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已有 3922 次阅读 2011-3-25 18:30 |系统分类:博客资讯| 研究生, 中科院, 生物物理, 英文论文, 阿卜杜拉

  • 科技写作的基本类型和要求
  • 如何撰写英文论文或书稿
  • 如何投稿
  • 如何提高投稿命中率
  • 出版过程中怎样与编辑沟通并得到支持
讲座时间:2011年3月29日 10:00-12:30
举办地点:朝阳区大屯路15号  中科院生物物理研究所蛋白质大楼9501会议室
讲座语言: 英文

主讲人: Dr. Warren Raye, Edanz Group首席培训师,2005年于莫多克大学取得博士学位。Dr. Raye曾经在福冈大学,广岛大学,阿卜杜拉阿齐兹国王大学, 法赫德国王大学和沙特国王大学等知名院校举办“学术写作与出版”讲座数十场。


Dr Warren Raye, Senior Life Sciences Editor, Edanz Editing

2005 - PhD Molecular Virology, Murdoch University, Australia

Warren Raye graduated from Murdoch University in 2005 with a PhD in Veterinary Virology. His doctoral thesis was entitled "An investigation into the status of porcine circovirus in Australia". Dr Raye is an experienced researcher and lecturer, at undergraduate and post-graduate levels. He was employed by Monash University as a Research Fellow and Lecturer in the fast-changing field of stem cell biology. Dr Raye has also conducted independent research in the areas of molecular virology, inflammation biology and molecular biology. His work at Monash University involved creating embryonic stem cell lines with various reporter systems for use in small molecule drug screening assays. Dr Raye began working as an editor with the Edanz Group in early 2009, before moving to Fukuoka, Japan and taking up the position of Senior Life Sciences Editor in November 2010. As well as editing, Dr Raye also gives training and education seminars for non-native speaking authors to improve their manuscript writing.




15年来,Edanz (理文编辑)一直致力于帮助英语非母语作者将学术文章的语言质量提升至国际水平;在中国成立四年多的时间里,与中国的科研作者和学术期刊建立了良好的合作 关系,见证了越来越多的科研工作者和学术期刊与国际同行共享自己的科研成果、提高刊物的国际影响力。在提供多种学术服务的同时,理文编辑也在努力通过各种 途径帮助中国作者提高英文写作水平,例如举办免费的培训活动、提供免费培训资料、在学术社交网络如科学网、丁香园等平台在线与作者交流等。目 前,Edanz 拥有260余位英语母语编辑,每月稿件处理量超过800篇,在日本有7,000余位客户,中国客户超过4,000位。


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