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English at Large and ESL for immigrants 精选

已有 7140 次阅读 2016-6-23 06:13 |个人分类:生活点滴|系统分类:海外观察

For new readers and those whorequest to be “好友 good friends”  please read my 公告first.

One of the benefits for new immigrants to the US is the no-cost ability to learn English. In public school, English as a Second Language (ESL) are taught as required by law and ESL teachers are hired often to teach students one-on-one until they can master regular classes. For adult immigrants there is the non-profit organization called English at Large (EaL)which trains volunteers to teach  adult immigrants one-on- one in weekly sessions.  There are no cost for   the immigrants except a willingness to learn. The relationship last over several years between the volunteer trainer and the trainee. Often lasting friendships develop. My wife, as I reported earlier, was an ESL teacher and in  EaL organization through her volunteer work with Chinese seniors  in Lexington. The EaL organization in Boston served 21 surrounding towns  and operates using government grants and private donations.  On June 16, 2016, the EaL hosted a party to thank various volunteers and  donors at our home. Below are some pictures taken on the occasion.

By the way, America has many benefits (monetary and otherwise)  for new immigrants particularly, senior immigrants which are second to none.  There are cases where the adult sons and daughters have return to China due to opportunities but their parents choose to remain in the US because  of the social benefits available.

EaL Director, Trainee, and Trainer

EaL phamlet and literature

Party food

Guests and Donors


上一篇:[转载]Chinese S & T according to the Economist Mag
下一篇:College Admission for Chinese American Students
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