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已有 2126 次阅读 2022-3-13 16:01 |个人分类:新科技|系统分类:博客资讯




Georg Woltersdorf and Chris Körner in the lab. Credit: Uni Halle / Markus Scholz

由德国马丁路德·哈勒维腾贝格大学(Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg简称MLU2022310日提供的消息,MLU物理学家的一项新发现可能会淘汰计算机和智能手机中的某些部件。该团队已经成功地在普通磁性材料中直接将频率转换到更高的范围,而不需要额外的组件(Physicists show how frequencies can easily be multiplied without special circuitry)。倍频是现代电子学中的一个基本过程。该团队相关研究结果于2022310日已经在《科学》(Science)杂志网站发表——Chris Koerner, Rouven Dreyer, Martin Wagener, Niklas Liebing, Hans G. BauerGeorg Woltersdorf. Frequency multiplication by collective nanoscale spin wave dynamics. Science, Published 10 Mar 2022, 375(6585); 1165-1169. DOI: 10.1126/science.abm6044. https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abm6044

参与此项研究的除了MLU的研究人员之外,还有来自瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院(ETH Zürich)和德国其它机构的研究人员。

数字技术和设备已经消耗了全球大约10%的电力,而且这一趋势还在急剧上升。MLU物理学家格奥尔格·沃尔特斯多夫(Georg Woltersdorf)教授说:“因此,有必要开发出更有效的信息处理(information processing)组件。”

非线性电路通常用于产生当今设备运行所需的高频率千兆赫信号(gigahertz signals)MLU团队现在已经找到了一种方法,可以在磁性材料中实现这一点,而不需要通常使用的电子元件。相反,磁化是由一个低频兆赫源(megahertz source)激发的。利用新发现的效应,此源产生几个频率分量,每一个都是激励频率(excitation frequency)的倍数。它们覆盖六个八度音阶的范围,并达到几千兆赫(GHz)。格奥尔格·沃尔特斯多夫解释说:“这就像在钢琴上敲击最低音的同时听到了相应的高八度的和声(harmonic tones)。”

频率倍增的惊人效应可以用动态磁化在微米尺度上的同步切换来解释。“不同的区域不会同时转换。相反,它们是由相邻区域触发的,就像一排倒下的多米诺骨牌,”上述论文的第一作者、MLU物理研究所(Institute of Physics at MLU)的克里斯·科奈尔(Chris Körner)解释说。

这一发现也可能有助于使数字技术(digital technologies )在未来更加节能。这对于新的应用程序也很重要。今天的微电子学使用电子电荷作为信息载体。这种方法的一个主要缺点是电荷传输释放热量,因此需要大量的能量。自旋电子学(spin electronics)可以提供一种有希望的解决方案。除了利用电子的电荷,它还利用它的磁矩,或所谓的自旋。它的特性为显著提高能源效率提供了可能性。这一新发现的效应可以使自旋电子学在千兆赫(GHz)范围内节省空间和有效的频率源。


研究:自旋电子学的重要贡献迄今为止很少受到关注(Study: Important contribution to spintronics has received little consideration until now

Magnetism hits the high notes

The generation and propagation of magnetic excitations such as magnons and spin waves in ferromagnetic thin films provides a platform for the development of spin-based device technology. Koerner et al. report measurements on the magnetization dynamics of a nickel–iron film excited coherently by microwave magnetic fields from a coplanar wave guide. Using nitrogen vacancy center–based magnetometry and a time-resolved magneto-optical Kerr effect, the authors show that low excitation frequencies and low bias fields in the range of only a few milli-tesla results in the generation of magnons emitted at higher frequency. Extending over 60 harmonics of the excitation frequency, such upconversion of magnetic excitation frequencies should prove useful for spintronics applications. —ISO


Frequency multiplication is a process in modern electronics in which harmonics of the input frequency are generated in nonlinear electronic circuits. Devices based on the propagation and interaction of spin waves are a promising alternative to conventional electronics. The characteristic frequency of these excitations is in the gigahertz (GHz) range and devices are not readily interfaced with conventional electronics. Here, we locally probe the magnetic excitations in a soft magnetic material by optical methods and show that megahertz-range excitation frequencies cause switching effects on the micrometer scale, leading to phase-locked spin-wave emission in the GHz range. Indeed, the frequency multiplication process inside the magnetic medium covers six octaves and opens exciting perspectives for spintronic applications, such as all-magnetic mixers or on-chip GHz sources.


下一篇:MIT: 用于预测基因调控未来演变的 DNA“预言机”
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