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Excerpts from: Faculty positions: seeking the skill for a successful career in a

已有 2958 次阅读 2010-5-11 00:05 |个人分类:科研|系统分类:论文交流

Tenure-track faculty members must not only think well, but they must also write well, speak well, and interact with people well. They should have a keen business sense and be adept in managing budgets, projects, and people.

Paradoxically, they must be fiercely independent, yet able to collaborate well with others. They must be confident enough to know wehn they've found a scientific truth, but humble enough to admit when they are wrong.

They should be kind enough to mentor younger scientists, but singy enough with their time to be albe to manage it well.

In addition, faculty members must have a driving passion toward their research and be willing to devote a Herculean effort over many years.

1, Passion --Fuel that fans flames of success

This is something that cannot be feigned, learned, or coerced-- it either exists or it does not.  During the postdoc years, developing a track record of performance through publishing papers and fully researching opportunities in the field are probably the most important steps. Passion is what will carry a postdoc through the challenges.  I'd say for most of my life I never saw myself as going to work, I saw myself as going to do something I totally enjoy.

2, Standing upon the shoulders of giants

One of the first steps in graduate school and beyond is to seek out mentors who will provide guidance but who will also foster independence.  Early on in my career, senior people often gave me the opportunity to write reviews or to speak at meetings, and this really helped develop my skills. But one has to be careful about taking on too many administrative duties that would interfere with lab and teaching duties-- this is  especially important for women and minorities to remember, since they are frequently unrepresented on panels and often asked to participate in this way.

3, No man(or woman) is an island

To establish collaborations with other researchers and learning to depend on the help of others. Science is too dangerous to do alone-- too daunting, too lonely, and too huge. One should never be afaid about hiring or collaborating with somebody who is smarter. I think that's the only way that one can really advance and grow.

4, Winning at the lab business

Assistant professorship position where the salary and necessary startup equipment costs are covered for at least a full three years.  Regarding salary, according to a 2006-07 survey by the American Association of University Professors, salaries for full-time faculty averaged $73,207. By rank the average was $98,974 for professors, %69911 for associate professors, $58662 for assistant professors, $42,690 for instructors, and $48289 for lecturers, although these figures are not specific for the sciences.

Managing a lab is really managing a small business and these are skills. taking at least a few days to learn about budgeting, and mapping out a projected budget of what everything is going to cost.

When it comes ot managing people, lab tech and postdoc underlings are going to look to the leader of the lab.

You have to be explicit about your expectations; if you plan on working 15 hours a day in the beging, then you want a lab staff that will be willing to match that lifestyle.

 5, Creative funding strategies





to be continued.

from: dx.doi.org/10.1126/science.opms.r0800046.


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