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Normalization of Lies and Erosion of Trust

已有 7373 次阅读 2017-4-4 03:11 |个人分类:生活点滴|系统分类:海外观察

For new readers and those who request to be“好友 good friends”  please  read my 公告 firstNormalization of Lies and Erosion of Trust

Regardless of you are a Democrat or a Republican, a Trump supporter  or not,  one thing (consequence) most of us can agree on since the Trump campaign and presidency in the US is the title of this blog. When Trump speaks or tweets, often time he knows he is telling a lie and he also  knows that you know it is a lie yet he goes on to tell it. He does this so often that  it becomes no longer shocking (The  Economist magazine reported last week  that Trump told 327 “lies/untruth” in the first 65 days of his administration).  It is his NORMAL routine. People get used to it and no longer cares. There in gives rise to the second part of the title of this blog. Public trust in the  Presidency disappears. This is worrisome and dangerous. In  particular, when  he meets foreign leaders face-to-face who can trust  what he says.  Diplomacy and treaty will all take on new meaning.Trump is only 5% into his 4 year tenure. I fear what may happen in the  remaining 95%.


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