

在家玩科学的英国院士太太Eleanor Mary Reid (1860--1953)

已有 2888 次阅读 2016-5-21 23:04 |个人分类:古植物学的故事-Story of Palaeobotany Ser ...|系统分类:人物纪事| Mary, Reid

在家玩科学的英国院士太太Eleanor Mary Reid (1860--1953)

SPS-456-Eleanor Mary Reid-rev3.pdf


19世纪上半叶,英国有一位非常著名的女性----Mary Anning (1799--1847),她采集了许多非常有科学意义的古生物化石,主要是脊椎动物化石。Mary Anning的贡献并没有得到应有的学术和社会认可,她与伦敦地质学会(GeologicalSociety of London)和英国皇家学会(The Royal Society London)都无缘。参见

Mary Anning (1799--1847)--The greatest fossilist the world everknew

(转载)MaryAnning (1799-1847) : 已知最伟大的化石采集家



伦敦地质学会成立于1807年。直到1920年,该学会遴选了第1批女性会员(共计4名),其中包括一名杰出的古植物学家Eleanor Mary Reid (1860-- 1953)


英国皇家学会成立于1660。直到1945年,该学会才开始遴选女院士。1946年,植物学才女植物形态解剖学家Agnes Robertson Arber FRS (1879--1960)当选为英国皇家学会院士。1996年,Dianne Edwards (1942--)成为FRS的首位女古植物学家。参见:

英国皇家学会首位植物学女院士Agnes Robertson Arber (FRS, 1879--1960)

我所认识的第一位英国古植物学家--Dianne Edwards FRS (1942--)

本期《古植物学的故事》(456期)简要介绍Eleanor Mary Reid (1860-- 1953)的基本情况。Eleanor Mary Reid婚前原名为“Eleanor Mary WynneEdwards”。1891年,毕业于伦敦大学的女子学院-- Westfield College,获理学学士学位,专业为实验物理学。之后,任教于女子学院-- Cheltenham Ladies' College

1897年,Eleanor Mary Wynne Edwards与地质古生物学家Clement Reid FRS (1853--1916)结婚。EleanorMary Reid开始转行,跟随丈夫Clement Reid研究化石植物,主要是化石种子和果实。

像伟大的博物学家Charles Robert DarwinFRS (1809--1882)一样,Eleanor Mary Reid主要在家中开展了可歌可泣的科学研究。Charles Robert Darwin的家境比较富裕,而Reid夫妇很普通。自1904年起,Eleanor Mary Reid和丈夫Clement Reid院士一起联名发表一些古植物学论著。

1916年,Clement Reid去世,但Eleanor Mary Reid在家中继续古植物学研究,但生活越发拮据。

1920年,Eleanor Mary Reid找到一位年轻助手剑桥大学女子学院(Newnham College毕业生--Marjorie Chandler (1897--1983) 她们开展了卓有成效的合作。在伦敦地质学会和伦敦自然历史博物馆[British Museum (Natural History)--NHM London]的大力支持下,两位女古植物学家合作研究了伦敦早始新世粘土层(Lower-Eocene-aged London Clay Formation)的大量果实和种子材料。研究结果表明,早始新世英国东南部的气候比较温暖Reid & Chandler, 1933)。Eleanor Mary ReidMarjorie Chandler 这项合作成果当属20世纪上半叶欧洲古植物学的经典之作。

∮1 Brief life chronology of EleanorMary Reid (1860-- 1953)

1853: Born in Denbigh, UK;

1886: Enrolled at Westfield College, London University;

1891:  Received a BSc(third-class honours, experimental physics), and then taught physics andmathematics for four years at Cheltenham Ladies' College;
1897: Got married with Clement Reid FRS (1853--1916) , and then co-worked withher husband on fossil plants;

1916: Clement Reid FRS passed away;

1919: Gained money from the Murchison Fund of the GeologicalSociety of London;

1920: Became one of the first female fellows of Geological Societyof London;

1920:  Collaborated with MarjorieChandler (1897–1983);

1933: Coauthored the famous monograph-- London Clay Flora, BritishMuseum (Natural History), London

1936: Received Lyell Medal from the Geological Society of London;

1953: Died in Milford-on-Sea of Hampshire, UK.

∮2 Palaeobotanical publications


Reid, C. &Reid, E.M. 1904. On a probable Palaeolithic floor at Prah Sands (Cornwall),Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society, 60, 106-112


Reid, C. & Reid, E.M. 1907. The fossil flora of Tegelen-sur-Meuse, near Venloo. Verhandelingen vande Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen Sectie 2, 13 (6): 1-22.


Reid, C. & Reid, E.M. 1908. Preglacial flora of Britain, Journal of the Linnean Society, 38,  206-227


Reid,Clement, and Reid, Eleanor M., 1910, The lignite of Bovey Tracey: Royal Soc. LondonPhilos. Trans., v. B201, p. 161-178, pis. 15,16.



Reid, Clement, and Reid, EleanorM., 1915, The Pliocene floras of the Dutch-Prussian border: Netherlands,Rijksopsporing van Delfstoffen Meded. 6,178 p., 20 pis., Hague. [Reid, C. & Reid, E.M. 1915. ThePliocene flora of the Dutch-Prussian border. Mededelingen van deRijksopsporingdienst van Delfstoffen, 6: 1-178.]


Reid, E.M. 1919.Preliminary description of the plant-remains. Quarterly Journal of theGeological Society, 75, 197-200


Reid, E.M. 1920.3. On two preglacial floras from Castle Eden (County Durham). Quarterly Journalof the Geological Society, 76. 104-110


Reid, E.M. 1920.4. A comparative review of Pliocene floras based on the study of fossil seeds.Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society, 76. 145-161

Catalogue of the Cainozoic Plants in the Department of Geology,British Museum (Natural History). Volume 1: The Bembridge Flora (with a Sectionof the Charophyta By James Groves.

Reid, Eleanor M. &M.E.J.Chandler

Published by British Museum, London (1926)


Reid, E.M. & Chandler, M.E.J. 1933. London Clay Flora, British Museum (Natural History, London)

Reid, Eleanor Mary, -,Chandler, M. E. J. (Marjorie ElizabethJane),British Museum (Natural History). Department of Geology.

Published by Trustes of the British Museum, 1933

With thirty-three plates and seventeen figures in the text

Reid E. M. & Chandler M. E. J. 1933. The London Clay Flora. Trustees of the British Museum (Natural History), London.


Qigao Sun:


Story of PaleobotanySeries (No.456) [The 457th issue in total]

The Epic ofPalaeobotany-456

Umbrella of BritishPalaeobotany (47)

EleanorMary Reid (born Eleanor Mary Wynne Edwards) (1860-- 1953)

May 21, 2016


EleanorMary Reid (neé  Eleanor Mary Wynne Edwards) (1860-- 1953)

The London Clay Formation



Story of PaleobotanySeries (No.455) [The 456th issue in total]

The Epic ofPalaeobotany-455

Umbrella of BritishPalaeobotany (46)

Clement Reid FRS (1853--1916)

自学成才的英国地质古生物学家Clement Reid院士(1853--1916)

2016-5-21 22:58 


上一篇:自学成才的英国地质古生物学家Clement Reid院士(1853--1916)
下一篇:英国杰出古植物学家Marjorie Chandler (1897–1983)
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