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已有 2051 次阅读 2022-3-17 10:30 |个人分类:新观察|系统分类:博客资讯




Schematic of a laser interferometer used to observe gravitational waves. If the quantum uncertainty of the radiation pressure of the light is the dominant dynamic force acting on the mirrors, a common quantum object arises from the mirror and the reflected light beam. In this case, the sensitivity of the interferometer is optimal when measuring changes in mirror positions due to gravitational waves. Credit: Alexander Franzen

据美国物理学会(American Institute of Physics2022315日提供的消息,引力波反射实验可以演化成量子实体(Gravitational wave mirror experiments can evolve into quantum entities)。量子物理实验探索宏观或重体在重力作用下的运动,需要保护免受任何环境噪声和高效传感。

理想的系统是一个高反射镜,其运动被单色光感知,具有高量子效率的光电探测。如果光的量子不确定性与镜面运动相互影响,最终导致光学自由度与运动自由度之间的纠缠,则进行量子光学力学实验。相关研究结果于2022315日已经在《AVS量子科学》(AVS Quantum Science)杂志网站发表—— Roman SchnabelMikhail Korobko. Macroscopic quantum mechanics in gravitational-wave observatories and beyond. AVS Quantum Science, 2022, 4(1), 014701. Published Online: 15 March 2022 . https://doi.org/10.1116/5.0077548https://aip.scitation.org/doi/full/10.1116/5.0077548


在《AVS量子科学》发表的论文中,来自德国汉堡大学(Hamburg University in Germany)的研究人员将引力波探测器的研究作为量子技术的历史范例进行了回顾,并对量子物理和引力之间的联系进行了基础研究。引力波天文学需要前所未有的灵敏度来测量音频频带及以下的微小时空振荡。该团队研究了最近的引力波实验,表明可以屏蔽大型物体,比如一个40 kg重的石英玻璃镜反射200 kW的激光,使它们免受热环境和地震环境的强烈影响,从而使它们演化成一个量子物体。

上述论文的第一作者罗曼·施纳贝尔(Roman Schnabel)说:“镜子只能感知光,而光只能感知镜子。环境基本上不适合它们两个。它们共同的进化过程可以用薛定谔方程(Schrödinger equation)来描述。”


研究人员的回顾与诺贝尔奖得主罗杰·彭罗斯(Roger Penrose)在探索大质量物体的量子行为方面的工作有交集。罗杰·彭罗斯试图更好地理解量子物理学和重力之间的联系,这仍然是一个悬而未决的问题。罗杰·彭罗斯想到了一个实验,在这个实验中,光通过辐射压力与机械装置相耦合。在他们的综述中,研究人员表示,虽然这些物理学中非常基本的问题仍未解决,但反射激光的大规模设备的高度屏蔽耦合正开始改善传感器技术。




The existence of quantum correlations affects both microscopic and macroscopic systems. On macroscopic systems, they are difficult to observe and usually irrelevant for the system's evolution due to the frequent energy exchange with the environment. The world-wide network of gravitational-wave (GW) observatories exploits optical as well as mechanical systems that are highly macroscopic and largely decoupled from the environment. The quasi-monochromatic light fields in the kilometer-scale arm resonators have photon excitation numbers larger than 1019, and the mirrors that are quasi-free falling in propagation direction of the light fields have masses of around 40 kg. Recent observations on the GW observatories LIGO and Virgo clearly showed that the quantum uncertainty of one system affected the uncertainty of the other. Here, we review these observations and provide links to research goals targeted with mesoscopic optomechanical systems in other fields of fundamental physical research. These may have Gaussian quantum uncertainties as the ones in GW observatories or even non-Gaussian ones, such as Schrödinger cat states.


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