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Tell me how to make this clear

已有 6356 次阅读 2018-10-2 22:45 |个人分类:潘学峰诗选|系统分类:诗词雅集

 Tell me how to make this clear


I don't know how to make this clear, my old folks,
That utmost a mountain is a mountain and a plain is a plain
They are intrinsically normal and natural, and should not be a thing,
(Making them high or low, or showing a difference between them)
In your weird  minds

A wild mountain is higher than a humble fertile land, as you would think
My poor folks, it was because that you have lost your altitude in psycho
When you are looking at  the mountain while you are standing in the plain

On the opposite, if you look at the plain in the top of a mountain
I am sure, my poor folks, you will definitely find  the plain is full of
Mysterious spots sparkling in the horizontal line


Copyright © Xuefeng Pan | Year Posted 2018


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