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Some Tips for Sci-Tech Literature Retrieval: 1. Three steps to export literature

已有 3978 次阅读 2008-11-16 19:39 |个人分类:科研之路| literature, retrieval, export, litrature, literature, export

Some Tips for Sci-Tech Literature Retrieval: 1. Three steps to export literature and then import them to new library based on Endnote XI

         Having been engaged in research for several months, I also accumulated some tips for Sci-tech literature retrieval. Here I share some tips with research workers.

     How to export some literature in your existing library from Endnote andaddthem to another library created newly?

In our retrieving practice, we always come across these situations: we import a large variety of literature from web database (e.g. Web of knowledge) to our created library, however, when we write a paper or for other purposes, we only need to extract some literature from the existing library to a newly created library, since it is convenient for our witting, and we don't need to look for so many records from the big library. In the following, i will demonstrate a specific example for you.
The existing library in my example is phytoremediation.enl in literature management software Endnote XI; The newly created library is As phytoremediation.enl saved in F disk. My objective is to summarize the literature with respect to As phytoremediation; The task is to extract regarding literature existed in phytoremediation.enl and export them to As phytoremediation.enl.
First, select the regarding literature in "phytoremediation.enl".

Second, click the "file" and choose "export", and save as "As  phytoremediation.xml"

Third, open the newly created library "As phytoremediation.enl"; click "file" and choose "import";
Then click "choose file" and choose "As phytoremediation.xml" from F disk.
Click "Open" ,and select "Endnote generated XML " from "import option",then click "import", you will make a success.


下一篇:Some Tips for Sci-Tech Literature Retrieval: 2. How to search literature publish
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