

纪念胡先骕(10): 胡先骕1941年圣诞节亲笔写就史诗般的《序言》

已有 3794 次阅读 2009-11-13 11:55 |个人分类:纪念Hu Hsen-Hsu|系统分类:人物纪事| 序言, 胡先骕, 史诗般

发表于 2009-11-13 11:55:04
    静生生物调查所(简称“静生所”,即中国科学院植物研究所前身之一)在北京正式成立,秉志先生(1886-1965)担任首任所长,胡先骕先生(1894-1968)任植物部主任。静生所英文名称为“Fan Memorial Institute of Biology”。从英文名称看,成立静生所的起因之一是纪念范静生先生。

    静生所创办的英文学术刊物--- Bulletin of Fan Memorial Institute of Biology(《静生生物调查所汇报》)第1卷第1期在北京正式印行(PUBLISHED BY THE INSTITUTE, PEIPING, CHINA)。






Early in the morning of Dec. 8th 1941, the date when Japan started her undeclared war against Great Britain and U. S. A., Japanese gendarmery in Peiping confiscated all the British and American institutions and properties in that occupied city and also those Chinese institutions which till then maintained a kind of precarious existence owing to their more or less close relationship with these countries. Yenching University, Peking Union Medical College are Chinese institutions of this class. So is the Fan Memorial Institute of Biology which is financed by China Foundation for the Promotion of Education and Culture, a Sino-American institution established with the Boxer Indemnity fund returned to China by U. S. A.

During the four and half years of Sino-Japanese War the Fan Memorial Institute of Biology struggle on bravely in the conquered city in spite of the pressure, espionage and ill-concealed hatred of the Japanese authorities. Especially because of the open avowal of my views concerning this war expressed before my erstwhile friend, Dr. T. Nakai, Dean of the College of Science, the Tokyo Imperial University, who, inspired by an aggressive imperialism, cannot tolerate patriotism and loyalty to his country even in an old friend. Since then I am marked as one who entertains anti-Japanese sentiment, and the Fan Memorial Institute, a center of anti-Japanese activities. Drs. T. Nakai and S. Matsumura, a noted Japanese entomologist, repeatedly advocated the confiscation of the Fan Memorial Institute, a fate the latter succeeded to escape ever and again by invoking the help of the American Embassy. But the inevitable fate came at last when Japan decided to gamble her national existence by waging war against the two mighty Anglo-Saxon countries.

During the these years the staff-members of the Fan Memorial Institute carried on their research work as energetically as in peace time if not more so. Botanical and horticultural exploration has been carried on in different parts of Yunnan Province for three consecutive years in cooperation with the Royal Horticultural Society, the Royal Botanical Garden of Edinburgh and the Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University till the outbreak of the second great war in Europe. Our research bulletins appeared regularly. We have also published Prof. Chinfu F. Wu’s monumental work, Catalogus Insectorum Sinensium. Volume VI of our Icones Plantarum Snincarum is in preparation. The plates have been lithographed. Its publication is postponed owing to my leave from Peiping. But what we laboured and accumulated for years in the invaluable botanical and zoological collections and our precious library have been ruthlessly seized by brutal force. Yet we still maintain our dauntless spirit. This new series of our research bulletins announces to the world that we are still continuing our research and publication work in spite of our total loss in Peiping. We shall double or treble our efforts in carrying out our exploration and research work. The appearance of the first part of our bulletins is a profession of our faith and challenge to our aggressive-minded colleagues in imperialist Japan. Faith is the prerequisite of victory. And we have the faith.

H. H. Hu

Dec. 25th 1941

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