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IACS symposium and the Chavez talk on financial engineering
The Institute of Applied Computational Sciences at Harvard’s Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences sponsors a Winter Compufest each year during January. I have reported on the previous fests of “Markov Centennial” and “Computing at Exa Scale” in these pages. This year it featured the keynote talk of “Data, Dollar, and Algorithms” given by the treasurer of the Goldman Sachs, the famed investment bank, Dr. Martin Chavez who is a computer science Ph.D from Harvard and Stanford.
He said :
1. the main business of firms like Goldman Sachs is to “take, match, and source RISKS of all kinds” to facilitate commerce. A prime example is the risk of crude oil price and the finished gasoline price for airlines.
2. 1/3 of the employees at GS are scientists/engineers and not financial types.
3. GS maintains huge databases of financial data in petabytes and growing exponentially. But these data enables tremendous saving in digital financial transactions. It use to take 50 million dollar to finance a start up but only 3 million now to do the same. NYSE use to require 600 traders to handle certain stock business but now only requires two persons.
4. Application Program Interface (API) is a big business and gradually eliminating humans for large financial transactions to be handled automatically (i.e., different financial programs and data bases talk to each other without human intervention and translation). He gave the example of UBER (taxi business) that directly uses the Amazon system called AWS.
5. GS is planning to get into the consumer loan business via their product called MARCUS.
My own take away from his talk: How “computing” is changing the nature of employment in the financial business as well as elsewhere (see my previous article “…in the future… http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-1565-1027626.html ”. Young persons about to enter society take note.
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