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Science 论文:“脑部电流刺激确可改善记忆”一文的替代计量分析

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Science:脑部电流刺激确可改善记忆 (2014年7月23日发表)

       美国西北大学医学院最新研究结果显示颅磁刺激通过用磁脉冲(Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation,TMS)进行非损伤性电流传送来刺激特定脑区,可改善记忆,为治疗由中风、早期阿兹海默病、创伤性脑损伤和心跳骤停等引起的记忆损伤,以及健康老龄化中的记忆问题治疗提供了新思路。该研究成果于2014年8月29日发表于Science期刊。


Targeted enhancement of cortical-hippocampal brain networks and associative memory

  1. Joel L. Voss1,*

  1. 1Department of Medical Social Sciences, Ken and Ruth Davee Department of Neurology, and Interdepartmental Neuroscience Program, Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL, USA.

  2. 2The Sensory Motor Performance Program, Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA.

  3. 3Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL, USA.

  1. *To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: joel-voss{at}northwestern.edu


Brain stimulation to improve human memory

The hippocampus is a crucial brain area for certain types of memory. Working with humans, Wang et al. found that a specific type of non-invasive brain stimulation improved memory tests and enhanced information flow between the hippocampus and a number of other brain regions. This increased connectivity was highly specific for the individual target areas selected for each participant.

Science, this issue p. 1054


The influential notion that the hippocampus supports associative memory by interacting with functionally distinct and distributed brain regions has not been directly tested in humans. We therefore used targeted noninvasive electromagnetic stimulation to modulate human cortical-hippocampal networks and tested effects of this manipulation on memory. Multiple-session stimulation increased functional connectivity among distributed cortical-hippocampal network regions and concomitantly improved associative memory performance. These alterations involved localized long-term plasticity because increases were highly selective to the targeted brain regions, and enhancements of connectivity and associative memory persisted for ~24 hours after stimulation. Targeted cortical-hippocampal networks can thus be enhanced noninvasively, demonstrating their role in associative memory.

  • Received for publication 3 March 2014.

  • Accepted for publication 23 July 2014.


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