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American Youth on College Life (9) 精选

已有 9589 次阅读 2010-10-15 17:59 |个人分类:生活点滴|系统分类:海外观察

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Here is the ninth of the series of blog articles by my Grandson Daniel on American College Life posted below unedited.
Eventually there may come a time when you hit a wall. In spite of all your studying, your time management skills, all your plans, there may come a time when you are simply overwhelmed with the amount of work that you have to do. This is not only true of school, but of life in general.
         For school, I find this time usually comes around midterms and finals. College itself can be a shock, the workload is usually much more than what you have previously experienced. But the weeks of midterms and finals is when you have all your major assignments due, papers, labs, tests, large amounts of texts to be read, and presentations. At these times, it is easy to feel stressed and as a consequence of attempting to get everything done, you may lose sleep, not eat properly, or both.
         I am not going to give you tips on how to avoid this situation. Frankly, it is my belief that everyone will come to a point like this, no matter how good their time management skills are, or despite how well they can plan things out. Even the smartest people will have times when they just have too much work to handle. Plus most of you likely already have your own studying methods, your own schedules, and they work for you. What I will suggest are some ways to possibly deal with this situation, when, and I do mean when, it happens.
1.) Prioritize. As time wears on, you will become tired and slower. You might sacrifice sleep or proper food in order to maximize the time that you have. Thus it is important that you take care of your most immediate problems first. When I say immediate, I do not always mean what is due first. If you have a minor assignment due tonight, but you think the time would be better spent working on a major paper due tomorrow, then you should tackle the paper first. I think it would be better to miss a minor assignment rather than to do poorly on a major paper.
         One example of this was one of my roommates who was working on a paper that was due in the afternoon. He chose to skip his morning class and spent the time working on the paper. I am not advocating skipping class, but if you have good attendance and there is nothing major going on that day, you could choose to miss it this one time and work on the major project that you have due.
2.) Clear your head. I realize that you may be strapped for time. However if you try and take on everything at once, you will burn out and end up doing sub par work on your assignments, and tax your body and your mind. I have had friends and roommates who have collapsed or become physically ill from attempting to do everything at once. If you are sick or asleep you won’t be able to get any work done as opposed to at least some of it. Take a walk, make some tea, or even take a quick nap. Just be sure that you don’t take too long.
         For example, if you are working all night and day on a paper without taking a break or a nap, it is possible to fall asleep while writing the paper and then missing the actual class when you have to turn in the paper.
         Again, try not to get to discouraged. It is easy to get lost in the sheer amount of work that you have to do, but the important thing is that you keep your focus. And hey, once it’s all over, make sure you treat yourself to a well deserved rest.


下一篇:For Readers seeking help and advice (II)
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