我最近看到刚当选美国国家科学院院士的社会学家谢宇教授的于1989年获得威斯康辛大学社会学博士学位的论文The Process of Beconming a Scientist。他在这篇论文中通过对美国科学家和非科学家群体的社会来源于家庭出生的数据比较,检验和验证了Merton提出的科学的普遍主义假设(Universalism hypothesis)中的问题和有效性。
1. The social origins of scientists in different fields are largely homogeneous.
2. It is found that the most important step in the process ofbecoming a scientist is higher education. After education is controlled, most of the family background factors do not affect a person's likelihood ofbecoming a
scientist. Exceptions to this generalization involve family's socialization factors such as father being a scientist.3. Changes in the openness of science over time are small. The changes are in the direction ofincreasing the importance of education over birth cohorts.
4. In general, high school students of racial and religious minority groups are more likely to plan to become scientists than are whites and Protestants, controlling for family resources and academic performance.
Positive effects of racial and religious minority status are also found to affect students' likelihood to be in science majors and graduates'likelihood to obtain degrees in science. This evidence supports the hypothesis that persons from socially disadvantaged strata may prefer science as a channel of mobility because discrimination there may be less due to the ostensible emphasis on universalistic criteria in science.5. A small proportion of individuals from a given cohort actually becomes scientists.
6. Females are mcch less likely to be scientists than are males. The reasons for this are unclear.
7. Several earlier conjectures based on "convenient data" in the literature turn out to be false. For example, there is no evidence for the claim that firstborns and earlyborns are more likely to be scientists than laterborns. Nor is there any evidence for the hypothesis that Catholics are less inclined to enter science than Protestants. The assertion that scientists are from high status families is correct merely in so far as family status affects education attainment, which in turn increases the likelihood of becoming a scientist.
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