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a bad day of mine

已有 6406 次阅读 2018-10-1 23:09 |个人分类:潘学峰诗选|系统分类:诗词雅集


a bad day of mine


I don't know how could I woke up automatically in the morning
Without any assistance of an alarm set and or a person calling

I automatically woke up again in the morning, Huh, I have a new day,
Something has been waiting for me for a long time, I will do it today

The old things are still remaining in my head, but I have to face some new things
How difficult for me to turn my memory machine a bit towards them?

In fact, I am still dreaming something about but I have to be moving
Without a clear direction, an idea, a solution how bad  Today in its beginning


Copyright © Xuefeng Pan | Year Posted 2018




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