Ebisu Park:河东河西30年,Live English(12)
在温哥华的一个小公园(Ebisu Park),看到了我的“老朋友”,有他乡遇故知的感觉。
温哥华小公园(Ebisu Park)的蓝刺头(Echinops sphaerocephalus)
雪后的Ebisu Park
大毛忽洞的蓝刺头(Echinopss phaerocephalus)(缺少雨水)
因为遇到了蓝刺头,我开始关注这个小公园(Ebisu Park)。
如果你搜索Ebisu Park,会发现不少国家都有这样的公园的命名,有意思。
温哥华Park Board介绍说:
Ebisu(pronounced eh-BE-su) is the Japanese God of Fishermen, of the working man,protector of young children and good luck.
The name reflects and celebrates the heritage of the community and acknowledges the history of this area of Marpole that was once home to a thriving Japanese fishing community in the early part of the 1900s.
搜索知道:日本东京也有一个Ebisu Park。
Ebisu Park (恵比寿公園) is a large sand park located near the intersection of Ebisu Minami, between Ebisu and Daikanyama.
世界上其他国家也有Ebisu Park公园。
温哥华Ebisu Park的公园(目前价值6百万加元)的诞生过程:
Ebisu Park (pronouncedeh-BE-su) is divided by a city lane with the western portion featuring two play grounds for different ages including a climbing rock. The park's eastern side is comprised of lawn and a pinetum boasting 17 small pines which will reach heights of 30 feet over the ensuing decades.
The park was created after the Vancouver Park Board and City Council agreed that the Marpole neighbourhood was park-deficient resulting in the purchase of three parcels of land at a cost of $3,363,000.
Ebisu Park was named in October 2008 following a public process that included submissions from community residents.
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