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已有 7573 次阅读 2010-5-19 05:20 |个人分类:读书学艺|系统分类:人文社科



近来在读Thomas Sowell的Intellectuals and Society(《(公共)知识分子与社会》)。

Amazon上Intellectuals and Society的信息链接:http://www.amazon.com/o/ASIN/046501948X/#noop

Thomas Sowell是美国重要的保守派思想家之一。更为重要的是,他是一个黑人保守派思想家,这是很不常见的事情。wiki百科上是这样介绍的:

Thomas Sowell (born June 30, 1930), is an American economist, philosopher, political commentator, social critic and author. He often writes as an advocate of laissez-faire economics. He is currently a senior fellow of the Hoover Institution at Stanford University. In 1990, he won the Francis Boyer Award, presented by the American Enterprise Institute. In 2002 he was awarded the National Humanities Medal for prolific scholarship melding history, economics, and political science. In 2003, he was awarded the Bradley Prize for intellectual achievement.

wiki百科上Thomas Sowell资料链接:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Sowell

Thomas Sowell个人网站链接:http://www.tsowell.com/

Thomas Sowell在美国社会的影响不小,还获得过2002年的美国国家人文科学奖章(National Humanities Medal )。尽管Sowell在20出头的时候是一个Marxist,但他后来追随Milton Friedman,也成为很有成就的经济学家和思想家。他的转变,来源于他对与社会的实证研究。


The major themes and philosophies of Sowell's writing range from social policy on race, ethnic groups, education and decision-making, to classical and Marxist economics, to the problems of children perceived as having disabilities. Sowell has also extended his research from the United States to the international sphere, finding supporting data and patterns from several cultures and nations. He has demonstrated that similar incentives and constraints often result in similar outcomes among very different peoples and cultures.

Five themes in his work cut across specific topics:
1.The importance of empirical evidence, not only in a narrow technical sense but as reflected in the broad record of history.
2.The competing basic visions of policy makers, and their role in the interactions of elites versus the ordinary masses.
3.An importance of trade-offs, constraints and incentives in human decision making.
4.The significance of human capital—attitudes, skills, and work.
5.The importance of systemic (orderly, structured) processes for decision-making—from free markets to the rule of law.

These five keys place the economist's writings in the greater context of historical synthesis and human decision-making, rather than being simply those of a conservative pundit or "race" writer on particular contemporary social issues. Sowell's work is also a significant answer to critiques of economics arguing that the discipline has failed to come to grips with real world problems and is occupied too much with technical models and details, while paying little attention to historical processes.

照说,Thomas Sowell自己著作等身,又常常对公共和社会事务发表意见,也算是地地道道的公共知识分子,可是他却一直对所谓的公共知识分子大加批判。他在2010年1月出版的这本Intellectuals and Society新书,算是他在这方面的思想之总结与集成。

我以前对Thomas Sowell并没有直接了解,但因为自己一直在思考所谓公共知识分子的问题,自去年圣诞节前后就抽空在收集有关公共知识分子与社会的研究著作,结果发现了Thomas Sowell的这本新书,以及他的其它著作。







以下为youtube上Thomas Sowell谈Inttellectuals and Society的访谈视频:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERj3QeGw9Ok


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