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统计:如何解读结果 精选

已有 8475 次阅读 2013-6-26 17:27 |系统分类:科研笔记| 统计, 如何

如今已没有几个行业可以完全不涉及统计学思维的,绝大多数学科都多少需要使用统计学….. 统计学已经从我们日常思维的一个方面发展为无处不在的系统性研究工具….统计学思维承认: 我们对世界的观察总存在某些不确定性,永不可能完全准确。

Rowntree D (1981). Statistics without tears. A primer for non-mathematicians. Penguin Books Ltd., London, England.




最后,需要知道如何解读统计检验的结果。P值(或 t、 χ2等)代表什么意思?这是统计检验的关键:确定结果到底意味着什么,你能下什么结论?统计能告诉我们某一数据集的集中趋势(如平均值和中位数)和离散趋势(标准差、标准误和百分位间距),从而明确该数据集的分布情况。统计学可以比较(如用t检验、方差分析和χ2检验)两个或多个样本组之间是否有非偶然的系统性差别。如果检验表明无效假设可能性很小,则差别具有显著性。一定要记住,用概率简化差别的“真实性”造成了两种风险,两种都取决于所选取显著性的阈值。第一个是第1类错误,是指本没有显著性差异之处检出了显著性差异。另一个是第2类错误,是指本有显著性差异但由于差别不够大而不能捡出。降低第1类错误的风险就会增加第2类错误的风险;不过这也比下不存在的结论要好。统计学也能给出关联的强度,从而允许从样本组中推断出适用于更广群体的结论。统计学赋予了本身价值有限的结果更多意义,并允许我们用概率下结论,虽然总是存在错误的可能。

节选自《The Journal of Clinical Investigation》 (doi:10.1172/JCI38289; 经同意转载)。

1.    在列举数据时,说明使用的是何种参数,如“均值±标准差”。
2.    说明数据分析所采用的统计检验方法。
3.    百分比给出分子分母,如“40% (100/250)”。
4.    正态分布数据用均值和标准差表示。
5.    非正态分布数据用中位数和 百分位数表示。
6.    给出具体的P 值, 如 写出 “P=0.0035”,而不要只写 “P<0.05”。
7.    “significant’ 这个词仅用于描述统计学上的显著差异。


Statistics: what can we say about our findings?

Today,few professional activities are untouched by statistical thinking, andmost academic disciplines use it to a greater or lesser degree…Statistics has developed out of an aspect of our everyday thinking tobe a ubiquitous tool of systematic research… Statistical thinking is away of recognizing that our observations of the world can never betotally accurate; they are always somewhat uncertain.
Rowntree D (1981). Statistics without tears. A primer for non-mathematicians. Penguin Books Ltd., London, England.

Theterm ‘statistics’ refers to the methods used to collect, process andinterpret data. Because these methods are so inherent in the process ofscientific inquiry, there have been multiple references to statisticsthroughout our blog, namely, in the posts on study design, methods,results and display items. However, given the importance of statisticsin most scientific studies, it is worthwhile having a separate post onhow they should be used and presented.

Statistics should firstbe considered long before the commencement of any research, during theinitial study design. First, consider what information you need tocollect in order to test your hypothesis or address your researchquestion. It is important to get this right from the outset because,while data can be reanalyzed relatively easily if the wrong tests wereused, it is far more difficult and time-consuming to repeat datacollection with a different sample group or obtain additional variablesfrom the same sample. If you wish to test the efficacy of a treatmentfor use in the general population, then your sample needs to berepresentative of the general population. If you wish to test itsefficacy in a given ethnicity or age group, then your sample needs tobe representative of that group. If comparing two groups of subjectsseparated on the basis of a particular disease or behavior, then othervariables, such as age, sex and ethnicity, need to be matched asclosely as possible between the two groups. This aspect of statisticsrelates to the collection of data; get it wrong and you could facemajor problems, potentially the need to start the research all overagain, at the peer review stage many months later.

Second, youneed to consider what statistical tests should be applied so that youcan make meaningful statements about your data. This depends on thetype of data you have collected: do you have categorical data, perhapsdescribing the presence or absence of a particular marker, orquantitative data with numerical values? If your data is quantitative,is it continuous (that is, can it be measured) or discrete (counts)?For example, age, weight, time and temperature are all examples ofcontinuous data because they are measured on continuous scales withunits that are infinitely sub-divisible. By contrast, the number ofpeople in a given group and the number of cells with apoptotic featuresare examples of discrete data that need to be counted and are notsub-divisible. You also need to know how your data is distributed: isit normally distributed (Gaussian) or skewed? This also affects thetype of test that should be used. It is important that you know whattype of data you are collecting so that you apply the appropriatestatistical tests to analyze the data and so you present them in anappropriate manner. The following useful website provides a guide tochoosing the appropriate statistical test:http://www.graphpad.com/www/Book/Choose.htm

Finally, you need toknow how to interpret the results of the statistical tests you haveselected. What exactly does the p (or t or χ2 or other) value mean?That, after all is the point of statistical analysis: to determine whatyou can say about your findings; what they really mean. Statisticsenable us to determine the central tendency (for example, mean andmedian) and dispersion (for example, standard deviation, standarderror, and interpercentile range) of a dataset, giving us an idea ofits distribution.
Also using statistics, values from two or moredifferent sample groups can be compared (for example, by t-test,analysis of variance, or χ2 test) to determine if a difference betweenor among groups could have arisen by chance. If this hypothesis, knownas the null hypothesis, can be shown to be highly unlikely (usuallyless than 5% chance), then the difference is said to be significant. Itis important to keep in mind that there are two risks associated withreducing a decision about the ‘reality’ of a difference toprobabilities, and both depend on the threshold set to determinesignificance: the first, known as type I error, is the possibility thata difference is accepted as significant when it is not; the oppositerisk, known as type II error, refers to the possibility that asignificant difference is considered not to be significant because wedemand a larger difference between groups to be certain. Reducing therisk of type I errors increases the risk of type II errors, but this isinfinitely more preferable than reaching a conclusion that isn’tjustified. Statistics also provides a measure of the strengths ofcorrelations and enables inferences about a much larger population tobe drawn on the basis of findings in a sample group. In this way,statistics puts meaning into findings that would otherwise be oflimited value, and allows us to draw conclusions based onprobabilities, even when the possibility of error remains.


Extracts from The Journal of Clinical Investigation (doi:10.1172/JCI38289; reproduced with permission).

1.    Indicate what parameters are described when listing data; for example, “means±S.D.”
2.    Indicate the statistical tests used to analyze data
3.    Give the numerator and denominator with percentages; for example “40% (100/250)”
4.    Use means and standard deviations to report normally distributed data
5.    Use medians and interpercentile ranges to report data with a skewed distribution
6.    Report p values; for example, use “p=0.0035” rather than “p<0.05”
7.    Only use the word “significant’ when describing statistically significant differences.

Dr Daniel McGowan


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