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已有 4459 次阅读 2011-8-15 20:54 |个人分类:生活点滴4|系统分类:论文交流| 施肥

美国科学家发现在对生长在低光环境下的Alseis blackiana施肥,会促进它的生长,研究结果发表在著名的生态学期刊Oecologia上。难道这是不得了的发现吗?施肥促进植物的生长早已不是什么新闻了,估计与作者的特殊选种有一定的关系。

作者发现施加N,P,K肥后能够增强植物的光合作用,即使在低光环境下。施加N增加叶片20%的含氮量;施加P增加78%的含磷量,但施N也减少了叶片P的14%;K肥增加了8%的叶片钾含量。δ(13)C受施肥的影响不大,δ(15)N随着N肥增加而大幅减小。施氮能够增大9%的最大净光合速率和最大电子传递速率;施P和P与K增大气孔导读,K肥同时也增大了光系统II(photosystem II)的量子产量。


Oecologia. 2011 Aug 12. [Epub ahead of print]

Nutrients limit photosynthesis in seedlings of a lowland tropical forest tree species.

Pasquini SC, Santiago LS.


Department of Botany and Plant Sciences, University of California, 2150 Batchelor Hall, Riverside, CA, 92521, USA.


We investigated how photosynthesis by understory seedlings of the lowland tropical tree species Alseis blackiana responded to 10 years of soil nutrient fertilization with N, P and K. We ask whether nutrients are limiting to light and CO(2) acquisition in a low light understory environment. We measured foliar nutrient concentrations of N, P and K, isotopic composition of carbon (δ(13)C) and nitrogen (δ(15)N), and light response curves of photosynthesis and chlorophyll fluorescence. Canopy openness was measured above each study seedling and included in statistical analyses to account for variation in light availability. Foliar N concentration increased by 20% with N addition. Foliar P concentration increased by 78% with P addition and decreased by 14% with N addition. Foliar K increased by 8% with K addition. Foliar δ(13)C showed no significant responses, and foliar δ(15)N decreased strongly with N addition, matching the low δ(15)N values of applied fertilizer. Canopy openness ranged from 0.01 to 6.71% with a mean of 1.76 ± 0.14 (±1SE). Maximum photosynthetic CO(2) assimilation rate increased by 9% with N addition. Stomatal conductance increased with P addition and with P and K in combination. Chlorophyll fluorescence measurements revealed that quantum yield of photosystem II increased with K addition, maximum electron transport rate trended 9% greater with N addition (p = 0.07), and saturating photosynthetically active radiation increased with N addition. The results demonstrate that nutrient addition can enhance photosynthetic processes, even under low light availability.



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