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“创新”与“棒”期刊 —— 浙大学报英文版(JZUS)为行业好刊

已有 3736 次阅读 2014-9-25 13:11 |个人分类:办刊之道|系统分类:海外观察| 创新, 期刊, 评价, 学术出版, 浙江大学学报

全球学术与专业出版者协会官方博客 (http://blog.alpsp.org

2014年8月14日在线一文: Innovation versus“very good”journals


创新” 与“棒”期刊 论评浙大学报英文版(JZUS)”为行业好刊 (见下翻译稿)




创新” 与“棒”期刊 —— 浙大学报英文版(JZUS)为行业好刊


We all know that the world of journals publishing is changingrapidly, and there are constant pressures for innovation and new models to bedeveloped. The recent shortlist for the ALPSP Awards for Innovation in Publishing (winner to be announced at the conference) highlights some truly inspiring developments beingintroduced by publishers around the world.



But in the race to evolve, adapt and develop,are we losing sight of what constitutes a good journal? What about the unsungheroes of the international publishing world that toil behind the scenes toimprove what they do and how they do it? They may not be doing things that theindustry recognises as innovative or receive the plaudits that accrue to theinnovators, but their contribution to excellence in research dissemination isno less significant.




One example that recently came to myattention (and I'm sure there are many others out there, so please add them tothe comments field) is the Chinese Journal ofZhejiang University-Science (JZUS).It was one of the first Chinese-based journals to introduce truly internationalpeer reviewing systems (not something that is commonplace in many regions ofthe world). It was the first Chinese journal to use CrossCheck,and it makes extensive use of this to improve quality and avoidplagiarism.




JZUS uses automated alerts to reach out to authors afterpublication if their articles are in the top 10 downloaded papers. It publishesarticles in-press to avoid publishing delays, and identifies the ‘hot topic’ ormost downloaded articles to help readers identify trends and the best articlespublished. It allows post-publication comments, and has added Power Pointsummaries of each article to help readers use its content in their ownpresentations (and ensure correct citation!).


更要一说的是该刊对下载使用与引用量位居前十的文章,会自动发送电子祝贺邮件通知作者。同时该刊还开辟了文章预先出版栏目(Articles in-press),缩短发表时滞;开辟热点文章专区。另一可看之处是开放同行评议,实现文后跟踪。近年又为刊发的文章加载PPT导读,利在服务同行读者迅速把握文章脉络,领悟学术内涵。



Rather than aim for anonymous ‘international’ status, itis conscious of its roots, and celebrates the cultural heritage of China.Chinese cultural tokens are used to reward its reviewers, wherever in the worldthey are, in addition to the recent addition of Chinese language abstracts toincrease usability to Chinese researchers.






So what makes this a good journal? Partly, I believe,because it is focusing its activities on authors and readers. While it may notbe developing truly innovative services, it is thinking about what they needand developing new ways of providing them.





There is nothing wrong with large European and USpublishers looking for the ‘new’ and the ‘innovative’. We need experimentationto push us forward. But at the same time, we need to remember and celebratejournals that are striving to provide services to authors and readers that theywant and need. This is particularly important for those publishing outside thelarge publishing hubs in the UK and the USA, and within organisations andcultures that don’t have access to the resources of large companies (who alsoform part of ALPSP’s membership).


欧洲和美国的出版商一直在寻找“新”和“变”毋庸置疑是大方向,因为这个时代的确需要大胆尝试来推动行业向前。但同时,我们需要谨记和祝贺那些致力于为作者和读者所想,最大限度地提供服务的期刊也是这个时代重要的角色. 特别是对于那些归属于英国和美国的大型出版集团的,以及那些无法和大公司共享资源的期刊(他们也是ALPSP的会员)



So let’s take a moment to hail a world (and those journals)where the development of high quality, useful, publication tools (aka journals)is taking place. All kudos to the ‘very good’ journal! And to the others thatare also providing researchers with easier, more sophisticated, and morereliable access to information.




Further information on the Chinese Journal of ZhejiangUniversity-Science publishing programme is available online.





The ALPSPAwards for Innovation in Publishing will be announced at the International Conference,10-12 September, 2014. Registration is still open, book online atwww.alpspconference.org.






Suzanne Kavanagh 16:08上传



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