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诺奖发现 青蒿素

已有 1526 次阅读 2022-9-17 07:26 |个人分类:诺贝尔奖|系统分类:论文交流

Artemisin is an organic compound with molecular formula C15H22O5 and relative molecular weight 282.34. [1]

Artemisinin is a colorless acicular crystal with a melting point of 156~157 ℃. It is easily soluble in chloroform, acetone, ethyl acetate and benzene, soluble in ethanol and ether, slightly soluble in cold petroleum ether, and almost insoluble in water. Because of its special peroxy group, it is unstable to heat and easy to be decomposed under the influence of moisture, heat and reducing substances. [1]

Artemisinin is the most effective drug to treat malaria drug resistance, and the combination therapy mainly based on artemisinin drugs is also the most effective and important means to treat malaria at present. However, in recent years, with the deepening of research, other effects of artemisinin have been found and applied more and more, such as anti-tumor, treatment of pulmonary hypertension, anti diabetes, embryotoxicity, antifungal, immune regulation, anti-virus [2-4], anti-inflammatory, anti pulmonary fibrosis, anti-bacterial, cardiovascular and other pharmacological effects [2].

In October 2015, Tu Youyou, together with two other scientists, won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2015 for his contribution to the creation of new antimalarial drugs, artemisinin and dihydroartemisinin. [5-6]

青蒿素(Artemisinin)是一种有机化合物,分子式为C15H22O5相对分子质量282.34。 [1] 

青蒿素为无色针状结晶,熔点为156~157℃,易溶于氯仿丙酮乙酸乙酯,可溶于乙醇乙醚,微溶于冷石油醚,几乎不溶于水。因其具有特殊的过氧基团,它对热不稳定,易受湿、热和还原性物质的影响而分解。 [1] 

青蒿素是治疗疟疾耐药性效果最好的药物,以青蒿素类药物为主的联合疗法,也是当下治疗疟疾的最有效最重要手段。但是近年来随着研究的深入,青蒿素其它作用也越来越多被发现和应用研究,如抗肿瘤、治疗肺动脉高压、抗糖尿病、胚胎毒性、抗真菌、免疫调节、抗病毒 [2-4]   、抗炎、抗肺纤维化、抗菌、心血管作用等多种药理作用 [2]  。

2015年10月,屠呦呦因创制新型抗疟药—青蒿素和双氢青蒿素的贡献,与另外两位科学家获2015年度诺贝尔生理学或医学奖 [5-6]


诺奖文集 2015年诺贝尔医学奖 屠呦呦 





01.无法确认67 篇0.623%
02.2022418 篇3.890%
03.2021648 篇6.030%
04.2020577 篇5.369%
05.2019521 篇4.848%
06.2018546 篇5.081%
07.2017619 篇5.760%
08.2016644 篇5.993%
09.2015592 篇5.509%
10.2014541 篇5.034%
11.2013505 篇4.699%
12.2012509 篇4.737%
13.2011488 篇4.541%
14.2010419 篇3.899%
15.2009384 篇3.573%
16.2008377 篇3.508%
17.2007309 篇2.875%
18.2006271 篇2.522%
19.2005202 篇1.880%
20.2004186 篇1.731%
21.2003148 篇1.377%
22.2002139 篇1.294%
23.2001132 篇1.228%
24.2000120 篇1.117%
25.1999117 篇1.089%
26.1998127 篇1.182%
27.199797 篇0.903%
28.199678 篇0.726%
29.199563 篇0.586%
30.199482 篇0.763%
31.199349 篇0.456%
32.199243 篇0.400%
33.199126 篇0.242%
34.199026 篇0.242%
35.198938 篇0.354%
36.198822 篇0.205%
37.198731 篇0.288%
38.198623 篇0.214%
39.198529 篇0.270%
40.198419 篇0.177%
41.198310 篇0.093%
42.198220 篇0.186%
43.19815 篇0.047%
44.19801 篇0.009%
45.19561 篇0.009%
01.malar j1119 篇10.413%
02.antimicrob agents chemother420 篇3.908%
03.am j trop med hyg380 篇3.536%
04.plos one268 篇2.494%
05.trans r soc trop med hyg191 篇1.777%
06.lancet127 篇1.182%
07.clin infect dis118 篇1.098%
08.j med chem118 篇1.098%
09.trop med int health117 篇1.089%
10.lancet infect dis115 篇1.070%
01.中国1875 篇17.448%
02.美国1755 篇16.332%
03.英国1028 篇9.566%
04.泰国706 篇6.570%
05.印度613 篇5.704%
06.法国462 篇4.299%
07.瑞士408 篇3.797%
08.澳大利亚367 篇3.415%
09.德国355 篇3.304%
10.尼日利亚327 篇3.043%
01.中国北京353 篇3.285%
02.中国上海323 篇3.006%
03.中国广州258 篇2.401%
04.中国南京132 篇1.228%
05.中国重庆103 篇0.958%
06.中国济南84 篇0.782%
07.中国杭州82 篇0.763%
08.中国成都56 篇0.521%
09.中国沈阳54 篇0.503%
10.中国香港53 篇0.493%
01.Artemisinins7376 篇68.640%
02.Humans6690 篇62.256%
03.Antimalarials6368 篇59.259%
04.Animals3350 篇31.174%
05.Malaria, Falciparum2881 篇26.810%
06.Female2855 篇26.568%
07.Male2787 篇25.935%
08.Plasmodium falciparum2747 篇25.563%
09.Malaria2251 篇20.947%
10.Sesquiterpenes1984 篇18.463%


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