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已有 11963 次阅读 2009-2-26 09:35 |个人分类:追梦|系统分类:科研笔记| 激辩猜想

    Helen Perk教授的第2封来信(2009-2-25)
Dear Zhidong,
Your reader said that he did not believe that we wish China well, then tell him that I am a Chinese, born in China. 
About the corruption that I mentioned is the corruption in everyone of us. The desire to gain reputation, manipulating opinions, improper desire to excel, even the inability to judge what are good works are all called corruption. To look down on other races is called bigotry, which is also called corruption.
I do not know why that you still cannot see that your guess is wrong. A theory that does not agree with experiment, is wrong. If your guess does not agree with series expansion, then it is wrong. If one randomly adds something to the theory to fit the data of the experiment without proper explanation why such a term is to be added is not acceptable. 
> The inability to see one's blind spot is also called sin. 
> I like your writing and you are indeed a gifted writer. I like 武侠小说. 
My husband and I felt honored that you think that we are such good swordmen. If you are awarded for your humorous writing, we will not object. Our objection is about the ranking that you got for your scientific paper.
> Best wishes
> Helen 

Dear Helen:
I am very glad to hear that you are a Chinese, born in China. I can tell my readers this fact.
I am also happy to know that you like my writing and also 武侠小说. Thanks for your comment 'a gifted writer'. 
Thanks for your explanation about the meanings of 'corruption' and 'sin' in your e-mails to Dr. Zhi-Ming Wang. However, from the reaction of some readers (they even asked me for how much I got from this ranking and how much our institute paid for it), it is clear that incomplete information opened in Dr. Z.M. Wang 's blog about your letters, together with his opinion and attitude, has already mislead some readers in blogs. This indeed hurt deeply my reputation (and also that of this magazine). The truth is that I had not known this ranking for my scientific paper before I read it from this magazine. I am very sad for what happened in blogs, which was initiated by Dr. Zhi-Ming Wang, because I take care of my reputation as important as my life. I think that it is very difficulty for me to let these readers understand fully what you interpretted in this e-mail. So, I also ask for your permission to open your this e-mail in my blog. I think that it is the best way to calm down blogs.   
For my conjectured solution, as I told you in my last e-mail, I am grateful to Prof. Perk for his Comment and Rejoinder, which has pushed me to think indeeper the problem. I pay my respect to your objections on my work. Until now, however, I have not given (up, sorry, I miss this 'up' in my e-mail) my own opinions on it. I have made some new progresses on this issue, after acceptance of Comment/Response/Rejoinder for publication. I will soon finish my Reply to Prof. Perk's Rejoinder, and open it in arxiv. I will certainly let you and your husband know, when I post it in arxiv.  
Best wishes, also to Prof. Perk
    Helen Perk教授的第3封来信(2009-2-25):
Dear Zhidong,
You can post my previous letter and this one on the web. Additional objection to your work is:
The Ising model is a simple model, too simple to describe the real world. However, in the critical region, measurable quantities, such as the specific heat, diverge. Therefore, results from experiments often can not be used to judge if a theory of the critical region is right or wrong. Famous scientists such as Michael Fisher and Leo Kadanoff used exact results as a numerical laboratory to check if their scaling theories are right or wrong. For this reason, people have worked hard on exactly solvable models. Consequently, a guess on a three-dimensional Ising model is not to be considered a great breakthrough, until it is backed up by significant supporting evidence. Wang Zhiming is correct to question how your paper could be ranked in the top ten without substantial numerical work or further results to show that your conjectures can be trusted. This is serious criticism on the process how the election was made. It is a serious flaw in the whole system and should not be considered an attack on your person. The coefficients of the low- or high-temperature series expansion are exact results and they do not agree with the results based on your conjectures. The curve fitting that you did in your paper to fit the series is no better than the series result. Finally, you said "I take care of my reputation as important as my life." This is sin as your reputation is not who you are. Life is given by God and you cannot bring your reputation with you when you die.
Dear Helen:
Thank you very much for your kind permission for opening in my blog your previous e-mail and also this additional objection to my work. I shall post both of them in my blog.  
As I stated in my last e-mail, I have no relation with this ranking. If Dr. Zhiming Wang, you and others have any criticisms to this ranking, it is my opinion that proper way is to first inspect the truth for it, before giving any negative comments in his blog.  
I agree with you that a guess on a three-dimensional Ising model is not to be considered a great breakthrough, until it is backed   up by significant supporting evidence. What I wrote in my blog is just to tell stories of my own experience when I tried to understand problems in the 3D Ising model.
It is my opinion that the coefficients of the low- or high-temperature series expansion cannot be used as a standard for judging the putative exact solution of the 3D Ising model, for the reasons I stated in my previous Responses to Prof. Wu et al's and Prof. Perk's Comments, and also in my Reply to Prof. Perk's Rejoinder. As I told you in my last e-mail, I will post my Reply soon in arxiv.
On the one hand, I agree with you that we cannot bring our reputation with us when we die; on the other hand, although I respect your religion, I do wish you also respect my choice of be not religious. Please do not put any sins to me again in future. Furthermore, it is my policy for being a man in the world, that I never try to initiate any attacks to blemish others' reputations no matter whether they are living or die.  Thanks for your understanding.  


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