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微生物产生的纤维:比钢更坚硬,比凯夫拉尔纤维更坚韧 精选

已有 5842 次阅读 2021-7-22 07:56 |个人分类:新观察|系统分类:博客资讯





Fig. 1 The 128-repeat proteins resulted in a fiber with gigapascal strength which is stronger than common steel. The fibers' toughness is higher than Kevlar and all previous recombinant silk fibers. Its strength and toughness are even higher than some reported natural spider silk fibers. Credit: Washington University in St. Louis/Jingyao Li


Fig. 2 This chart compares the toughness and strength of different natural and recombinant silk fibers. In red is the polymeric amyloid fiber developed in Fuzhong Zhang's lab. Credit: Washington University in St. Louis/Jingyao Li 

据美国圣路易斯华盛顿大学(Washington University in St. Louis2021721日提供的消息,微生物产生的纤维:比钢更坚硬,比凯夫拉尔(Kevlar)纤维更坚韧。据说蜘蛛丝是地球上最坚韧的材料之一。但是现在,圣路易斯华盛顿大学的工程师们设计了淀粉样丝杂交蛋白(amyloid silk hybrid proteins),并用工程细菌生产它们。由此产生的纤维比一些天然的蜘蛛丝更坚韧。相关研究结果已经在《ACS Nano》杂志网站发表——Jingyao Li, Yaguang Zhu, Han Yu, Bin Dai, Young-Shin Jun, Fuzhong Zhang. Microbially Synthesized Polymeric Amyloid Fiber Promotes β-Nanocrystal Formation and Displays Gigapascal Tensile Strength. ACS Nano , 2021. DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.1c02944. https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acsnano.1c02944

确切地说,这种被称为“多聚淀粉样”纤维("polymeric amyloid" fiber)的人造丝并不是由研究人员在技术上制造的,而是由麦凯维工程学院(McKelvey School of Engineering)能源、环境与化学工程系教授张福忠(Fuzhong Zhang音译)的实验室通过基因工程细菌制造的。

张福忠以前也做过蜘蛛丝(spider silk)研究。2018年,他的实验室改造了一种重组蜘蛛丝(recombinant spider silk),使其在所有重要机械性能上都能与天然蜘蛛丝媲美。


该研究团队,包括此论文的第一作者、张福忠实验室的博士生李景耀(Jingyao Li音译),修改了蜘蛛丝蛋白质的氨基酸序列,引入新的特性,同时保留了蜘蛛丝的一些吸引人的特征。




蛋白质越长,产生的纤维就越坚韧。这些重复128次的蛋白质产生了一种具有吉帕斯卡强度(gigapascal strength)的纤维,这种纤维比普通钢更强。这种纤维的韧性(衡量断裂一根纤维需要多少能量的指标)比凯夫拉尔(Kevlar)纤维和之前所有的重组丝纤维都要高。它的强度和韧性甚至比一些报道的天然蜘蛛丝纤维还要高。

在与能源、环境与化学工程系的Young- Shin Jun教授和她的博士生朱亚光(Yaguang Zhu音译)的合作下,该团队证实了聚合物淀粉样纤维的高机械性能确实来自于增加的β纳米晶体数量。




The ability of amyloid proteins to form stable β-sheet nanofibrils has made them potential candidates for material innovation in nanotechnology. However, such a nanoscale feature has rarely translated into attractive macroscopic properties for mechanically demanding applications. Here, we present a strategy by fusing amyloid peptides with flexible linkers from spidroin; the resulting polymeric amyloid proteins can be biosynthesized using engineered microbes and wet-spun into macroscopic fibers. Using this strategy, fibers from three different amyloid groups were fabricated. Structural analyses unveil the presence of β-nanocrystals that resemble the cross-β structure of amyloid nanofibrils. These polymeric amyloid fibers have displayed strong and molecular-weight-dependent mechanical properties. Fibers made of a protein polymer containing 128 repeats of the FGAILSS sequence displayed an average ultimate tensile strength of 0.98 ± 0.08 GPa and an average toughness of 161 ± 26 MJ/m3, surpassing most recombinant protein fibers and even some natural spider silk fibers. The design strategy and the biosynthetic approach can be expanded to create numerous functional materials, and the macroscopic amyloid fibers will enable a wide range of mechanically demanding applications.


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