我心如伊分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/张志东 在一个浮躁的社会和纷杂的年代,在心灵深处保持一片宁静的时空。



已有 9703 次阅读 2009-2-24 15:23 |个人分类:追梦|系统分类:科研笔记| 激辩猜想

         由于王志明老师在他的博客里不断地公开他本人与Perk教授及夫人Helen Perk教授之间的私人通信的e-mails内容,并公开地断章取义地推断我与Helen的私人通信内容,已经给广大读者带来误导。我被迫向Perk夫人写信,获得她本人的许可,公开她给我的e-mail内容。同时,公开我的回复e-mail。
       Helen Perk教授的来信(2009-2-23)
Dear Zhidong Zhang,
My name is Helen Perk.
When I read what you wrote in your blog,
`所以,我今生能与四大天王和Perk教授等天王级的武林高手交手切磋武艺,一定是我前世修来的福分。就算最后被乱箭穿心,那也死无憾。毕竟在死之前,自己能知道(也让大家知道)我错在何处,因何而亡, 也物尽所值,也心甘情愿了。嘿嘿,到了这一步,还真得有视死如归的大无畏气概!'
I am writing to tell you that making mistake is human. Do not worry about it. The most important things          is to know God, the creator of the Universe.
Only in Him we can find truth and peace. http://www.cclife.org/cclife.nsf/Faith_main?OpenFrameSet
May the Almighty God bless you!
Helen Perk
Dear Helen Perk:
Thank you very much for your kindness!
What I wrote in my blog was really from my heart. I am grateful to your husband, Prof. Perk, for all the        discussion in his Comment/Rejoinder and also e-mails, from which I have learnt lot of things from him, and he         pushed me to think problems in deeper.
I agree fully with you that making mistake is human. The nature is really mysterious to us. We are really       small when we face the nature.
It is true that only in Him we can find truth and peace. 
With my best regards, to you and also your husband.  
May the Almighty God bless you! 
Zhidong Zhang


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