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已有 6610 次阅读 2009-12-19 11:52 |个人分类:Aspen 软件学习系列|系统分类:科研笔记| Aspen, nist数据库




Use this dialog box to review the results from a property parameter estimation from the NIST Thermo Data Engine (TDE).

Initially, or by clicking All on the left, a summary of the estimated parameters is shown. For T-dependent parameters, a + is displayed; you can click this to open the display of the estimated values for each element of these parameters.

You can click any property parameter in the list at the left to see the details for that parameter in a multi-tab display, including the experimental data and estimated property parameters. In addition to the usual parameters, a compound class (such as alcohols or ketones) is displayed. On the Experimental Data tab, the Accept/Reject column indicates which data points were used in regression and which were rejected as outliers. Click Citation in the Citation column to see the citation for the source of each data point.

The Evaluated Results tab displays property values for temperature-dependent properties for a range of temperatures. You can click Reevaluate to specify a different range of temperatures or number of points.

You can click Plot from the data tab of any T-dependent parameter to generate a plot of that data vs. temperature. The plot displays all available experimental data along with the curve of calculated values.

Click Save to Form to save any of the TDE results in forms in your current Aspen Plus or Aspen Properties run. The Select Parameters to Save dialog box appears, allowing you to select which parameters you want to save data for. A checkbox (selected by default) lets you specify to save only accepted data; if this is selected then experimental data points which were rejected by TDE are not saved to forms. The data is saved to:


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