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修饰催化剂将二氧化碳转化为汽油的效率提高了1000倍 精选

已有 5460 次阅读 2022-2-12 20:41 |个人分类:新科技|系统分类:博客资讯




Fig. 1 CO2 (black and red) and hydrogen molecules (blue) react with the help of a ruthenium-based catalyst. On the right, the uncoated catalyst produces the simplest hydrocarbon, methane. On the left, the coated catalyst produces longer chain hydrocarbons, like butane, propane and ethane. Credit: Chih-Jung Chen


Fig. 2 Chengshuang Zhou holds vials of ruthenium, left, and the coated catalyst, while Matteo Cargnello holds the pipe used for the reaction experiments. (Image credit: Mark Golden)

据美国斯坦福大学Stanford University)的安德鲁·迈尔斯(Andrew Myers2022210日报道,斯坦福大学的研究人员研制的催化剂,可以将二氧化碳(CO2)转化为汽油的效率提高了1000倍(Catalyst turns carbon dioxide into gasoline 1,000 times more efficiently)。相关研究结果已经在《美国国家科学院院刊》(Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences简称PNAS)网站发表——Chengshuang Zhou, Arun S. Asundi, Emmett D. Goodman, Jiyun Hong, Baraa Werghi, Adam S. Hoffman, Sindhu S. Nathan, Stacey F. Bent, Simon R. Bare, Matteo Cargnello. Steering CO2 hydrogenation toward C–C coupling to hydrocarbons using porous organic polymer/metal interfaces. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2022). DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2114768119. February 15, 2022 119 (7) e2114768119; DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2114768119. https://www.pnas.org/content/119/7/e2114768119.参与此项研究的除了斯坦福大学的研究人员之外,还有来自美国斯坦福直线加速器中心(Stanford Linear Accelerator Center简称SLAC)国家加速器实验室(SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)的研究人员。

上述图1Fig. 1)是二氧化碳(黑色和红色)和氢分子(蓝色)在钌基催化剂的帮助下发生反应。在右边,没有涂层的催化剂产生最简单的碳氢化合物——甲烷。在左边,被涂层的催化剂产生长链碳氢化合物,如丁烷、丙烷和乙烷。

致力于阻止温室气体扩散的工程师们知道,除了减少二氧化碳的排放,我们还需要从发电厂的烟雾或天空中去除二氧化碳。但是,我们该怎么处理这些捕获的碳呢?斯坦福大学的化学工程师马泰奥·卡尔涅洛(Matteo Cargnello Fig. 2)正致力于将其转化为其他有用的化学物质,如丙烷、丁烷或其他由长链碳和氢组成的碳氢化合物燃料。






完善聚合物(Perfecting the polymer

反应性显著提高的关键在于钌上的多孔塑料层。上述论文的第一作者、马泰奥·卡尔涅洛实验室的博士生周成双(Chengshuang Zhou音译)解释道,他进行了改进新涂层所需的研究和实验。他说,一种没有涂层的催化剂可以很好地工作,但只能产生甲烷,它是只有一个碳原子和四个氢组成的最简单的烷烃化合物。因为只有一个碳原子,所以它根本不是一个链。

周成双说:“未涂层的催化剂表面覆盖了太多的氢,限制了碳找到其它碳的能力。多孔聚合物控制着碳氢比,使我们能够在相同的反应中生成更长的碳链。这种特殊的、关键的相互作用是在SLAC国家实验室与领导联合使用权(Co-Access)的西蒙·贝尔博士(Dr. Simon Bare)的团队合作,使用同步加速器技术进行证实的。”



这项工作得到了帕卡德基金会(Packard Foundation )和斯坦福大学普雷科特能源研究所( Precourt Institute for Energy at Stanford University)的资助。光谱支持由劳伦斯·伯克利国家实验室(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)和SLAC国家加速器实验室(SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)提供。


新型催化剂有助于将二氧化碳转化为燃料(New catalyst helps turn carbon dioxide into fuel 


In the field of CO2 conversion, a crucial reaction for a sustainable future, controlling the selectivity to improve C–C coupling to higher products is challenging because of the notorious inertness of CO2 and the stepwise conversion that occurs on conventional catalysts. Here, we show that porous polymer encapsulation of metal-supported catalysts is capable of driving the selectivity in the CO2 conversion to hydrocarbons. With this strategy, we achieve an outstanding improvement in C–C coupling that results in orders of magnitude higher turnover frequencies for hydrocarbon formation compared to conventional catalysts.


The conversion of CO2 into fuels and chemicals is an attractive option for mitigating CO2 emissions. Controlling the selectivity of this process is beneficial to produce desirable liquid fuels, but C–C coupling is a limiting step in the reaction that requires high pressures. Here, we propose a strategy to favor C–C coupling on a supported Ru/TiO2 catalyst by encapsulating it within the polymer layers of an imine-based porous organic polymer that controls its selectivity. Such polymer confinement modifies the CO2 hydrogenation behavior of the Ru surface, significantly enhancing the C2+ production turnover frequency by 10-fold. We demonstrate that the polymer layers affect the adsorption of reactants and intermediates while being stable under the demanding reaction conditions. Our findings highlight the promising opportunity of using polymer/metal interfaces for the rational engineering of active sites and as a general tool for controlling selective transformations in supported catalyst systems.


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