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已有 4157 次阅读 2022-4-27 15:25 |个人分类:新观察|系统分类:海外观察




Fig. 1 A cartoon depiction of the light-induced ferromagnetism that the researchers observed in ultrathin sheets of tungsten diselenide and tungsten disulfide. Laser light, shown in yellow, excites an exciton—a bound pair of an electron (blue) and its associated positive charge, also known as a hole (red). This activity induces long range exchange interactions among other holes trapped within the moiré superlattice, orienting their spins in the same direction. Credit: Xi Wang/University of Washington


Fig. 2 A top-view image, taken by piezoresponse force microscopy, of stacked layers of tungsten diselenide and tungsten disulfide, forming what is known as a heterostructure. Triangles indicate the repeating "units" of the moiré superlattice. Credit: Xi Wang/University of Washington

据美国华盛顿大学(University of Washington简称UW)新闻2022420日报道,激光能够在原子薄的量子材料中触发磁性(Lasers trigger magnetism in atomically thin quantum materials)。研究人员发现,激光形式的光可以在正常的非磁性材料中触发某种形式的磁性。这种磁性集中在电子的行为上。这些亚原子粒子具有称为自旋的电子特性,在量子计算中具有潜在应用。研究人员发现,当被来自激光的光子照射时,材料中的电子会朝着相同的方向定向。

该实验由美国华盛顿大学(UW)、中国香港大学(University of Hong Kong)和美国太平洋西北国家实验室(Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)的科学家领导,相关研究结果于20224 20日已经在《自然》(Nature)杂志网站发表——Xi WangChengxin XiaoHeonjoon ParkJiayi ZhuChong WangTakashi TaniguchiKenji WatanabeJiaqiang YanDi XiaoDaniel R. GamelinWang YaoXiaodong Xu. Light-induced ferromagnetism in moiré superlattices. Nature, Published: 20 April 2022, 604: 468–473. DOI: 10.1038/s41586-022-04472-zhttp://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-022-04472-z

有华盛顿大学王曦(Xi Wang音译)提供的图1,研究人员在超薄二硒化钨(WSe2)和二硫化钨(WS2)薄片中观察到的光诱导铁磁性的卡通描绘。以黄色显示的激光激发激子——电子(蓝色)及其相关正电荷(也称为空穴即红色)的束缚对。这种活动在莫尔超晶格内的其他空穴之间引起长程交换相互作用,使它们的自旋方向相同。

根据共同通讯作者、华盛顿大学物理系和材料科学与工程系波音特聘教授(Boeing Distinguished Professor)徐晓东的(Xiaodong Xu法,通过在如此精细和精确的水平上控制和调整电子自旋,这个平台可以在量子模拟领域得到应用。

华盛顿大学清洁能源研究所(UW's Clean Energy Institute)分子工程与科学研究所Molecular Engineering & Sciences Institute)研究员徐晓东说:在这个系统中,我们基本上可以使用光子来控制被困在半导体材料中的电荷的基态(ground state特性——例如磁性。这是为量子计算quantum computing)和其他应用开发某些类型的量子比特qubits)的必要控制水平。

徐晓东的研究团队带头进行了实验,他与共同通讯作者、香港大学(University of Hong Kong)物理学教授姚望(Wang Yao)领导了这项研究,他的团队致力于研究支持结果的理论。参与这项研究的其他华盛顿大学教职员工是共同作者肖迪(Di Xiao音译)和丹尼尔·盖米林(Daniel Gamelin)。肖迪是华盛顿大学物理学和材料科学与工程教授以及担任太平洋西北国家实验室(Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)联合职务;而丹尼尔·盖米林是华盛顿大学化学教授、分子工程材料中心Molecular Engineering Materials Center)主任。

上述图2Fig. 2)是由华盛顿大学王曦提供的照片。由压电响应力显微镜(piezoresponse force microscopy)拍摄的二硒化钨(WSe2)和二硫化钨(WS2)堆叠层的顶视图图像,形成了所谓的异质结构。三角形表示莫尔超晶格(moiré superlattice)的重复单元 /

该团队使用WSe2WS2的超薄薄片——每层只有三层原子厚。两者都是半导体材料,之所以如此命名,是因为电子以介于全导电金属和绝缘体之间的速度穿过它们,在光子学和太阳能电池中具有潜在用途。研究人员将这两张薄片叠起来形成了莫尔超晶格(moiré superlattice)”,这是一种由重复单元组成的堆叠结构。

像这样的堆叠薄片是量子物理学(quantum physics)和材料研究的强大平台powerful platforms),因为超晶格结构可以将激子保持在适当的位置。激子是成对的受激电子及其相关的正电荷,科学家可以测量它们在不同超晶格配置中的性质和行为如何变化。


徐晓东说:就好像超晶格中的激子已经开始与空间分离的电子对话。然后,通过激子,电子建立了交换相互作用,形成了所谓的具有使自旋一致的有序状态(ordered state

研究人员在超晶格中目睹的自旋一致是铁磁性的特征,铁磁性是铁等材料固有的磁性形式。它通常不存在于二硒化钨和二硫化钨中。徐晓东说,莫尔超晶格中的每个重复单元本质上就像一个量子点quantum dot)来捕获电子自旋(electron spin)。可以相互交谈的捕获的电子自旋(Trapped electron spins)被认为是一种量子比特的基础,量子计算机的基本单元可以利用量子力学的独特特性进行计算。

20211125日发表在《科学》(Science)杂志上的另一篇论文(Tiancheng Song, Qi-Chao Sun, Eric Anderson, Chong Wang, Jimin Qian, Takashi Taniguchi, Kenji Watanabe, Michael A. Mcguire, Rainer Stöhr, Di Xiao, Ting Cao, Jörg Wrachtrup, Xiaodong Xu. Direct visualization of magnetic domains and moiré magnetism in twisted 2D magnets. Science • 25 Nov 2021, 374(6571): 1140-1144. DOI: 10.1126/science.abj7478. https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abj7478)中,徐晓东和他的合作者在由超薄三碘化铬(chromium triiodide, CrI3)片形成的莫尔超晶格中发现了新的磁性。与二硒化钨和二硫化钨不同,三碘化铬具有固有的磁性,即使是单个原子片(even as a single atomic sheet)。堆叠的三碘化铬层形成了交替的磁畴:一个是铁磁性的(ferromagnetic——自旋都在相同的方向上排列;另一个是反铁磁性的(antiferromagnetic,其中自旋在超晶格的相邻层之间指向相反的方向,根据徐晓东的说法,基本上是相互抵消的。这一发现还阐明了材料结构与其磁性之间的关系,这可能会推动计算、数据存储和其它领域的未来发展。


在《自然》(Nature)杂志发表的论文,第一作者是华盛顿大学物理和化学博士后研究员王曦。其他合著者是中国香港大学的肖诚信(Chengxin Xiao音译);华盛顿大学物理博士生 Heonjoon Park和朱嘉怡(Jiayi Zhu);王崇(Chong Wang音译),华盛顿大学材料科学与工程研究者;日本国立材料科学研究所的谷口尚Takashi Taniguchi)和渡边贤司Kenji Watanabe);和美国橡树岭国家实验室(Oak Ridge National Laboratory)的严家强(Jiaqiang Yan音译)。该研究由美国能源部(U.S. Department of Energy)、美国陆军研究办公室(U.S. Army Research Office)、美国国家科学基金会(U.S. National Science Foundation)、裘槎基金会(Croucher Foundation)、香港特别行政区大学教育资助委员会/研究资助局(University Grant Committee/Research Grants Council of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region)、日本文部科学省(Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology)、日本科学振兴会(Japan Society for the Promotion of Scienc)、日本科学技术振兴机构(Japan Science and Technology Agency)、华盛顿州(state of Washington)以及华盛顿大学(UW)资助。


Simple materials offer a peek into the quantum realm

AbstractDOI: 10.1038/s41586-022-04472-z

Many-body interactions between carriers lie at the heart of correlated physics. The ability to tune such interactions would allow the possibility to access and control complex electronic phase diagrams. Recently, two-dimensional moiré superlattices have emerged as a promising platform for quantum engineering such phenomena1,2,3. The power of the moiré system lies in the high tunability of its physical parameters by adjusting the layer twist angle1,2,3, electrical field4,5,6, moiré carrier filling7,8,9,10,11 and interlayer coupling12. Here we report that optical excitation can highly tune the spin–spin interactions between moiré-trapped carriers, resulting in ferromagnetic order in WS2 /WSe2 moiré superlattices. Near the filling factor of −1/3 (that is, one hole per three moiré unit cells), as the excitation power at the exciton resonance increases, a well-developed hysteresis loop emerges in the reflective magnetic circular dichroism signal as a function of magnetic field, a hallmark of ferromagnetism. The hysteresis loop persists down to charge neutrality, and its shape evolves as the moiré superlattice is gradually filled, indicating changes of magnetic ground state properties. The observed phenomenon points to a mechanism in which itinerant photoexcited excitons mediate exchange coupling between moiré-trapped holes. This exciton-mediated interaction can be of longer range than direct coupling between moiré-trapped holes9, and thus magnetic order arises even in the dilute hole regime. This discovery adds a dynamic tuning knob to the rich many-body Hamiltonian of moiré quantum matter13,14,15,16,17,18,19.


Imaging twisty magnetsDOI: 10.1126/science.abj7478

Twisting monolayers of graphene with respect to each other has led to a number of unusual correlated states. This approach has inspired researchers to try their hand at twisting two-dimensional (2D) magnets, but such experiments have proven a difficult challenge. Song et al. made structures out of layers of the 2D magnet chromium triiodide with a small twist angle (see the Perspective by Lado). Using nitrogen vacancy centers in diamond as a magnetometer, the authors imaged the magnetic domains in both twisted monolayer and twisted trilayer structures. For twisted trilayers, a periodic pattern of ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic domains was revealed. —JS

AbstractDOI: 10.1126/science.abj7478

Moiré superlattices of twisted nonmagnetic two-dimensional (2D) materials are highly controllable platforms for the engineering of exotic correlated and topological states. Here, we report emerging magnetic textures in small-angle twisted 2D magnet chromium triiodide (CrI3). Using single-spin quantum magnetometry, we directly visualized nanoscale magnetic domains and periodic patterns, a signature of moiré magnetism, and measured domain size and magnetization. In twisted bilayer CrI3, we observed the coexistence of antiferromagnetic (AFM) and ferromagnetic (FM) domains with disorder-like spatial patterns. In twisted double-trilayer CrI3, AFM and FM domains with periodic patterns appear, which is in good agreement with the calculated spatial magnetic structures that arise from the local stacking-dependent interlayer exchange interactions in CrI3 moiré superlattices. Our results highlight magnetic moiré superlattices as a platform for exploring nanomagnetism.


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