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来自内脏的攻击 精选

已有 5336 次阅读 2023-4-1 20:14 |个人分类:新观察|系统分类:海外观察




Fig. 1 After surgery, bacteria from the intestine can enter the organism. Special cells of the immune system located in the liver fight them. (Graphic: Mercedes Gomez de Aguero)


Fig. 2 The gut microbiota: our helpful and value guests when the boundaries are respected. The bacteria are red, the intestine is blue. (Image: Mercedes Gomez de Agüero)


Fig. 3 Mercedes Gomez de Agüero, head of a junior research group at the Institute of Systems Immunology at Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg (Image: JMU / Institut für Systemimmunologie)


Fig. 4 Guido Beldi, Chief of Visceral Surgery at the University Hospital for Visceral Surgery and Medicine at Inselspital in Bern (Image: Inselspital Bern)

据德国维尔茨堡大学University of Würzburg / Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg2023323日报道,来自内脏的攻击(Attack from the gut)。




发表于《细胞报告》(Publication in Cell Reports)的论文

这项研究成果于2023328日已经在《细胞报告》(Cell Reports)杂志网站发表——Manuel O. Jakob, Daniel Spari, Daniel Sanchez-Taltavull, Lilian Salm, Bahtiyar Yilmaz, Remi Doucet Ladeveze, Catherine Mooser, David Pereyra, Ye Ouyang, Theresa Schmidt, Irene Mattiola, Patrick Starlinger, Deborah Stroka, Franziska Tschan, Daniel Candinas, Georg Gasteiger, Christoph S.N. Klose, Andreas Diefenbach, Mercedes Gomez de Agüero, Guido Beldi. ILC3s restrict the dissemination of intestinal bacteria to safeguard liver regeneration after surgery. Cell Reports, 28 March 2023, Volume 42, Issue 3, 112269. DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2023.112269. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.celrep.2023.112269

共同负责这项工作的是瑞士伯尔尼Inselspital的内脏外科和医学大学医院(University Hospital for Visceral Surgery and Medicine at Inselspital in Bern)内脏外科主任吉多·贝尔迪(Guido Beldi, Fig. 4)教授和维尔茨堡大学系统免疫学研究所{Institute of Systems Immunology at Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg (JMU)}初级研究小组组长梅赛德斯·戈麦斯·阿圭罗博士 (Dr. Mercedes Gomez de Agüero, Fig. 3)


肠道内生活着100万亿个微生物(100 trillion microorganisms live in the intestine)

梅赛德斯·戈麦斯·阿圭罗解释说:人体肠道中生活着数百种不同的细菌和大约100万亿种微生物。它们形成了天然的肠道菌群,也称为微生物组。” 它们的存在对人类有益:它们有助于消化、消除病原体和训练免疫系统。然而,这只适用于这些细菌不克服所谓的肠道屏障并扩散到全身的情况。

但是,这正是外科手术后可能发生的情况:在我们的研究中,我们分析了在大型外科手术后近4000名患者中引起副感染的微生物,吉多·贝尔迪解释说。结果表明,在几乎所有病例中,传染原都是来自患者肠道的细菌,例如肠球菌(Enterococcus)、大肠杆菌(Escherichia coli)和梭菌(Clostridium)。

它们最常在肝脏、胰腺和胆管手术后以及小肠和大肠手术期间引起感染。特别是接受切除大部分肝脏的大肝切除术(major liver resection)的患者会遭受这种感染,这会大大延迟愈合过程。

重要参与者位于肝脏(Important players are located in the liver)

研究人员能够在小鼠模型中证明,肝脏实际上在这种感染过程中起着特殊的作用:我们知道,存在于肝脏中的免疫系统的特殊细胞负责控制这些细菌的传播和大手术后的愈合过程,梅赛德斯·戈麦斯·阿圭罗说。它们是一组称为先天淋巴细胞 (innate lymphoid cells简称ILC) 的淋巴细胞(lymphocytes),是先天免疫系统的重要参与者。

如果来自肠道的细菌通过血流进入肝脏,这些ILC就会被激活并释放特殊的信使物质,例如白细胞介素22interleukin 22),这是一种可以触发和调节免疫反应的蛋白质。通过这种方式,它们刺激肝细胞产生抗菌物质。通过这种方式,存在于肝脏中的先天性淋巴细胞(ILC)可以控制肠道细菌的全身传播,并有效地对抗手术后的副感染。因此,增强免疫力代表了一种有用的预防和治疗替代策略,可以替代标准的抗菌疗法,以防止手术后伴随感染,吉多·贝尔迪表示。至少在弄清楚哪些因素导致肠道屏障不再阻止肠道细菌,在手术干预后侵入身体内部之前是这样。研究团队现在想研究这些问题。

系统免疫学研究所(The Institute of Systems Immunology)

系统免疫学研究所起源于马克斯·普朗克系统免疫学研究小组(Max Planck Research Group for Systems Immunology——维尔茨堡大学(University of Würzburg)和马克斯普朗克学会(Max Planck Society)的一项联合倡议,旨在促进优秀的免疫学研究。它由系统免疫学 ISystems Immunology I)主席沃尔夫冈·卡斯滕缪勒(Wolfgang Kastenmüller)教授和系统免疫学IISystems Immunology II)主席格奥尔格·加斯泰戈尔(Georg Gasteiger)教授领导。来自20多个国家的大约50名科学家现在在系统免疫学研究所工作。共同目标是了解针对传染性病原体、慢性炎症性疾病和肿瘤的成功免疫反应的基本原理,以便为疫苗和免疫疗法开发新的概念和策略。

乐园集团(The Insel Group)




• Translocating intestinal bacteria cause surgery-related infections

• Systemic dissemination of intestinal bacteria is restricted by ILC3s via IL-22

• ILC3s promote antimicrobial peptide production in hepatocytes

• The ILC3-controlled spread of intestinal bacteria limits liver regeneration


It is generally believed that environmental or cutaneous bacteria are the main origin of surgical infections. Therefore, measures to prevent postoperative infections focus on optimizing hygiene and improving asepsis and antisepsis. In a large cohort of patients with infections following major surgery, we identified that the causative bacteria are mainly of intestinal origin. Postoperative infections of intestinal origin were also found in mice undergoing partial hepatectomy. CCR6+ group 3 innate lymphoid cells (ILC3s) limited systemic bacterial spread. Such bulwark function against host invasion required the production of interleukin-22 (IL-22), which controlled the expression of antimicrobial peptides in hepatocytes, thereby limiting bacterial spread. Using genetic loss-of-function experiments and punctual depletion of ILCs, we demonstrate that the failure to restrict intestinal commensals by ILC3s results in impaired liver regeneration. Our data emphasize the importance of endogenous intestinal bacteria as a source for postoperative infection and indicate ILC3s as potential new targets.

Graphical abstract



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