Name | URL | Functions | |
1 | MaterialsAtlas | www.materialsatlas.org | Composition/structure validation, property prediction, screening of materials, ML, composition enumeration, and more |
2 | Materials project | materialsproject.org | Crystal toolkit, structure predictor, phase diagram, Pourbaix Diagram, reaction calculator, interface reaction, nanoporous materials analysis, and synthesis description search |
3 | Aflowlib | aflowlib.org | Elastic, thermal, prototype, chull, aflow-ML for superconductor Tc, free energy and entropy, metal/insulator classification, band gap energy, bulk/shear moduli, Debye temperature, and heat capacities |
4 | OQMD | oqmd.org/analysis | Phase diagram, structure visualizer, and ground state analysis |
5 | JARVIS | jarvis.nist.gov | Web ML tools for diverse property predictions (regression/classifications) |
6 | Crystal.AI | crystals.ai | Prediction models of formation energy, bandgap, elastic constants, perovskite/garnet stability, and coordination from X-ray absorption spectroscopy |
7 | Matgenie | matgenie. materialsvirtuallab.org | Materials analysis web app. Structurefile format conversion;symmetry analysis; structure similarity comparison; XRD calculation; and surface generation |
8 | Materials Cloud | materialscloud.org/ work/tools | QE input generator, chemical shift, molecular polarizability, phonon visualizer, synthesis condictionfinder, predicting oxidation states, atomic environmentfinder, electron transport, and simulation in cloud (AiiDA) |
9 | Bilbao crystallographic server | www.cryst.ehu.es | Show Wyckoff positions, symmetry, and structure utility |
10 | Thermoelectric | thermoelectrics. citrination.com | Predict thermoelectric materials properties |
11 | NIMS | mits.nims.go.jp/en/ | Various databases and Composite Design & Property Prediction System |
12 | SUNCAT | catalysis-hub.org | Database and tools for interface science and catalysis design |
13 | Polymer design | reccr.chem.rpi.edu/ polymerdesign | ML for polymer design |
14 | Matlearn | matlearn.org | Predict Formation energy and create composition diagrams using ML to guide synthetic chemistry |
15 | USPEX | uspex-team.org/en | Crystal structure prediction |
16 | CALYPSO | calypso.cn/cdg | Crystal structure prediction |
17 | JAMIP | www.jamip-code.com/ | Platform for feature engineering, data preprocessing, ML model building, property calculation, hpc computing management |
来源:Hu, J., Stefanov, S., Song, Y. et al. MaterialsAtlas.org: a materials informatics web app platform for materials discovery and survey of state-of-the-art. npj Comput Mater 8, 65 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41524-022-00750-6
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