Two-millennium dark ages in the history of botany (outline)
在植物学历史上,亚里士多德学派的学术理论和思想在基督诞生前的300多年(more than 300 years before Christ)已经确立。可是,在亚里士多德学派代表人物--植物学之父Theophrastus (c.371-- c. 287 BC)身后的大约2000年里,植物学(包括植物形态解剖学)几乎没有什么重要理论之创新。这是植物学历史上漫长的黑暗岁月(Dark Ages)。对于地质历史来说,2000年简直是弹指一挥间;而对于人类文明历史来说,两个千年是何等漫长!
∮1 亚里士多德学派
∮2 植物学历史的2000年黑暗岁月
∮3 原因
∮4 细胞之伟大发现及意义
Robert Hooke(FRS,1635--1703)
In 1665 Hooke published Micrographia, a book describing observations made with microscopes and telescopes, as well as some original work in biology. Hooke coined the term cell for describing biological organisms, the term being suggested by the resemblance of plant cells to cells of a honeycomb.[46]
One of the observations in Micrographiawas of fossil wood, the microscopic structure of which he compared to ordinary wood. This led him to conclude that fossilised objects like petrified wood and fossil shells, such as Ammonites,were the remains of living things that had been soaked in petrifying water laden with minerals.[49] Hooke believed that such fossils provided reliable clues to the past history of life on earth, and, despite the objections of contemporary naturalists like John Ray who found the concept of extinction theologically unacceptable, that in some cases they might represent species that had become extinct through some geological disaster.[50]
Qigao Sun (孙启高2016年元月18日初步整理)
植物形态解剖学: Neo & Paleo-植物学(3)
结构植物学: Neo & Paleo-植物学(3)
Morphology &Anatomy: Neobotany+Paleobotany(No.3)
Structural Botany:Neobotany+Paleobotany(No.3)
History of Botany--
[转载]西方文明的摇篮---希腊[Greece—Cradle of Western Civilization (in Chinese)]
2015-12-16 09:06
Morphology & Anatomy: Neobotany+Paleobotany(No.0)
Structural botany: Neobotany+Paleobotany(No.0)
Feng Chun-ling: Botany Theory of Theophrastus
冯春玲:植物学之父--提奥弗拉斯托斯的植物学思想研究:以《植物史》和《植物的本原》为中心(in Chinesewith English abstract)
2015-12-10 00:46
植物形态解剖学: Neo & Paleo-植物学(1)
结构植物学: Neo & Paleo-植物学(1)
Morphology& Anatomy: Neobotany+Paleobotany(No.1)
Structural Botany: Neobotany+Paleobotany(No.1)
Theophrastus:the origin of plant morphology and anatomy (in English with Chinese introduction)
2016-1-16 02:00
植物形态解剖学: Neo & Paleo-植物学(2)
结构植物学: Neo & Paleo-植物学(2)
Morphology& Anatomy: Neobotany+Paleobotany(No.2)
Structural Botany: Neobotany+Paleobotany(No.2)
Macroscope(宏观镜) vs Microscope(显微镜)(in English with Chinese introduction)
2016-1-21 00:16
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