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牛津科学家也搞科学算命 精选

已有 5566 次阅读 2009-3-28 19:09 |个人分类:背景和内涵|系统分类:观点评述| 科学算命











  • Humour +4
  • Agreeing +4
  • Joy +4
  • Affection +4
  • Interest +2
  • Anger -1
  • Domineering -1
  • Sadness -1
  • Whining -1
  • Belligerence -2
  • Defensiveness -2
  • Disgust -3
  • Stonewalling -2
  • Contempt -4





附录 英国老百姓的评论(Rating的数字是网友的支持率):

Hmm, I wonder how much money they wasted on that piece of research!!
It,s "give and take", respect for your partner, the occassional boring bit in
the middle- and hopefully lots of passion!! Always has been, always will be.
You don't need to be a genius to work that out.!

Click to rate     Rating   33

- A.Williams, manchester england, 26/3/2009 9:11


How can this be accurate? People change during their marriage and when one half may start as passive, they may become more forceful over time, and vice versa. Or two people may come to the same way of thinking, or grow apart. I fail to see - scientifically - how one conversation at one point in time filmed over 15 minutes can predict divorce rates at a future point in time.

I am no exert but in my unscientific experience to date, relationships where both individuals are calm in discussions, have shared attitudes and shared experiences on everything are virtually non-existent. Does that mean 99% of us are headed for divorce??!

Click to rate     Rating   26

- N, Tokyo Japan, 26/3/2009 10:33


Scientists got nothing better to do then? Either it will last or it wont. Not exactly earth shattering research really.

Click to rate     Rating   23

- Nick, Lymington, 26/3/2009 14:14


. 'And if both partners avoid conble or unstable,' he added. What is avoid conble!!!???

Click to rate     Rating   45

- jane, preston, 26/3/2009 14:48


Surely mutual respect is a prerequisite in ANY relationship?

Click to rate     Rating   61

- Sarah, Oxford, UK, 26/3/2009 15:49


Not them again. And on top of being like that, those people convert their partners to those beliefs. Ha HA

Click to rate     Rating   5

- Clara, London, 26/3/2009 17:08


I think that a bit of gentle mockery helps a marriage stick together!

If you can speak freely and poke fun at each other (but in a light-hearted, non-spiteful way), then you'll probably be alright.

Click to rate     Rating   19

- Angie P, Wimbledon, UK, 26/3/2009 17:15


If you share responsibilities and have respect and trust for each other, then a partnership will last. It's not rocket science really, is it?!

Click to rate     Rating   18

- Julie, Manchester, UK, 26/3/2009 17:41


I think this is an excellent idea, so many couples end up divorced despite the grand gestures and promises made early on. 94% is a very decent rate, and maybe if this test was developed further it could go some way to helping people pick the right partner for themselves. Surely that can only be a good thing!

Click to rate     Rating   3

- Bartosz, Birmingham, 26/3/2009 18:03


Well, I think that makes sense and on that basis I am going to get married this summer - Thanks Daily Mail

Click to rate     Rating   2

- Pobble, Guildford, 26/3/2009 18:25


respect for each other, NEVER go to sleep with an usolved quarrel sort it marrage is a life commitment, give and take, get to know each other and axcept there are times when you have different views on life axcept and live with it no one is perfect love is understanding each other an axcepting each other as individuals. and if nessesary admit you are wrong even when you know you are right. dont take each other for granted

Click to rate     Rating   19

- Gordon Wright, Sutton Coldfield, 26/3/2009 19:02


"Pick a topic of conversation which is a common source of strife between you and your partner. Sit down together and discuss the subject whilst recording it on video. Watch the footage back and give yourselves the following scores for each response demonstrated.
Humour +4
Agreeing +4
Joy +4
Affection +4
Interest +2
Anger -1
Domineering -1
Sadness -1
Whining -1
Belligerence -2
Defensiveness -2
Disgust -3
Stonewalling -2
Contempt -4

Rate your score as positive or negative. Repeat the process over a series of conversations and a trend will emerge."

If it's all the same to you I don't think I'll bother.

Click to rate     Rating   28

- Skitter Brown, Aberfeldy, Scotland, 26/3/2009 19:22


I'm sure that when I married my husband he was Mr Right. 12 yrs down the road I'm glad I trusted my initial judgement. Unfortunately, unbeknown to me at the time, I didn't realise his first name. Always. Go figures!

Click to rate     Rating   20

- Rhiannon Price, Wales, 26/3/2009 19:48


Hmm, I wonder how much money they wasted on that piece of research!!

- A.Williams, manchester england,

I had to laugh
My answer would be: About as much as they have wasted over the last 20 or so years telling us alcohol is bad, accept if you drink red wine, - eggs are bad, but now they are excellent for you, even when dieting- olive oil is the best fat ever to use, unless rapeseed oil is used, which is even better *eyesroll*- salt is the worst sin of all, accept now it turns out if you do not eat enough your sexlife is equally "boring" as your food and you may even have a harder time whilst pregnant.
All these statistics and tests have and never will do anything for me. I live as I see fit and with a little common sense you may live happily every after. Please do not listen to people, magazines or articles which tell you how to live your life "better" if only you do such and such and please just LIVE!!!

Click to rate     Rating   32

- Michi Dewhurst, Bielefeld, Germany, 26/3/2009 19:59


another study to give people an excuse to fail and measure themselves against. what ever happened to hard work and not giving into this idealistic view on marriage. i know too many people who have this crazy idea about love and relationships and how it should be perfect. everyone argues, falls out, cries and disagrees but hey if you love each other and know how to get over the bad days together then you will always have the good days too. hard work and understanding and a realistic view of not just marriage but life is the key.

Click to rate     Rating   21

- kitty, lancashire, 26/3/2009 20:01


There are two words that make a happy marraige...Yes and Dear spoken in that order.
I just pray that this study wasn't paid for, as it is totally pointless.

Click to rate     Rating   11

- Neil, Harlow, 26/3/2009 20:08


Relationship are generally about control/power.

If you engage in a conversation with an agenda (even an agenda which is hidden to you i.e. subconcious) then the exchange will go in that direction. Therefore a lot of conversations will have the same style/theme leading to a conclusion.

Most of us believe that we make conscious decisions about what we do and say. However that is not the case. Just the very act of falling in love is an example...with the "what did I ever see in him/her" statement when it all breaks up.

We are passengers being driven by hidden emotions that others can see at times but we rarely do. Even though our minds give us all the clues we need to see them and do something about them...Our concious mind says NO and points the finger at someone else..."why do I always end up dating alcoholic/abuser etc".

This is not common sense as we resist it as it says something bad about ourselves. However we all have these problems to different degrees.

Click to rate     Rating   2

- iain, London, 26/3/2009 20:43


And they say romance is dead...

Click to rate     Rating   14

- Nina Swift, Harrogate, UK, 26/3/2009 20:53


16 years ago I began dating a man.He is talkative,hyper, genius, a bit vain and hot tempered. I am studious, serious, calm, appreciative and one who keeps the peace. Both of our friends said "the two of you won't last a week...you are too different." Even our astrological signs were against us and said this relationship COULD be volatile. I find it so funny...after watching our friends marry and divorce, and some marry and divorce again...we are the only couple still together, and getting ready to celebrate our 15th wedding anniversary. We found that our individual traits filled and complimented each others.

These studies can sometimes be very wrong!

Click to rate     Rating   29

- Constance, Tampa, FL, USA, 26/3/2009 21:06


This is a very interesting study. I originally read about this in Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking and it described the thin-slicing they used to breakdown each couples interaction etc. I do believe that if couples continue work at and better their relationship as they should this study could be thrown out the window but unfortunately for the mass majority of people that isn't the case.

Click to rate     Rating   6

- Christi, Washington DC, 26/3/2009 21:07


Constance, Tampa - I totally agree with you. Me and My Partner are as opposite as can be, but its lour love for each other and our complimentary differences that keep us strong. I am the mental, hypo crazy one and he is the stable, gentle compassionate one.
Stuff this test!

Click to rate     Rating   6

- Haze, Poole, Dorset, 26/3/2009 22:15


I think it would be much better for me to take the test when I'm romantically involved.

Click to rate     Rating   3

- SmileyRose, UK, 26/3/2009 22:29


It isn't just couples who need to take a step back and assess their behaviour. Trying to look at things from another perspective can help everyone.

Click to rate     Rating   3

- Miss Hawking, UK, 26/3/2009 22:48


Which is more important, survive in marriage or credit crunch ?

Click to rate     Rating   48

- Ms. D. Lee, Hong Kong, 26/3/2009 22:55


"Scientists claim to have come up with a mathematical model which determines whether newlyweds are heading for a lifetime of happiness - or spiralling towards divorce. "

Here's another one - start as friends, remain friends, and everything will follow from that.

So many experts in this world - and yet so little expertise.

Click to rate     Rating   77

- Philip, Bankrupt Britain, 26/3/2009 22:59


I struggled to attempt the quiz because there is 'no common source of strife' in my life or marriage. If there is a common source of strife then surely you are not in a happy marriage and shouldn't need the results of this quiz to tell you that.

Click to rate     Rating   (0)

- D, Morecambe UK, 26/3/2009 22:59


My wife and I married in 1968......we are still together and happy.
The secret is give and take. Quite simple, but sadly, a whole generation of self-centred people now exist.

Click to rate     Rating   1

- Tony Quinlan, Northants, 27/3/2009 0:18


Never forget to kiss each other, smile at each other and ask how their day went.

Click to rate     Rating   3

- ShellB, United Kingdom, 27/3/2009 0:55


Which is more important, survive in marriage or credit crunch ?
- Ms. D. Lee, Hong Kong, 26/3/2009 14:55

I don't understand your question. Obviously if a couple puts their focus into Marriage Stability, then the problems of a credit crunch will easily be "folded into" other daily issues that are discussed and compromised upon.

Does anyone ever pay attention to their wedding vows? " ...in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer", in these things a strong couple will compromise for the good of the relationship.

Click to rate     Rating   1

- Jacqui Bulkley, United States, 27/3/2009 1:10


My wife follows me around all the time now I am retired, especially if I stray into the inner sanctum, ie the kitchen. without permission. and mentions it is 11 o'clock and I haven't started the hoovering. If I am talking on the phone she tells me what to say and I cannot get into the car on my own without her coming after me with a request to get toilet paper or washing powder. She hates the football, the racing, the action movies and I hate the cooking programmes, QVC, the dancing shows, x factor,house conversions and most of the soaps. This is where it gets to after 40 years but you stop and think and you have both changed. It is inevitable. But you also have the grand children to fuss over and that pulls it all together as that is far more important. You cannot go back and be what you were. If they had these analysts all those years ago and they had told you that you might not be compatible in old age would you have listened or gone ahead with a marriage. What do you think?

Click to rate     Rating   6

- taff, wales, 27/3/2009 4:23


So if I understand this correctly they studied 700 people for 12 years and their big conclusion was that couples whose interactions were angry, contemptuous, domineering and belligerent did poorly while people who were agreeable, affectionate and joyful did well.

Click to rate     Rating   20

- Eric, New York, 27/3/2009 5:20


Hey, I would have gotten a +4 with my first two husbands. We had humor down pat. But humor didn't replace abiding love. Probably would be a -1 (for anger) with my current husband (who everyone, who has known me my whole life, says is finally, without a doubt, my soul mate). At first, my current husband and I were concerned about our arguments (and their intensity) and then we decided it was our passionate natures, i.e., the passion we also have for each other. We wake up every morning (even when there has been a fight the night before) feeling like we have just fallen in love - and it's been twelve years.

Click to rate     Rating   4

- Shannon S, Clinton, USA, 27/3/2009 10:02


I have long thought that love is a mechanism that glues two people together long enough for a long term friendship to develop.
If it happens, you are well-suited for a long term relationship based on mutual respect, if not, you'll end up looking elsewhere sooner or later.
So the point is: Is it OK to argue with your friends?
I think it is, as long as it is objective and doesn't become personal.

Click to rate     Rating   4









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