@ 荷兰天体物理学家Hendrik van deHulst说,磁场之于天文学犹如性之于心理学。在弗洛伊德以前,性被忽略了;紧接着,性似乎能解释一切;但后来,观点就越来越折中了。“Magnetic fields in astronomy are like sex inpsychology. Before Freud, it was ignored; then immediately afterward it wasgoing to explain everything; but with time a more balanced view has evolved”
@ David McAdams在介绍博弈论的新书Game-Changer: Game Theory and the Art of Transforming Strategic Situations的引言开头,引用了诸葛亮的一句名言:“The wise win before they fight, while the ignorant fight to win.” 原话见《便宜十六策》(治军第九):“智者先勝而後求戰,闇者先戰而後求勝。”
@ 趙之謙自詡天分高,說“鄧(石如)天四人六,包(世臣)天三人七,吳(讓之)天一人九”,而他自己是“天七人三”。他的天才,似乎就表現在書法線條的搖曳多姿和結體的靈巧生動。日本藏《梅花盦詩》四條屏可謂趙書佳品。
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