2016 MeSH https://www.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/MBrowser.html 这里可以查阅这个主题词的概念定义、学科范畴、文献的标引规则等信息。
MeSH Descriptor Data
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MeSH Tree Structures 主题词范畴表
数据来源 http://www.pubmedplus.cn/
01.MA,ZC;美国国立卫生研究院/12640447SN10 1 篇1.563% 02.WU,ZQ;美国国立卫生研究院/12640447SN11 1 篇1.563% 03.WANG,XW;美国国立卫生研究院/12640447SN15 1 篇1.563% 04.FORGUES,M;美国国立卫生研究院/12640447SN2 1 篇1.563% 05.HE,P;美国国立卫生研究院/12640447SN3 1 篇1.563% 06.KIM,JW;美国国立卫生研究院/12640447SN4 1 篇1.563% 07.PENG,AC;美国国立卫生研究院/12640447SN5 1 篇1.563% 08.SIMON,R;美国国立卫生研究院/12640447SN6 1 篇1.563% 09.LI,Y;美国国立卫生研究院/12640447SN7 1 篇1.563% 10.ROBLES,AI;美国国立卫生研究院/12640447SN8 1 篇1.563% 查看更多
01.artificial intelligence 24 篇37.500% 02.algorithms 13 篇20.313% 05.computer simulation 8 篇12.500% 06.gene expression profiling 8 篇12.500% 07.models, genetic 6 篇9.375% 08.computational biology 5 篇7.813% 10.bayes theorem 4 篇6.250% 查看更多
02.green fluorescent proteins 2 篇3.125% 05.saccharomyces cerevisiae proteins 2 篇3.125% 06.transcription factors 2 篇3.125% 07.adaptor proteins, signal transducing 1 篇1.563% 09.chromosomal proteins, non-histone 1 篇1.563% 10.culture media 1 篇1.563% 查看更多
05.先天性遗传性新生儿疾病和畸形 2 篇3.125% 查看更多
01.department of brain and cognitive sciences 2 篇3.125% 02.department of computer science 2 篇3.125% 03.department of electrical engineering and computer sciences 2 篇3.125% 04.department of medicine 2 篇3.125% 05.department of microbiology and immunology 2 篇3.125% 06.department of statistics 2 篇3.125% 07.school of computer science 2 篇3.125% 08.1] center for genome sciences and systems biology 1 篇1.563% 09.belgium [2] diapath-center for microscopy and molecular imaging (cmmi) 1 篇1.563% 10.belgium. vib center for the biology of disease 1 篇1.563%