guidance to authors should an ethical issue arise with their manuscript.

Caroline Black, Editorial Director at BioMed Central, states "As research output from China and the rest of Asia continues to grow and integrate as an important part of the global research community the importance of publishing ethics are paramount. Awareness of and adherence to these publishing ethics will benefit the researchers and help to advance their findings. It is important that researchers choose a reputable editing service, such as Edanz, to help them along the path to publication."



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