Science, Mind and the Universe
An Introduction to Natural Philosophy
This book (298 pp.) is the basis for most papers on this webpage and will therefore consistently be referred to as "SMU". Originally published in 1995 by Wichmann Verlag,
罗伯特·康(Robert W.Cahn)(英国)?
张立纲 (Leroy L.Chang)(美国)?
张永山 (Y.Austing Chang)(美国)?
陈省身 (Shiing-shen Chern)(美国)?
卓以和 (A.Y.Cho)(美国)?
朱棣文 (Steven Chu)(美国)?
朱经武 (C.W.Chu)(美国)?
克里斯琴森 (W.N.Christiansen)(澳大利亚)?
科顿 (F.A.Cotton) (美国)?
冯元祯 (Yuan-Cheng B.Feng)(美国)?
傅睿思 (Else Marie Friis)(丹麦)?
何毓琦 (Yu-Chi Ho)(美国)?
霍克弗尔特 (Tomas Hökfelt)(瑞典)?
霍西金斯 (B.J.Hoskins)(英国)?
黄煦涛 (Thomas S.Huang)(美国)?
井口洋夫 (Hiroo Inokuchi)(日本)?
简悦威 (Y.W.Kan)(美国)?
高 锟 (Charles K.Kao)(美国)?
葛守仁 (Ernest S.Kuh)(美国)?
库什 (Gurdev S.Khush)(印度)?
李政道 (Tsung?Dao Lee)(美国)?
黎念之 (N.N.Li)(美国)?
林家翘 (Chia-Chiao Lin)(美国)?
林同炎 (T.Y.Lin)(美国)?
毛河光 (H.K.Mao)(美国)?
马库斯 (R.A.Marcus)(美国)?
米歇尔 (Harmut Michel)(美国)?
莫里茨 (Helmut Moritz)(奥地利)?
潘诺夫斯基 (W.K.H.Panofsky)(美国)?
雷 文 (Peter H.Raven)(美国)?
萨支唐 (Chih-Tang Sah)(美国)?
沈元壤 (Y.R.Shen)(美国)?
丁肇中 (Samuel C.C.Ting)(美国)?
崔 琦 (Daniel Chee Tsui)(美国)?
吴耀祖 (Theodore Yao-Tsu Wu)(美国)?
威 利 (P.J.Wyllie)(美国)?
杨振宁 (Chen Ning Yang)(美国)?
丘成桐 (Shing-Tung Yau)(美国)?
辛克维奇 (O.C.Zienkiewicz)(英国)
Born 1 November
1951 -- 1956 study of geodesy, Graz University of Technology (TUG);
1959 Dr.techn. (TUG); main research topics: physical geodesy, gravitational field, inverse problems in geodesy and geophysics;
since 1955 various positions at TUG, Geodetic Service of Austria, Ohio State University, Technical University Hannover, and Wuhan University;
1964 -- 1971 Professor of Physical Geodesy at
1971 Professor of Geodesy, TUG;
2002 Emeritus.
Honorary Doctorates:
Dr.-Ing.h.c., Technische Universität München, 1981;
D.Sc.h.c., The
of the Austrian Academy of Sciences and of 10 foreign Academies.
International Activities:
1979 -- 1983: President of the International Association of Geodesy;
1991 -- 1995: President of the International
1998 -- 2002: Director General of the
1998 -- 2006: President of the International League of Humanists.
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