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wingvestige 2020-10-20 16:58
fmjzjn 2020-6-17 08:21
kiwaho 2020-5-2 10:25
Do it home to save life from drowning of coronavirus

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A Family history of Humanity by Simon Sebag Montefiore 2024-06-23
The Book (1300+ pages) – A Family history of Humanity by Simon Sebag Montefiore I accidentally came upon a copy of this  book (first publis ...
My 70+ Years Old Misconception about US Immigration Laws 2024-06-19
America is often celebrated as a nation of immigrants (for their contributions and patriotiism) .  However, one may also argue that the US is a ...
Getting there is all the fun! 2024-06-18
Last night I received a phone call from a former Tsinghua student who was a student in my class when I lectured there in 2004. Since then he has come ...
The Revolution in illegal drugs 2024-06-10
It is worthwhile to take note of the technological, social, and commercial revolution taking place in illegal drugs. In the olden day when opium firs ...
Another giant of control leaves us 2024-06-06
I just learned that Bristish control theorist, David Mayne, unexpectedly passed away on May 27 after spending a festive week with friends and family. ...
To young scholars wishing to learn (II) 2024-06-03
.In my active research days, I supervise no more than five students at any one time. To teach research and explore new topics, you need working wit ...
To young scholars wishing to learn 2024-06-02
TO: Young scholars wishing to establish communication relationship with me   I receive request from young Chinese scholars exclusively al ...
Another advantage of senior community living 2024-05-29
Recently having living in this senior community for more than 2 years, I came to appreciate another advantage of such place - complete safety for the ...
Climate Change, Home Insurance, and the Plastic crisis 2024-05-22
As a result of climate change, wide fire in Westerm states became numerous. Many home owners find their home are no longer insurable (i.e. their poil ...
There are no magic learning pills or free lunches 2024-05-19
Often influenced by Kung-Fu novels where a person accidentally found a magic instruction book and overnight became a expert in martila arts, young sc ...
The Peter Principle of Management 2024-05-08
The Peter Principle says "people are always promoted to the level at which they are incompetent". The logic here is that employee are rewarded fo ...
on Fame, fortune and Power 2024-05-05
Fame, Fortune, and Power It can be argued that once basic survival needs have been met all human beings in modern civilization have the selfish ur ...
Use it or you lose it 2024-05-01
I did my last serious research work in 2009 (age 75 at that time). Since then any technical writing I do are of the broadstorke/explanation kind rath ...
Discourse vs Discord - Some Random Thoughts 2024-04-29
In this connected and globalized world, anger and distrust prevail. Instead of civil discourse we end up with discord .Instead of listening withou ...
Winston Churchill said it long ago . . . 2024-03-18
Two famous Churchill sayings go a long way in my opinion to explain the current political gridlock in the US. If you are a Democrats in the US, you ...
You Tube Video 2024-03-15
In retirement, I do watch a lot of TV. Mostly I watch news program, political talk shows, and old movies. The last category brings back memories and ...
Danger of Chat-GPT and Generative AI 2024-03-13
In one of my earlier blogs, I wrote about my experience with Chat-GPT in which I ask GPT to produce a biography of myself. When I found many untruths ...
A life of the mind 2024-03-04
This may be self rationalizing or 20/20 hind sight. Looking back of my life endeavor of some 65+ years (since my first published paper in 1955), I am ...



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