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2010年《自然—医学》六位年度人物 方舟子当选

已有 3550 次阅读 2010-12-10 09:44 |个人分类:自然杂志|系统分类:论文交流| 《自然—医学》, 年度人物


Nature Medicine | News

The Yearbook

Journal name:
Nature Medicine
Year published:
Published online
06 December 2010

We list key people who made headlines this year, either by standing up for what they saw as right or by stopping what they felt was wrong.



Jenny Rohn

Jenny Rohn
Most vital
Threats of budget cuts can leave some researchers paralyzed by stress. But for Rohn, a cell biologist at University College London, proposed cuts to science funding were a call to action. In September, she launched the Science is Vital campaign, which rallied several thousand people for a one-day protest outside the UK Treasury building. When the government later finalized austerity measures, allocations for science were dealt a lighter blow than other sectors.


University of Buckingham

Bruce Charlton

Bruce Charlton
Most hypothetical
What would it be like if Bruce Charlton were still editor in chief of the journal Medical Hypotheses? Alas, we won't know the answer to that hypothetical question. Following the publication of a paper questioning the causal link between HIV and AIDS, the journal's publisher Elsevier pushed for Medical Hypotheses to adopt peer review. Charlton stood by his guns that doing so would turn the journal into a “zombie” publication and was ultimately forced out.



Jacob Zuma

Jacob Zuma
Most testy
Zuma, the president of South Africa, is no stranger to controversy. At a 2006 court case in which he faced accusations of rape, of which he was later acquitted, he said that he took a shower after having had sex to cut his risk of contracting HIV. In a turnaround, Zuma was applauded this year for taking an HIV test in public (he tested negative) and for encouraging others in the country to check their HIV status.


Fang Shimin

Fang Shimin

Fang Shimin
Least likely to back down
Chinese blogger Shimin has investigated and exposed numerous counts of scientific misconduct. But even writing under a pen name ('Fang Zhouzi') did not protect him from a physical attack, in which he says he was chased down by assailants wielding a hammer. Shimin suffered only minor injuries, but the incident brought attention to the perils faced by journalists reporting on fraud in China.




Associated Press

Royce Lamberth

Royce Lamberth
Most likely to start a fight
Lamberth, a US federal district court judge, can start a fight—but it's not the physical kind. In August, Lamberth issued a temporary injunction blocking President Barack Obama's executive order expanding federal funding for research involving embryonic stem cells, a legal action that reignited the debate over the government's support for this controversial field.



Margaret Hamburg




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