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已有 3802 次阅读 2022-6-17 21:36 |个人分类:新观察|系统分类:海外观察




Although the quantum dots of the Basel researchers are different, they emit exactly identical light particles. Credit: University of Basel, Department of Physics

据瑞士巴塞尔大学(University of Basel, Switzerland2022613日提供的消息,相同的光粒子(光子)对于许多基于量子物理的技术是重要的。来自巴塞尔大学和德国波鸿鲁尔大学(Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany)的一组研究人员,现在用不同的量子点产生了相同的光子(Twin photons from different quantum dots),这是迈向防窃听通信(tap-proof communications)和量子互联网(quantum internet)等应用的重要一步。


由巴塞尔大学的理查德·沃伯顿(Richard Warburton)领导的研究小组与波鸿大学的同事们合作,已经成功地制造出了来自不同且相隔很远的出处的相同光子。

来自量子点的单光子(Single photons from quantum dots

在他们的实验中,物理学家使用了所谓的量子点(quantum dots),这种半导体结构只有几个纳米大小。在量子点中,电子被困住,只能处于非常特定的能级。光是在从一个能级跃迁到另一个能级时发出的。在触发这种跃迁的激光脉冲的帮助下,按下一个按钮就可以产生单光子。相关研究结果于2022519日已经在《自然纳米技术》(Nature Nanotechnology)杂志网站发表—— Liang ZhaiGiang N. NguyenClemens SpinnlerJulian RitzmannMatthias C. LöblAndreas D. WieckArne LudwigAlisa JavadiRichard J. Warburton. Quantum interference of identical photons from remote GaAs quantum dots. Nature Nanotechnology, Published: 19 May 2022DOI: 10.1038/s41565-022-01131-2. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41565-022-01131-2

该研究的第一作者、也是通讯作者博士后研究员翟亮( Liang Zhai音译)解释说:“近年来,其他研究人员已经用不同的量子点创造出了相同的光子。然而,要做到这一点,他们必须使用光学滤光片从大量光子中挑选出最相似的光子。”这样一来,可用的光子就所剩无几了。


93%完全相同(93% identical


此外,研究人员还能够实现量子计算机的一个重要组成部分,即所谓的受控非门(controlled NOT gate简称CNOT gate)。这样的门可以用来实现量子算法,比传统计算机更快地解决某些问题。

博士生Giang N. Nguyen承认:“目前,我们的相同光子产量仍在1%左右。”Giang N. Nguyen和同事克莱门斯·斯平德勒(Clemens Spindler)一起参与了这项实验。“然而,我们已经有了一个相当好的想法,如何在未来提高产率。”这将使孪生光子方法(twin-photon method)为在不同量子技术中的潜在应用做好准备。

此项研究得到了瑞士国家科学基金会{383065199/Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation); TRR160/Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation)}、欧盟地平线2020研究和创新计划{721394/EC | EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation H2020 | H2020 Priority Excellent Science | H2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (H2020 Excellent Science - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions); 861097/EC | EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation H2020 | H2020 Priority Excellent Science | H2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (H2020 Excellent Science - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions); 840453/EC | EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation H2020 | H2020 Priority Excellent Science | H2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (H2020 Excellent Science - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions)、德国联邦教育与研究部{QR.X 16KISQ009/Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (Federal Ministry of Education and Research)}以及法德大学{CDFA05-06/Deutsch-Französische Hochschule (Franco-German University)}的支持。


Researchers develop ideal single-photon source


Photonic quantum technology provides a viable route to quantum communication1,2, quantum simulation3 and quantum information processing4. Recent progress has seen the realization of boson sampling using 20 single photons3 and quantum key distribution over hundreds of kilometres2. Scaling the complexity requires architectures containing multiple photon sources, photon counters and a large number of indistinguishable single photons. Semiconductor quantum dots are bright and fast sources of coherent single photons5,6,7,8,9. For applications, a roadblock is the poor quantum coherence on interfering single photons created by independent quantum dots10,11. Here we demonstrate two-photon interference with near-unity visibility (93.0 ± 0.8)% using photons from two completely separate GaAs quantum dots. The experiment retains all the emission into the zero phonon line—only the weak phonon sideband is rejected; temporal post-selection is not employed. By exploiting quantum interference, we demonstrate a photonic controlled-not circuit and an entanglement with fidelity of (85.0 ± 1.0)% between photons of different origins. The two-photon interference visibility is high enough that the entanglement fidelity is well above the classical threshold. The high mutual coherence of the photons stems from high-quality materials, diode structure and relatively large quantum dot size. Our results establish a platform—GaAs quantum dots—for creating coherent single photons in a scalable way.


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