据美国加州大学河滨分校( University of California - Riverside简称UCR)2020年1月17日提供的消息,该校的一项新研究表明,大豆油(Soybean oil)不仅会导致肥胖和糖尿病,而且还会影响自闭症,阿尔茨海默氏病,焦虑症和抑郁症等神经系统疾病。而美国大豆油的消费最多。2017-2018年美国食用油消费结构见图1所示,其中豆油消费比例最大,其次是玉米油(Corn Oil)和菜籽油(Canola Oil)。
Fig. 1 Edible fats and oils consumed in theU.S., 2017/18. Credit: USDA
根据美国农业部的数据,大豆油(soybean oil)用于快餐油炸,添加到包装食品中以及用于饲养牲畜,是迄今为止美国生产和消费最广泛的食用油。它很可能对人类健康不利。
动物实验结果表明,豆油对老鼠健康不利。这项新的研究于2020年1月8日在《内分泌学》(Endocrinology)杂志上发表——Poonamjot Deol, Elena Kozlova, Matthew Valdez, Catherine Ho, Ei-Wen Yang, Holly Richardson, Gwendolyn Gonzalez, Edward Truong, Jack Reid, Joseph Valdez, Jonathan R Deans, Jose Martinez-Lomeli, Jane R Evans, Tao Jiang, Frances M Sladek, Margarita C Curras-Collazo. Dysregulation of Hypothalamic Gene Expression and the Oxytocinergic System by Soybean Oil Diets in Male Mice, Endocrinology, 2020, bqz044, DOI: 10.1210/endocr/bqz044, https://doi.org/10.1210/endocr/bqz044
该研究比较了老鼠饲喂3种不同的高脂肪饮食:大豆油,改性为亚油酸(linoleic acid)含量低的大豆油和椰子油(coconut oil)。
UCR神经科学副教授,这项研究的主要作者玛格丽塔·库拉斯-科拉佐(Margarita Curras-Collazo)说:“下丘脑通过您的新陈代谢调节体重,维持体温,对于生殖和身体生长以及您对压力的反应至关重要。”
研究小组确定了饲喂大豆油的小鼠中的许多基因不能正常运行。其中一种产生“爱”激素("love" hormone),即催产素(oxytocin)的基因。在用大豆油喂养的小鼠中,下丘脑中的催产素水平下降。
UCR毒理学家兼细胞生物学教授弗朗西斯·斯拉德克(Frances Sladek)说:“不要因此而抛弃豆腐、豆浆、毛豆或酱油等大豆制品的食用。” “许多大豆产品仅包含少量的大豆油,以及大量的健康化合物,例如人体必需的脂肪酸和蛋白质等。”
弗朗西斯·斯拉德克实验室的助理项目科学家,该研究的第一作者Poonamjot Deol说:“这可能有助于将来设计更健康的膳食油。”
Poonamjot Deol在最近的一项研究中说:“如果有一个我希望人们带走的信息,那就是:减少豆油的消耗。”更多信息请注意浏览原文或者相关报道。
GM soybean oil causes less obesity and insulin resistance but is harmful to liver function
Soybean oil consumption has increased greatly in the past half-century and is linked to obesity and diabetes. To test the hypothesis that soybean oil diet alters hypothalamic gene expression in conjunction with metabolic phenotype, we performed RNA-seq analysis using male mice fed isocaloric, high-fat diets based on conventional soybean oil (high in linoleic acid, LA), a genetically modified, low-LA soybean oil (Plenish) and coconut oil (high in saturated fat, containing no LA). The two soybean oil diets had similar, albeit non-identical, effects on the hypothalamic transcriptome, whereas the coconut oil diet had a negligible effect compared to a low-fat control diet. Dysregulated genes were associated with inflammation, neuroendocrine, neurochemical, and insulin signaling. Oxt was the only gene with metabolic, inflammation and neurological relevance upregulated by both soybean oil diets compared to both control diets. Oxytocin immunoreactivity in the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei of the hypothalamus was reduced while plasma oxytocin and hypothalamic Oxt were increased. These central and peripheral effects of soybean oil diets were correlated with glucose intolerance but not body weight. Alterations in hypothalamic Oxt and plasma oxytocin were not observed in coconut oil diet enriched in stigmasterol, a phytosterol found in soybean oil. We postulate that neither stigmasterol nor LA is responsible for effects of soybean oil diets on oxytocin and that Oxt mRNA levels could be associated with the diabetic state. Given its ubiquitous presence in the American diet, the observed effects of soybean oil on hypothalamic gene expression could have important public health ramifications.
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