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已有 2580 次阅读 2013-10-26 06:58 |个人分类:知识发现|系统分类:科研笔记| 知识, 胆固醇

Breast Cancer Res.:有益胆固醇或增加乳腺癌发病风险

高密度脂蛋白(high density lipoprotein,HDL)被认为是一种"有益胆固醇",高水平的HDL能够预防心脏病产生。然而常言道"甲之熊掌,乙之砒霜",动物实验表明高水平的HDL也会增加乳腺癌发病风险,增加癌症恶性程度。

托马斯杰斐逊大学生化和分子生物学系Philippe Frank博士领导的研究人员发现乳腺癌细胞表明的HDL受体对乳腺癌发病有重要作用,该分子或为治疗乳腺癌的新靶点。相关报道发表在近期的Breast Cancer Research杂志上。



检索策略  high density lipoprotein and  Breast Cancer

信息平台  http://www.pubmedplus.cn/Pubmed/Statistic


01.Lipids/blood    214 60.623%
02.Lipoproteins/metabolism    173 49.009%
03.Cholesterol/metabolism    158 44.759%
04.Lipoproteins/blood    151 42.776%
05.Cholesterol/blood    147 41.643%
08.Lipoproteins, HDL/blood    116 32.861%
09.Breast Neoplasms/blood    106 30.028%
10.Cholesterol, HDL/blood    104 29.462%
13.Triglycerides/blood    78 22.096%
14.Lipoproteins, LDL/blood    73 20.680%
15.Tamoxifen/therapeutic use    73 20.680%
16.Cholesterol, LDL/blood    62 17.564%
17.Breast Neoplasms/pathology    42 11.898%
20.Lipoproteins, VLDL/metabolism    16 


01.high density lipoprotein    210 59.490%
02.insulin    39 11.048%
03.estrogen receptor    29 8.215%
04.aromatase    26 7.365%
05.apolipoprotein b    13 3.683%
07.fibrinogen    12 3.399%
08.lp(a)    10 2.833%
09.high density lipoproteins    8 2.266%
10.lipase    7 




A-query: Breast Cance
C-query: high density lipoprotein

The B-list contains title words and phrases (terms) that appeared in both the A and the C literature. 0 articles appeared in both literatures. The results of this search are saved under id # 28992 and can be accessed from the start page after you leave this session. There are 315 terms on the current B-list (60 are predicted to be relevant), which is shown ranked according to predicted relevance. The list can be further trimmed down using the filters listed in the left margin.

To assess whether there appears to be a biologically significant relationship between the AB and BC literatures for specific B-terms, please select one or more B-terms and then click the button to view the corresponding AB and BC literatures. Use Ctrl to select multiple B-terms.



id # 28992 started Fri Oct 25 23:00:47 2013
Max_citations: 50000
Stoplist: /var/www/arrowsmith_uic/data/stopwords_pubmed
Ngram_max: 3
A_query_raw: Breast CanceFri Oct 25 23:00:52 2013

A query = Breast Cance started Fri Oct 25 23:00:52 2013
A query resulted in 47 titles
C_query_raw: Breast Cance Fri Oct 25 23:00:56 2013

C: Breast Cancer 47

A: pubmed_query_A 47

AC: ( Breast Cance ) AND ( Breast Cance ) 47

C_query_raw: high density lipoprotein Fri Oct 25 23:01:07 2013

C: high density lipoprotein 64776

A: pubmed_query_A 47

AC: ( Breast Cance ) AND ( high density lipoprotein ) 0

C_query_raw: high density lipoprotein Fri Oct 25 23:01:09 2013

C: high density lipoprotein 64776

A: pubmed_query_A 47

AC: ( Breast Cance ) AND ( high density lipoprotein ) 0

C query = high density lipoprotein started Fri Oct 25 23:01:09 2013
C query resulted in 50000 titles
A AND C query resulted in 0 titles
315 B-terms ready on Fri Oct 25 23:01:20 2013

B-list on Fri Oct 25 23:31:04 2013
1 neoadjuvant
2 vascular endothelial
3 vascular endothelial growth
4 cloning characterization expression
5 endothelial growth factor
6 receptor related
7 characterization expression
8 cloning characterization
9 atp binding
10 p53
11 sirna
12 novel human
13 invasive breast
14 kinase gene
15 neoadjuvant therapy
16 mcf-7
17 growth factor receptor
18 neoadjuvant chemotherapy
19 upregulation
20 cloning
21 overexpression
22 apoptosis human
23 focal adhesion
24 receptor tyrosine kinase
25 apoptosis
26 dominant negative
27 dna double strand
28 breast cancer cell
29 characterization expression pattern
30 mcf-7 breast cancer
31 signaling cancer cell
32 signal transduction
33 mediated apoptosis
34 breast disease
35 protein kinase
36 small molecule inhibitor
37 n terminal domain
38 terminus
39 gene expression human
40 gene expression
41 src
42 promoting breast
43 expression human
44 egfr
45 double strand break
46 advanced breast
47 tyrosine kinase
48 locally advanced breast
49 terminal domain
50 advanced breast cancer
51 expression pattern
52 cancer incidence
53 bind
54 signal transduction pathway
55 targeting
56 domain receptor
57 long term outcome
58 predictor
59 term outcome
60 domain
61 small molecule
62 advanced
63 signaling pathway
64 serine threonine kinase
65 endothelial
66 death domain
67 mutation
68 kinase
69 breast cancer
70 predict
71 expressed human
72 breast carcinoma cell
73 human serine
74 adhesion
75 cancer cell line
76 carcinoma
77 epidermal growth factor
78 growth factor
79 node
80 receptor interacting protein
81 cell line
82 human breast cancer
83 human mcf-7
84 mri
85 interacting
86 regulate
87 breast
88 proliferation
89 carcinoma associated
90 two novel
91 factor receptor
92 treatment patient
93 survival
94 binding site
95 overexpressed
96 nuclear
97 suppress
98 lymph
99 gene
100 cancer
101 patient breast
102 n terminus
103 threonine
104 novel protein
105 rich
106 promote
107 phenotype
108 chemotherapy
109 proline rich
110 molecule
111 sentinel
112 intracellular
113 n terminal
114 breast carcinoma
115 activated
116 cell induce
117 tumor growth
118 human breast
119 receptor mediated
120 homology
121 locally
122 expression
123 conserving
124 epidemiology
125 regulating
126 xenopus
127 receptor pathway
128 death
129 binding
130 terminal
131 induce
132 detachment
133 atp
134 vascular
135 line
136 involved
137 enhance
138 event
139 characterization
140 cancer cell
141 highly
142 cycle
143 breast carcinoma associated
144 correlated
145 metastasis
146 dominant
147 cell cycle
148 site
149 small
150 src related
151 novel
152 kinase human
153 target
154 decrease
155 dna
156 involved interaction
157 incidence
158 serine
159 region
160 cell death
161 independent
162 surgery
163 dual
164 hydrochloride
165 break
166 growth
167 epidermal
168 tyrosine
169 rich region
170 long term
171 epithelial cell
172 girl
173 negative
174 burden
175 stimulation
176 aggressive
177 metastasis a
178 mediated
179 control survival
180 tumor
181 juvenile
182 carcinoma cell
183 effective
184 increase
185 discovery
186 protein
187 signaling
188 proline
189 region n terminal
190 interaction
191 functioning
192 epithelial
193 inhibitor
194 term
195 biopsy
196 receptor
197 inhibit
198 signal
199 vivo
200 double




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