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已有 6135 次阅读 2009-5-7 16:14 |个人分类:未分类|系统分类:科研笔记



(上海新东方 王晓春)




M.A.K.Halliday(韩礼德)在伦敦学派中继承和发展了J.R.Firth的理论,建立了一个完整的系统语言学理论模式,即“系统功能语法(语言学)”,属于功能主义语言学派。与形式主义语言学派(即当代形式主义 转换生成语法学,起源于古典形式主义 结构主义语言学)从心理学角度研究语言截然对立,系统功能语法(语言学)从社会角度研究语言,重视语言的社会功能及如何实现这些社会功能。韩礼德从语言进化的观点出发,把语言的各种功能归纳为三个“元功能”(meta-function),它们分别是:概念元功能(ideational meta-function ),人际元功能(interpersonal meta-function ),语篇元功能(textual meta-function )。其中语篇元功能是指语言成分组织成内部意义连贯又与特定情景相适应的语篇的功能。语篇元功能涉及到三个子系统:主位结构,信息结构和衔接系统。这三个系统是促成语篇连贯的基础,同时也为分析理解语篇提供了重要的途径。本文拟从这一语篇元功能角度探讨其对雅思阅读理解的影响,及其对答题思路的几点启示。







1People(无标记主位)‖ prefer to live in the outer suburbs in Melbourne(述位).

2In Melbourne(有标记主位)‖ people prefer to live in the outer suburbs(述位).

主位可以根据本身的复杂程度分为单项主位(Simple Theme),复项主位(Multiple Theme )和句项主位(Clause as Theme)。单项主位是不可以再分成更小的功能单位,可以由名词、词组或短语来体现。复项主位由多种语义成份构成,它总是含有一个经验成分(包括参与者、环境成分或过程),还可能含有语篇成分(包括连续成分,如nowwell等;结构成分,如andhowever等;连接成分,如thereforefinally)和人际成分(包括情态成分,如certainlysurely等;限定成分,如can’t won’t; 称呼成分,如JohnMum)。句项主位是指整个小句充当主位,由复合句中的主句或从句构成。例如:

1Well(连续) but结构 then(连接)[语篇主位] Ann称呼 surely(情态) wouldn’t限定[人际主位] the best idea [经验主位]be to join the group[述位]? Halliday 199455

2The fact that children’s ideas about science form part of a larger framework of ideas(句项主位) means that it is easier to change them(述位).(剑桥4/Test1/Q4





信息结构是把语言组织成信息单位(information unit)的结构。每一个信息单位是由已知信息(given information)和新信息(new information)组织而成。语篇中的已知信息提供交际所需的背景,而新信息则在已知信息的基础上创造出信息差,信息差决定了语篇信息的交际动力。如果数个小句主位包含的全部都是新信息,那就构建不成语篇。如果全部都是旧信息,语篇便得不到发展。一般来说,主位表达已知信息,是信息的起始点。而述位则表达新信息,是信息的中心,这也是英语句子“信息焦点尾重原则”的反映。但并不总是如此,有时为了达到特殊的表达效果,也会用主位来表达新信息。在书面语篇中,由于无法用语调来表明重要信息,所以一般要依靠语序来区分主、次信息。例如:

1Milgram’s experimentT1solves an important question in sociobiologyR1.

2An important question in sociobiology(T2) is solved by Milgram’s experiment(R2).

这两个句子中,主位和述位的不同决定了已知信息和新信息的不同,从而使得第一句的信息中心是an important question in sociobiology,而第二句的信息中心是Milgram’s experiment




胡壮麟(1994)指出,语篇主述位的反复衔接是实现语篇衔接和连贯的重要手段之一。衔接体现在语篇的表层结构,而连贯体现为语篇深层结构上的语义联系。韩礼德认为语篇有五种衔接方式:指称(Reference)、替代(Substitution)、省略(Ellipsis)、连接(Conjunction)、词汇衔接(Lexical Cohesion)。指称是指一个项目的意义要靠另一个项目来解释的现象。替代和省略是指本着交际中的简洁原则,语篇中的重复信息被其它项目替代或被省略掉的现象。连接成分体现语篇中各种逻辑关系,往往是一些过渡性的词语,表示转折、时间、因果等逻辑联系。词汇衔接是指通过重复、同义、反义、上下义、整体部分义、以及同一语义场的词汇搭配等词汇手段来体现语篇的语义关系。
















T1+R1T2(=T1/ R1)+R2(=T1/R1)



雅思阅读涉及语篇主旨的主要题型是List of Headings(选配段落标题),考查对文章中各段中心思想的把握。答题可利用最有可能是主题句的首次尾中句分别与标题选项逐一对应,选配最佳答案。而在段落没有主题句的情况下,则可以通过分析语篇的主位推进模式,了解其信息结构和分布动态,把握作者的思路流程或序列,并结合该题型的命题特点,重点关注主、述位信息链条上的逻辑关系切换、信息衔接上的重复(或强调)等环节,从而准确地解读作者在语篇中要表达的主要意思。而对于Summary(摘要题),题干语篇的主位推进模式也会为答案的语意预判提供一定的线索。已有学者对中外学术期刊文章摘要的主位推进模式做过分析统计,结果是派生型居多。而笔者对雅思摘要题题干的分析统计表明,其主位推进模式以延续型、集中型和平衡型为主。


1.剑桥5/Test3/Reading Passage2/Q15 Paragraph D (List of Headings)

Choose the correct heading for paragraphs B and D-F from the list of headings.


Paragraph D (共4个句子:S1-S4

(S1)Once north of Cairo, [复项主位T1]most of the Nile water is diverted into more than 10,000 kilometers of irrigation canals and only a small proportion reaches the sea directly through the rivers in the delta [述位R1]. (S2)The water in the irrigation canals[单项主位T2=R1] is still or very slow-moving and thus cannot carry sediment, Stanley explains [述位R2]. (S3)The sediment[单项主位T3=R2] sinks to the bottom of the canals and then is added to fields by farmers or pumped with the water into the four large freshwater lagoons that are located near the outer edges of the delta [述位R3]. (S4)So very little of it [复项主位T4=T3] actually reaches the coastline to replace what is being washed away by the Mediterranean currents[述位R4].




第一句的述位(water is diverted into irrigation canals)是第二句的主位(water in the irrigation canals),第二句的述位(cannot carry sediment)是第三句的主位(The sediment),第四句的主位(very little of it)和第三句的主位相同。这种延续型和平衡型主位推进模式构建了该语篇的语意框架,表明了语篇中的信息流程和所要传递的信息焦点,即关于irrigation canalssediment的相互关系。因此可以判定标题选项“Effects of irrigation on sedimentation”为正确答案。


2.剑桥4/Test4/Reading Passage3/Q31 Section E (List of Headings)

Choose the correct heading for sections A and C-E from the list of headings.


Section E (共5个句子:S1-S5

(S1)Just as the time when it became obvious that health-care resources could not possibly meet the demands being made upon them, [句项主位T1]people were demanding that their fundamental right to health-care be satisfied by the state [述位R1]. (S2)The second set of more specific changes that have led to the present concern about the distribution of health-care resources [句项主位T2(=T1)]stems from the dramatic rise in health costs in most OECD countries, accompanied by large-scale demographic and social changes which have meant, to take one example, that elderly people are now major (and relatively very expensive) consumers of health-care resources [述位R2]. (S3)Thus in OECD countries as a whole, [复项主位T3]health costs increased from 3.8% of GDP in 1960 to 7% of GDP in 1980, and it has been predicted that the proportion of health costs to GDP will continue to increase.(In the US the current figure is about 12% of GDP, and in Australia about 7.8% of GDP.)[ 述位R3(=R2)]


(S4)As a consequence, during the 1980s[复项主位T4] a kind of doomsday scenario (analogous to similar doomsday extrapolations about energy needs and fossil fuels or about population increases) was projected by health administrators, economists and politicians [ 述位R4(=R2)]. (S5)In this scenario, [单项主位T5=R4] ever-rising health costs were matched against static or declining resources [ 述位R5(=R3)].




T5(=R4)+R5(=R3)[延续型] (各句主位相加可知语篇大致内容是关于OECD countrieshealth-care resources

2)信息衔接上的重复(或强调):S2S3的主位推进是集中型,述位(R2/ R3)的一部分相同,主要是描述了health costs change, demographic and social changes,特别重复强调了health costs change

3)逻辑关系:S3S4信息链接存在明显的因果逻辑关系(as a consequence),而S4S5的主位推进是延续型,表明意义上的延续。因此断定S4/S5是结果,S2/S3是其成因,语篇的中心内容是S2/S3所重点描述的health costs change及其所造成的结果。所以标题选项“The impact of recent change”为正确答案。



3.剑桥6/Test4/Reading Passage2/Q14-18 (Summary)

Complete the summary using the list of words, A-J, below.


The Nicaraguan National Literacy Crusade aimed to teach large numbers of illiterate (14) men and women to read and write. Public health experts have known for many years that there is a connection between child health and (15)       .


从信息结构上看,Q15所在的句子与前一个句子没有任何信息上的衔接,两个句子包含的全部都是新信息,其各自主位和述位失去联系,彼此孤立,没有主位推进,因此也就构建不成语篇。根据这一分析,我们可以判定Q15所填信息应该是前一句中的旧信息(即和读写能力有关的内容),以形成新旧信息的交织衔接,创造语篇的构成机制。结合以上分析和文章的大标题(Do literate women make better mothers?),可以确定答案是F. maternal literacy






1.剑桥6/Test3/Reading Passage3/Q38-40 (Flow-chart)



Cells use the glucose from food to generate ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the molecule that powers many activities in the body. By limiting food intake, caloric restriction minimizes the amount of glucose entering cells and decreases ATP generation. When 2DG is administered to animals that eat normally, glucose reaches cells in abundance but the drug prevents most of it from being processed and thus reduces ATP synthesis. Researchers have proposed several explanations for why interruption of glucose processing and ATP production might retard aging. One possibility relates to the ATP-making machinery’s emission of free radicals, which are thought to contribute to aging and to such age-related diseases as cancer by damaging cells. Reduced operation of the machinery should limit their production and thereby constrain the damage. Another hypothesis suggests that decreased processing of glucose could indicate to cells that food is scarce (even if it isn’t) and induce them to shift into an anti-aging mode that emphasizes preservation of the organism over such ‘luxuries’ as growth and reproduction.


Complete the flow-chart below.

How a caloric-restriction mimetic works

CR mimetic less 38      is processed production of ATP is decreased Theory 1: cells less damaged by disease because fewer 39      are emitted          Theory 2: cells focus on 40      because food is in short supply


在这一流程图的题目中,Q39Q40处在一个并列的结构中,即Theory 1 / Theory 2。这一并列结构预示答案在原文中很可能位于相应的并列结构上。因此定位时可以首先根据这一线索,迅速扫描文章的连接形式。在原文中解释流程图的标题(即how所引导的信息),应该是explanations这个词后面的内容,在这个信息区域中存在一个明显的并列的连接形式,即“One  …… Another ……”,这一并列结构应是Q39/Q40答案大致所在的位置,再根据Q39空格后的are emittedQ40空格前的focus on,确定答案分别为free radicalspreservation






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