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已有 2845 次阅读 2022-5-22 19:43 |个人分类:美学诗文|系统分类:诗词雅集











300 new rhyme couplets • 304

Maple forest drunk

The Hengqin is far away from the pine and the moon; Walking with a stick, singing flowers on the street.

Sing three-step music under the moon; The head of the building dances vigorously and six flowers fly.

Yunshan pillar staff probes into Fang's letter; Emperor Yu's bullet crown is facing the jade stage.

Vast east wind and green spring grass; The lotus is still fragrant in summer.

Liu An Tian Chou picks up green feathers; Dream of Hengtang in a remote place.

The shadow of the old phoenix and the young Phoenix and the Wutong tree; Short boat, moon night flute.

Welcome to Shanting willow; Smile and frown to explain the flower.

Green, fat, red and thin, spring sound broken; The dew is cold, the wind is cold, and the frost leaves fly.



1. 白雪纷飞映日辉(林小青晋江)

2. 白露常新带晓香(醉梦红尘)

3. 白玉初芳溢晓香(浩洋)

4. 红杏难开染夏香(七字余句 )

5. 绿竹常青拔节香(莆田方宗和)

6. 白芷重新等夏风(浩洋)

7. 绿码更新现迹踪(邱建国 )

8. 绿水长歌解夏闲(陈问生)

9. 白酒封藏品窖香(张永桂)

10. 绿野留岚引鹤娇。(泉州蔡芳其)

11. 翠柏长青显麓苍。(泉州蔡芳其)

12. 云客常吟陋室铭(踏雪寻梅 )

13. 红杏初芳带夏风(晋江王荣挺)

14. 陋室容安远俗尘

(吉林 李玉琢)

15. 村夫 红豆无情蘸雪痕

16. 素纸无华染墨香

(吉林 李玉琢)

17. 白发犹听打叶声(余哥唱晚 )

18. 白石难青带古风(阴山戍客)

19. 青笋争先立玉簪(马晓明 安徽)

20. 白鹭常新带雨姿(潘用水)

21. 绿柳常青映夏凉(正宗辉煌)

22. 红杏初开带露香(仙游黄世雄)

23. 绿竹常隆盛夏姿(潘用水)

24. 夏雨 碧叶能新送夏凉(贾宝汀)

25. 红叶多情染韵风(吉林王海燕)

26. 碧叶能新送夏凉(贾宝汀)

27. 红杏又新宜腑欢(莆田黄金明)

28. 绿柳何堪拂莺声(仙游黄世雄)

29. 翠竹长青亮节高(德化廖金堆)

30. 绿叶初萌带雨痕(邹学权 )

31. 虚竹长青得地华(老百姓 )

32. 玉露常湿润夏鲜(渡客如流 )

33. 白鹤相依送晚光(梁中觉南宁)

34. 翠柏长青掩夏阳(晋江 蔡金木)

35. 彩蝶无闲恋世尘(泉州 李兴富)

36. 翠竹常荣醉夏风(鳯非凡鳥)

37. 白雪每飘有暗香 老和(和西典)

38. 心路 


39. 红日难凉有火源(刘玉华安达)

40. 翠柏常青蕴碧滋(佘一龙)

41. 绿叶方新吸日光  (吉林王强)

42. 红豆多情托梦思(佘一龙)

43. 美国该亡让世安(天地人)

44. 白璧无瑕演世情(高毓俊)

45. 赤帜高扬耀曙光(张汉平)

46. 碧水长流汇雨滴(今韵,天马行空)

47. 夏雨常来带野风(龙湾居士)

48. 黄花未老沾春味(厨娘)




49. 绿树成阴啭鸟声(丘富开)


50. 黑发先衰染世尘(孤帆远影)

51. 绿蚁浮生醉梦香(佘一龙)

52. 青客无心染夏芳(戴高山)

53. 红叶生香听竹声(孙润根)

54. 霜鬓悲情恋晚霞(傅焱 吉林)

55. 白露为霜染锦枫(傅焱 吉林)

56. 碧水长流洗俗尘(高毓俊)

57. 红叶成枯留夏香(慈心净持)

58. 碧月长明解世情(高毓俊)

59. 红杏无辜惹梦魂(高毓俊)

60. 红杏初探出墙香(楚开)

61. 绿水长流衬夏颜(平沙落雁)

62. 绿柳常青换夏装(王光坝)

63. 绿蚁成陈倚岁丰 (陈金藏)

64. 红杏蒙羞忌话墙(傅焱 吉林)

65. 明月依然入客怀(列也)

66. 翠竹长青映日蓝(正宗辉煌 )

67. 红杏初熟沐夏风 (柳河)

68. 白荷正嫩沁雅香(出塵 )

69. 蝶语无休梦老庄(簑笠翁 )

70. 紫燕翻飞抒晚怀


71. 翠柏长青耀眼光(高飞亮)

72. 白酒生香绕秋声。



73. 白坠留香拂簟凉。(風)


74. 老禅入定远尘声(吴彬)

75. 白马飞奔展骏图(吴水连 )

76. 白马奔驰展骏图(吴水连 )

77. 玉桂生香望月愁(黄春光 )

78. 绿叶长青笑腊寒(开怀一笑)

79. 绿草重生笑火羸(杨兆根)

80. 翠柏常青染夏风(耿速)

81. 赤帜恒飘展夏风(华峰)

82. 绿柳常摇沐夏霖(海峰)

83. 紫气恒流照夏阳(鹊桥渡双星)

84. 碧海长流荡夏澜(长林)

85. 毛毛雨 翠伞常开解夏凉

86. 桃李生香逆晚怀(赵传勤)

87. 翠柳长青映碧湖(许建雄明溪)

88. 紫气东来降福荫(天马, 内蒙古)

89. 绿树重阴闻雀声(吴兰珠)

90. 绿柳多情挽月光


91. 翠柏常青赖雪霜(孤帆远影)

92. 绿蚁生香醉客心(尘封)

93. 青果还生待夏风(天马行空)

94. 翠柳娇柔舞夏风(王维洲 )

95. 翠竹常青亮节操(蔡启明)

96. 岸柳垂青衬日光(蔡启明)

97. 翠竹长青亮节风(德化廖金堆)

98. 翠竹常青亮节操(南翔)

99. 荷叶常圆绽夏情(王章羽)

100. 夏雨 绿叶犹青送夏凉(贾宝汀)

101. 碧水长流伴暮年(何兆明)

102. 柳树垂枝低摆头(贾明)

103. ​燕过江河歇翅飞(贾明 )

104. 碧水常流衬晚霞


Yellow flowers don't taste like spring (cook)

1. White snow reflects the sun (Lin Xiaoqing, Jinjiang)

2. Bai Lu is always fresh with Xiao Xiang (drunk in the world of mortals)

3. Early fragrance of white jade (Haoyang)

4. Red apricots are difficult to open and dye Summer Fragrance (seven character sentence)

5. Green bamboo evergreen jointing incense (Putian Fang Zonghe)

6. Angelica dahurica waits for the summer wind again (Haoyang)

7. Trace of green code update (Qiu Jianguo)

8. Long song of green water to relieve leisure in summer (Chen Wensheng)

9. cellar fragrance of Baijiu collection (zhangyonggui)

10. The green field leaves the haze to attract the crane. (CAI Fangqi, Quanzhou)

11. The green cypress is evergreen and the green foot is green. (CAI Fangqi, Quanzhou)

12. Yunke often chants the inscription of the humble room (stepping on the snow and looking for plum blossoms)

13. The early fragrance of red apricot brings summer wind (Wang Rongting, Jinjiang)

14. The humble room contains the common dust of Anyuan

(Li Yuzhuo, Jilin)

15. The village man dipped the red bean ruthlessly into the snow mark

16. Plain paper has no Chinese dye and ink fragrance

(Li Yuzhuo, Jilin)

17. White hair still listens to the sound of beating leaves (brother Yu sings late)

18. The ancient style of Baishi refractory green belt (Yinshan Garrison)

19. Bamboo shoots competing for the first jade hairpin (MA Xiaoming, Anhui)

20. Egret always brings rain posture (Pan Shuishui)

21. Green willows are always green and cool in summer (authentic brilliance)

22. Red apricot with dew fragrance at the beginning of opening (Xianyou Huang Shixiong)

23. Green bamboo changlongsheng Xiazi (Pan Shuishui)

24. Xia Yubi and ye Nengxin send Xia Liang (Jia Baoting)

25. Red leaves are amorous and rhymed (Wang Haiyan, Jilin)

26. Bi ye Nengxin sends Xia Liang (Jia Baoting)

27. Hongxing and xinyifuhuan (Putian huangjinming)

28. He Kan, the green willow, blows the sound of warblers (Xianyou Huang Shixiong)

29. Green bamboos are always green and bright, and the festival is high (Dehua liaojindui)

30. Green leaves sprout with rain marks (Zou Xuequan)

31. Bamboos grow green and land is beautiful (common people)

32. Jade dew is always wet and fresh in summer

33. White cranes depend on each other to send evening light (Liang Zhongjue, Nanning)

34. The evergreen cypress covers the summer sun (Jinjiang Cai Jinmu)

35. Colorful butterflies have no leisure to love the world (Li Xingfu, Quanzhou)

36. Emerald bamboo is always in glory and drunk in the summer wind (extraordinary bird)

37. Every time the snow is white, there is a faint fragrance of Laohe (and Xidian)

38. Mental path

The green fruit is fragrant until summer

39. The red sun is hard to cool and there is a fire source (Liu Yuhua anda)

40. Cuibai evergreen yunbizi (she Yilong)

41. Green leaves absorb new sunlight (Jilin Wangqiang)

42. Hongdou amorous daydreaming (she Yilong)

43. The United States should die and make the world safe (heaven, earth and man)

44. Flawless Bai Bi plays the world (Gao Yujun)

45. The red flag shines the dawn high (Zhang Hanping)

46. The clear water flows for a long time to collect raindrops (today's rhyme, heavenly horses fly in the sky)

47. Summer rain often brings wild wind (Longwan resident)

48. Yellow flowers are not old with spring flavor (cook)

Autumn geese wail to start the journey (poetry unknown)

Although the hometown is far away from the guest sentiment (poetry is unknown)

The hair on the temples is still fading, telling the guest's sorrow (poems are unknown)

49. Birds singing in the shade of green trees (Qiu Fukai)

Why did egrets fear the rain (Qiu Fukai)

50. Black hair fades first and catches the dust of the world (distant shadow of a lone sail)

51. Green ant floating, drunk dream fragrance (she Yilong)

52. Young people don't want to dye Xia Fang (Dai Gaoshan)

53. Red leaves smell and listen to the sound of bamboo (sun rungen)

54. Frosty temples and sorrowful love for sunset glow (Fu Yan, Jilin)

55. White Dew is frost dyed maple (Fu Yan, Jilin)

Clean water and clean dust

57. Red leaves wither and leave Summer Fragrance (benevolent Jingchi)

58. The blue moon brightens the world (Gao Yujun)

59. Red apricot provokes the soul of dreams (Gao Yujun)

A preliminary study of Chu Xiangkai's Apricot wall (60)

61. The green water flows in a long way, lining the summer Yan (flat sand falling geese)

62. Green willow evergreen for summer clothes (Wang Guangba)

63. Green ant Cheng Chen Yisui Feng (Chen jinzang)

64. Red apricot is ashamed to avoid talking on the wall (Fu Yan, Jilin)

65. The moon is still in the guest's arms (lieye)

66. Emerald bamboo is evergreen and reflects the sun blue (authentic brilliance)

67. First ripe red apricot, bathed in summer wind (Liuhe)

68. White lotus is tender and fragrant (dust)

69. Dieyu endless dream Laozhuang (Chen Liweng)

70. Purple swallows fly to express their feelings at night

(Fuzhou, bu Laolin)

71. Emerald cypress always shines with eyes (Gao Feiliang)

72. Baijiu produces fragrance and sounds of autumn.

Black hair is colorless and has autumn fragrance.

(Deng yichai)

73. The white pendant leaves fragrance and cools the mat. (wind)

*White pendant, the alias of wine.

74. The sound of distant dust when the old Zen comes to rest (Wu Bin)

75. The picture of white horse galloping to show Jun (Wu shuilian)

76. White horse galloping Exhibition (Wu shuilian)

77. Osmanthus fragrans and moon watching sorrow (Huang Chunguang)

78. The green leaves grow green and laugh at the wax cold (laugh)

79. The green grass is reborn and laughs at the fire (Yang zhaogen)

80. Evergreen cypress and summer wind (Geng Su)

81. The red flag floats constantly and shows the summer wind (Huafeng)

82. Green willows often shake and bathe in summer rain (Haifeng)

83. The purple air flows constantly to illuminate the summer sun (magpie bridge crossing double stars)

84. The blue sea is long, and Xia LAN (Changlin)

85. Drizzle and emerald umbrella often relieve the cool summer

86. Peaches and plums produce fragrance against late bosom (Zhao Chuanqin)

87. Emerald willows are evergreen and Yingbi Lake (Xu Jianxiong Mingxi)

88. Ziqi comes from the east to bring down Fuyin (Tianma, Inner Mongolia)

89. The shade of green trees and the sound of birds (Wu Lanzhu)

90. The green willow affectionately pulls the moonlight

Shenzhou side

91. Emerald cypress evergreen Lai Xueshuang (solitary sail far shadow)

92. Green ants smell and intoxicate guests (dust laden)

93. The green fruit is still fresh and waiting for the summer wind (the sky is flying)

94. Cuiliu dances softly in the summer wind (Wang Weizhou)

95. Green bamboo is always green and bright (CAI Qiming)

96. The willows on the bank are weeping and lining the sunlight (CAI Qiming)

97. Green bamboos are always green and bright, and the festival wind is bright (Dehua liaojindui)

98. Cuizhu changqingliang Festival (Nanxiang)

99. Lotus leaves are always round and blooming in summer (Wang Zhangyu)

100. Summer rain, green leaves and cool summer (Jia Baoting)

101. Clear water flows with old age (he Zhaoming)

102. Willow drooping branches with low swinging heads (Jia Ming)

103. Yan flies across the river (Jia Ming)

104. Clear water often flows, lining the sunset glow


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