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生物经济潜力:科学家发现140种爱蜘蛛毒液的理由 精选

已有 4826 次阅读 2024-12-3 20:05 |个人分类:新科技|系统分类:海外观察




Spiders, as venomous creatures, rely on their chemical arsenal to capture prey or defend themselves. Their venom primarily contains small neurotoxins that attack the central nervous system of their targets. The venom cocktail of spiders – here the wolf spider Lycosa praegrandis – also contains enzymes that could be of interest for bioeconomic applications. Credit: Louis Roth

据德国森肯伯格自然研究学会Senckenberg Society for Nature Research2024122日提供的消息,生物经济潜力:科学家发现了140种爱蜘蛛毒液的理由(Bioeconomic Potential: Scientists Just Found 140 Reasons to Love Spider Venom)。

LOEWE转化生物多样性基因组学中心{LOEWE Centre for Translational Biodiversity Genomics (TBG), Frankfurt a. M., Germany}的研究人员发现了蜘蛛毒液中酶的显著多样性,这在以前被对神经毒素(neurotoxins)的关注所掩盖。


探索蜘蛛毒液的复杂性(Exploring the Complexity of Spider Venoms)


然而,来自LOEWE中心TBGLOEWE Centre TBG)和位于德国吉森的弗劳恩霍夫分子生物学和应用生态学研究所生物资源分部{Fraunhofer Institute for Molecular Biology and Applied Ecology’s Bioresources branch (IME-BR) in Giessen, Germany}的一个徳澳联合研究小组发现了一个惊人的发现:蜘蛛毒液不仅仅是神经毒素,它还含有各种各样的酶。

该研究结果2024913日已经在《npj生物多样性》(npj Biodiversity杂志网站发表——Josephine Dresler, Volker Herzig, Andreas Vilcinskas, Tim Lüddecke. Enlightening the toxinological dark matter of spider venom enzymes. npj Biodiversity, 2024, 3, Article number: 25. DOI: 10.1038/s44185-024-00058-2. Published: 13 September 2024. 此文强调了这些酶尚未开发的潜力及其在毒液复杂性中的作用。

参与此项研究的除了来自德国吉森的弗劳恩霍夫分子生物学和应用生态学研究所(Fraunhofer Institute for Molecular Biology and Applied Ecology, Gießen, Germany)、LOEWE转化生物多样性基因组学中心(LOEWE Centre TBG, Frankfurt a. M., Germany)的研究人员之外,还有来自澳大利亚阳光海岸大学(University of the Sunshine Coast, Sippy Downs, QLD, Australia)以及德国贾斯特斯-李比希-吉森大学(Justus-Liebig-University of Giessen, Gießen, Germany)的研究人员。

蜘蛛毒液中的酶多样性(Enzymatic Diversity in Spider Venom)

上述论文的通讯作者、本研究负责人、IME-BR和贾斯特斯-李比希-吉森大学动物毒液组学工作组(Animal Venomics working group at the IME-BR and the Justus Liebig University in Giessen)的负责人蒂姆·鲁德克博士(Dr. Tim Lüddecke)解释说:“在过去,一些开创性的研究表明蜘蛛毒液中存在酶,但对它们的针对性寻找从未进行过。我们承担了这项任务,系统地筛选了迄今为止所有蜘蛛毒液分析的原始数据,以寻找酶类物质。我们能够证明,实际上在它们的毒液中有140多种不同的酶家族。这意味着,到目前为止,我们大大低估了蜘蛛毒液的化学多样性,因为所有的复杂性计算都是仅仅基于神经毒素。”

蜘蛛毒液酶的潜在应用(Potential Applications of Spider Venom Enzymes)


“酶是生物经济的关键组成部分。它们加速化学反应,具有副产物生成极低、能耗低和可生物降解性的特点。因此,它们可以用来以高度可持续的方式创造价值。因此,工业界在不断地寻找新的酶来源,”动物毒液组学工作组的博士生、该研究的第一作者约瑟芬·德雷斯勒(Josephine Dresler)解释说。

“例如,我们已经确定的一些酶可以用于洗涤剂(detergents)或废物管理(waste management),因为它们具有分解脂肪或降解蛋白质的特性。它们可以为可持续转型(sustainable transformation)做出重大贡献,”约瑟芬·德雷斯勒说。

释放新的研究机会和产业机会(Unlocking New Research and Industry Opportunities)



作者的此项研究是受到《蝎子毒液的酶核》The enzymatic core of scorpion venoms)研究成果的启发,它给了研究者进行蜘蛛毒液研究的灵感。本研究得到了澳大利亚研究理事会{Australian Research Council (FT190100482)} 的资助。



Spiders produce highly adapted venoms featuring a complex mixture of biomolecules used mainly for hunting and defense. The most prominent components are peptidic neurotoxins, a major focus of research and drug development, whereas venom enzymes have been largely neglected. Nevertheless, investigation of venom enzymes not only reveals insights into their biological functions, but also provides templates for future industrial applications. Here we compared spider venom enzymes validated at protein level contained in the VenomZone database and from all publicly available proteo-transcriptomic spider venom datasets. We assigned reported enzymes to cellular processes and known venom functions, including toxicity, prey pre-digestion, venom preservation, venom component activation, and spreading factors. Our study unveiled extensive discrepancy between public databases and publications with regard to enzyme coverage, which impedes the development of novel spider venom enzyme-based applications. Uncovering the previously unrecognized abundance and diversity of venom enzymes will open new avenues for spider venom biodiscovery.


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1 郑永军

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