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月球上的二氧化碳冷阱首次被证实 精选

已有 6131 次阅读 2021-11-16 21:33 |个人分类:新观察|系统分类:海外观察




A view of the lunar south pole, where newly confirmed carbon dioxide cold traps are located, according to new research in Geophysical Research Letters. Future missions on the Moon may target this region to find out more about the resources that may exist there. Credit: NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University 

据美国地球物理联合会(American Geophysical Union20211115日提供的消息,月球上的二氧化碳冷阱首次被证实(Carbon dioxide cold traps on the moon are confirmed for the first time)。上述照片是一幅月球南极的照片,新证实的二氧化碳冷阱位于那里。未来的月球任务可能会以这一地区为目标,以了解那里可能存在的更多资源。相关研究结果于2021107日已经在《地球物理研究快报》(Geophysical Research Letters)杂志网站发表——Norbert Schorghofer, Jean-Pierre Williams, Jose Martinez-Camacho, David A. Paige, Matthew A. Siegler. Carbon Dioxide Cold Traps on the Moon. Geophysical Research Letters, First published: 07 October 2021. DOI: 10.1029/2021GL095533. https://doi.org/10.1029/2021GL095533.




尽管多年来行星科学家们一直在预测冷阱的存在,但这项新研究是第一次坚定地建立和绘制二氧化碳冷阱存在的地图。为了找到月球表面最冷的地方,研究人员分析了来自预言者月球辐射计实验(Diviner Lunar Radiometer Experiment简称DLRE)中11年的温度数据,DLRE是美国国家航空航天局(NASA)月球勘测轨道飞行器(NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter)上的一个仪器。

这项新研究发表在AGU的《地球物理研究快报》(Geophysical Research Letters)杂志上,该杂志发表了高冲击力的短格式报告,对所有地球和空间科学都有直接影响。研究表明,这些冷阱包括几个集中在月球南极周围的区域。这些二氧化碳陷阱的总面积为204 km2,最大的区域是阿蒙森火山口(Amundsen Crater),拥有82 km2的陷阱。在这些地区,温度持续保持在60 K(约零下352)以下。


该研究的第一作者、行星科学研究所(Planetary Science Institute)的行星科学家Norbert Schörghofer说:“我想,当我开始研究时,我的问题是,‘我们能否自信地说月球上存在二氧化碳冷阱?’我惊讶的是,它们确实在那里。可能是因为我们无法确定它们的存在,(它们可能)只是地图上的一个像素……所以我认为令人惊讶的是,我们真的发现了毫无疑问是足够冷的连续的区域。”

管理月球(Managing the moon



科学家还可以研究月球上的碳,以了解有机化合物(organic compounds)是如何形成的,以及在这些恶劣的环境中会自然产生什么样的分子。

科罗拉多大学博尔德分校(University of Colorado, Boulder)的行星科学家保罗·海恩(Paul Hayne)表示,二氧化碳冷阱(carbon dioxide cold traps)还可以帮助科学家解答长期存在的关于地月系统(Earth-moon system)中水和其他挥发物起源的问题。保罗·海恩并未参与此项研究。





Water ice is expected to be trapped in permanently cold regions near the lunar poles. Other ices (“super-volatiles”) are trapped at lower temperatures, close to the lowest temperatures measured within the lunar permanently shadowed regions (PSRs). Here, the thermal stability of solid carbon dioxide in the south polar region is determined by analysis of 11 years of temperature measurements by Diviner, a radiometer onboard the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter. Sublimation rates averaged over a draconic year are far lower than peak sublimation rates. Small spatially contiguous pockets of CO2 ice stability are found in the craters Amundsen, Haworth, de Gerlache, and others, over a cumulative area of roughly 200 km2. The LCROSS probe impacted one of those pockets and released CO2, serving as validation of the thermal stability calculations. Future surface missions can utilize this highly localized resource for the production of fuel, steel, and biological materials.

Plain Language Summary

Carbon-bearing species would be essential for sustained robotic or human presence on the Moon, for use in rocket fuel and biological materials. Various volatiles can be cold-trapped in permanently shadowed craters near the lunar poles. The existence of carbon dioxide cold traps has previously been surmised, but the required temperatures are near the lowest surface temperatures that have been reliably measured. Extensive and improved analysis of 11 years of orbital surface temperature measurements establishes the existence of carbon dioxide cold traps on the Moon, which potentially host high concentrations of solid carbon dioxide. Large CO2 cold traps are rare, however, and the geographic concentration of the resource will have policy implications.


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